Show Chum It Ulrctory uniliiur IAntOR Sunday sclrfMtl WIT Utimlay Hi 10 a m lii the Flake II00M Awramwii i meeting m S pln every Sunday uY IInf t M M I 1 A etery Samlay I l 1M V u In Make ICIIIM m1MIICUATInAL CIIIICII 1rrehing rrrvlevrry 01 IIlIh day I cr hll lIahAY 11t1I01 rry Fundsr at ffo p III Y I S C alter 6uulay peIsd tltCIIulI lanIlY lslnr 618 14111 I HIOItItII Mr 111 l Ihvli u imiinlneiit livery mm and inrrrliant al llMlwn Vn hat hie In soy utt rln > muml m I take phtaiur In teeommemllng Chamberlain Chamber-lain Pain lUlm for rhiumatUnia I know rum pwatHMtl oipwlni Itiat It Mill do all that lcUlmwl I I ul II A yuar ago Ihltiprliig my brother aa told up In 110 + 1 with liilliniiiialorrliwiuutiin midtiiHVrlnitInltniMly Tile Orol nppUta tluil nf Oh mibirUin1 lulu Ililm eamul 1 the pain unit the UM of ono bottle Mine < < nletely cured him For aale I by John lluyd u A Hon A < ttitr ll lr i > I I Mess May IS I8MI I I rmruH TIMM Dun ft II h lust l i weak TIHHII you iwUMiMl lliu new i 11th uil gaum law I You iuul trout mud ban from I Ills January to loth July The Tribune and Ilepu 1 rpt Owr quote rum I5lli January to lit l July rlaato say whleh Is I correct RMKI fully W IiKin Tint Tim wai In error Tlie date ihmilil retul from January Iftlli to July 11Eu1 1 Is r lluotr Ilkeumlin Mm It I lHmnil of I irmount III + immnatii Mv tidir Mil ClitmlxT lalni hiln llalin for inufrtllar rtieuiaa UIII nod ll aconiplulf euro 1 keep It In Ilia lioumut all limn mid lute awway oulIIIL I Iwnrtli iitl dir nnbo and pain H li I the Inlb1 iiur toe rheuumlhiin imiKtilar paint ami limn new I huveevcr It vn Firwlalij John Hoyden A Sea II you want u rellahla life that will color an even brown nr W kand l will plixiie nod tautly you reed time um Uuiklnghaina Dye for IIIf Whltkera I I Fur ele ry < Uiirt r In i maiii iw < ktl them lire n iluiert uee uml llo tiw i talusu onu In inch a way s u iKrlfo 1 the rout vat Umelll vvriuw rout who lur lillil tell 1 Wu twlivtv Uo eirr tluit IK U > tlir use mill 101 1 b > male of one of tlivntf iii rtfrii than tu I 010hegu It far a Iwttlo 01 ClminUrliini Calk OliJlfM ami IlIanh l lkmwlp l a mrillttno Hint wy ainily should U prur01e11 with For win by J UN n llnviltn 1 A gull I Couuty lleiHumtle Contention I Iurananl tu I the sail of ja gm fcm tars lIe euinulgu a UrnHwnMlctimniy 11I1111111I1 Is Irtub wuulouMt to inert at Iatk l In fish 011 KiturJMv tli iI1 dry of l II I 3rtKrlfl r i > IICIII l a 9nelok p PSI fur lhi > > urKwi rusuuug locust issue drlgatra end lull Alluns4Iesut reprwe it hiss vuuly u I hiimuni m thus Stale IKi arrtlc IMIVVIII buhMimwwa In IJUM I the l sty 1 nl I 1 the tkl day ut June IHuii to lUvi I iLiuuniM in i hit lallu + lal lIllu + 11ch ftlIIVltIlit th lIy III nOh aa ell thin 11h day 01 I Julv UtIIIl ATm I u Ib iOI1CI111I1I UII 111 Itll Ills teotrala OIIIIIIIUM I I kIal to I seal t Utllll e nvenNon a spltrtlund 1I1IOt tiuv sveral 1 pro chit as ulluar urlvlilr U KIO 1 I 1IIWItr I Ilwlvllh B KI4 I Oakuy I Iark Clt IU I ley lark 1 n 1 Iukll J I lul Ito lrout 1 t t a nilani I i lu Villhll Flu i + 1 h urirt IIlilqllU RO ruluelsnl hi mull pnrhlet ItllniU fur thw IIHW ul MMUn I 