Show 1 V OASOVAS Oi1 SPAIN THE PRIME MINISTER OP THE COUNTRY IS A SCHOLAR raid Is II 4n nl flu 1IIhlI bll and aloes 1n101lrlu1 eppmtre nl tI Monrehlel Idea 10 the Wo101 1 mid y I I EXOIt Antonio Canov del Cal 1 tlllo the prime minister at Spain c who apologized 10 United States lIn ° liter Taylor for the hostile demonstration Ii fr demonstra-tion ot the mob at v > Darcelona Is ono Cy t rar the most eminent emi-nent literary men of Uurope betides being a really good statesman Since ho formed his ministry minis-try a year ago last Juno ho has earned praise from the Spanish people U was Canoviis who ordered Concas the geographer to apologize to Minister Talor recently for having spoken nbuilitly of the United State and It wa by his order that special detachment detach-ment of police were put Into service to present any serious attack on the legs tlor ot tho United State All this was thoughtful and wise And now comes Senor Canoins to apologlto for tho attack at-tack on Iho consulate at Darcelona The premier was born In 1830 and his public life began In 1851 when ho became be-came editor of tho Patrla Three lean later ho was named deputy for Malaga and has been In the cozies ever since that time Ho has had some diplomatic experience In 1S50 ho wa charge daffalie at Homo Ho It was who was latgcly concerned In drawing up tho concordat between Spain and tho holy ore Ho has been In turn Governor of Cadlt director general of the administration adminis-tration and under secretary ef state for the Interior In Itch olio queen called him to the ministry and ho was minister minis-ter of finance and of the colonies PassIng Pass-Ing through the revolution Ills greatest triumph was to uphold legitimate and constitutional monarchy In tho constituent con-stituent assembly ot HC3 In the face of triumphant revolution Tor this ho his Income the supremo director ot the AUnnilst party and his honors In that rapidly have been lutnclcnt to makeup make-up a small history In themselves In pile of extraordinarily busy public and political life he has found limo to write numerous books on moral and political science which have placed him In the z c 81NUII CANOVAS forefront ot the profoundest thinker of Kuropo and have won for him large honors from several continental monarch mon-arch Take him all around Honor Cancnas Is one of the brightest ablest most Intellectual supporters of the monarchist Idea In the world today |