Show 4 REPEATS THE OFFENSE x I Dlsmarcks + Or an Makes Other Revolutions 1Ind Ituslsn TUIII leas a lIeal Trlunplo or UumnIII naml May ship esran nail lie ntel1 lIonolnll tllimarrli Hamburg Nor hthe Hamburger Nrhrlchtan the Depart 6l Prince III marck hut another rlUle on Ihe luhjeet ol I tve Itutto rierrntn treaty which lrmlnatrd 1 In lO and l the dUelotureol which by he Nachrlehtcn lilt creaUd such teniallon In ISuropc The article licnillled I The ItuMlan Treaty and rietcrtbei Itlnce fllimarcVt entente with Ruttla at a brilliant success ol German ttaletmanthlp The article then proceeds to ayi We uo not admit Chit a rapproche mint with Riitila lied lot all value by the conclutlon ol lire drelbund treaty nor will our allies shave this opinion Reconciliation U I not unknown or un desired by them On the contrary II ln 1 beet noted with atltfacllon thai dermanv aUayt employed the Kuttlari rntente to preverl and itttle dlfferencti between Resale and Auttrla Hud Au < lila and Italy thought otherwise they would during the reign ol William I liav made repretenUlloni on the nib i el Ibis wm never done although they were wire ol our political tell linn Among the motive for our expose ol tie Kutto icrman relatloni ill ol which we do not eel called upon to Jit riot li I the conllnilil llUlfleallon ol historical facti by the clerical and llb eral I and even the semi I official preu whh the illthoneil purpose ol making the government nl I William 1 and 01 DUmarck retpontlble lot all preterit coils etpeelally the rupture ol the former for-mer lavorable relatloni with Ruitla a rupture which certain doe not Inv prove Oernianvi potlllon tln Europe Therefore we publish the tact tint the rupture wa brought shout during the ailnilnltlrallon ol ten Von Ciprltl through hit unqualified refusal of Km shAseequuel for the continuance the entente Agalntt aulhenllcprooftliat the breaking < with HuiU occurred under Von Caprlvl the Infamous culmination ilOermanyt policy under William I cannot he proved Wo I should be Icemed more correct had an offllclal and documentary explanation ol the truth been forthcoming us In the cue 01 the Enis dispatch and we even now rteoinmend Hill cAurte I Time reference to Iho Him Jlijolch li doubtless to the publication by Prince Illiniarcka authority upon the eve ol the outbreak ot the Franco Iruttlan war ol the dealt ol a truly between Friittla and Francs guaranteeing to the one country Hi nquettt and permit Ing to the other aiitietathn 01 Holland a dealt 01 which Hitman claimed to possess 1 written bjr M IkncJolt the French emlwiiador In Germany by lilt own hand The publlcaton ol Ihli beret document beating dale nl the end ol iDAo riltwl a great parliamentary parliament-ary tturni In Prance and nccettliated mlnltlcrlal eiplanathnt II was claimed I on behalf ol M lUneillttl that the ierman chancellor had dictated to the french embaxador line rondl Ions 01 a future entente and had then put noble shin plan to bide hit lime lor II t ute |