1l tllrIO Iho woDtr MRMMb Atiffilr 10 I IAkutt J > 1 htovtscx Clfalruiau JPR xivh > ircr < e Over Thirty Years 1 Without Sickness I Mr It WrrrnTiivattellknown nterprliliiR clllnn of III rout Ill i write ItiforB 11 laud w h nllln tins to tffriilnlliiK lIe Iwwelis 1 lianlly know a well lay but since 1 Iranuii the cTll rr nulls of runslipatlon jK nuul the chicory oC w AVERS i r Illl 11m e not had J C9 A our ilaya ulrkneM fur jour thirty rnrs not one attack that illil not rradily MC 11 to tills tiiinil My 1 waft h1I1 l lath I preM rua to our inirrinit an iiitalxl for Jrars Mm haul n < rijinlicpnKiiii > t rttliartlif hilt nn muss ni nut Upn to HUD hers Tills her Jiialth Ins AVERS PI Cathartic Pills JMi ttt Diploma at Worlds lair Ti ftiittrt Slrtjta Sale Atrs Slntpirilli x Isutltpr alt WI 1alr Ayer Saroapiiillla onjoyii thin extra onlinnry illftlnrtloii of liuvlnif Incn the only blooil imrlliiT allonnl an cxlillilt at Ilio 11urlds I Iulr I Clilrauo Maiiu iicturrm > f ntli < r raninurllla tounht liyiTiry loran to obtain n ihowlnicof their I guile but lly wnu ml nrnil away under thr nppllfnlliin r I ot thu ruin iirliliMliiK I Um pnlrv ol Miint nif < lloliii n and iiiMiruinii rol ilwlnlon i 11 the Wnililn 1ilr autliorllln In aor nf Api < II + urrhtrllls I win liicirt t mfol lows 3ere iHirwpnrllln li not a puleiit innllrliip It du not lx > ljii lo lie Hit of mMlrnmr Ills In nil In merit t iiiuiaHiioiil rut mum I II I W Fuller ot Canajohirln 10 Y unyvthathn alivnya LWM Dr Ki > ira Nw lkriniy In the homo and hi family list slwya Am ml the vrv licit mtulla follow in liar that he would not li I without ll If prorimihlo II I A lijkeman l Irujwil 1 ell to k III N Y I < iy That Dr > KliiEa New Dltoovvry In I Ilildunblnlli thin Irrt HHigh remedy 1111llIIliIIII that ho hula iiMnl it in hit family f ir fUht yenta and It hue never fnlliM I t u do lf lltl I tI It all that Is I claimed for U I Why mil Icy a nimv HI lone trliil 1 uml 1 temed Trlul lullle l s fn < < al Jlhn lUivili 11011 + Inhr slur Ilcgullrso Mk IIn1 I 11 1 As 11 tut Uonur I a 2Ir Dl q Ii Ifli I J CREAM i BJUON6 PO 4IDIR a Ar t or iW1T lr MOST PERFECT MADE i I A pure Crape Cream of Talon Powder fin I from Amnioniallum or any olho adulterant I 40 YEARS THE I STANDARD J BARGAINS 1500 YARDS OF VIDE JL J E1 20 yds for 1 Better Value than Prints i 1 A general cut in the line of ers Fan 3 Will sell at reduced prices until present stock is sold out Now is the time to secure J3a11gait1S I Peoples Mer Co ALMA ELDREDGE Manager RS M E RHOADES Un 1111 Uchcd n llciinliriil I Aa rltI1I1 or sllht fur 11nhIn At 35c and SOc per yard Best Weber Coal OLD CHURCH CULLEN MINES Gt1ass CJtOeel 2100 lb Cullen Mine lump 200 2100 Ibs Old Church lump 175 2100 tbs 1 Stove Coal 80 Good wheat or oats taken in exchange for coal Stabling niul bunk house furnished free i I W W CLUFF Prop OYDENSlRU STORE 0 Prescriptions Filled HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE STATIONERY COALVILLE COAL Always On Hand at the WASATCH MINE 0 Lump 200 Stove 125 T mll LoiI l O O FroiiiiilI tIJ N 0 DoI O I 0 f PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY Weber Coal Dept O S M Co |