Show Triullf In the Ciillinllr linrrli Washington Oct 8Th opinion It freely eiprctted by ccclctlattlca ol the Cahollc church at Wathlngton that the Iroublet with the church have not ended with the Millop Kcano Incident and will be renewed at Home by panties to the present controversy It It I fully expected ex-pected hy the frlendt ol Dr Hooker secretary to the papal delegate that the forces which brought about lllilion Kearnei rellrrmcnt ham the Catholic unlvenlty endeavor to I > > secure the retirement ol Hooker who It I a friend ol Million Keane and Archblthop Ireland Cardinal Satolll It I due In Genoa today to-day II I le will go direct to Home but will ttopat Mlllan and 1eriirfU The e > peclatlon U that limo names ol Ur Con sly t And others fropoicd for the rector thieved until the sacred congregation now In recess reconvenes the second Monday November and the final de cltlon will be made known early In December De-cember Mgr Marllnclll U confining hit attention atten-tion wholly the work ol the delegation delega-tion v hlch U largely ol a routine character charac-ter and hat carefully refrained front any participation In the differences within the church |