Show Th ImimrUne nf a < tun l llrrhril It Is no uncommon thing to find among our acquaintances that many persons when asked aa to the kind of breakfast they eat reply that they cither cat none at all or only perhaps drink a cup of coffee or tea says the Family Doctor It Is I true that the ordinary or-dinary Hngllsh breakfast Is I calculated to strike terror In tho minds of the average European and French people would bo appalled at the Idea of cat lag breakfast or a couple of chops the 1b Oll first thing In the morning and yet It I Is I a great inlslako to commence the day without a good meal as a founds I Clot It rosy have been notlcsd by thai j who have no appetite for breakfait that even If hungry on retiring la on exception 11 ex-ception to havo B feeling of hunger on awakening the morning It Is I probable prob-able bat during the deep the func lions of digestion being In abeyance the ttomarh contracts and thla Is I probably prob-ably why some person cannot eat late at night The empty stomach having I no function to perform contracts itself It-self and In the morning It require some little stimulation for It to begin I It dally work This Is I why so many especially Invalids cannot take a heavy I breakfast For those who can do so It ia a good plan to drink B little cold water I on rising It washes out the stomach takes away any mucus that might have I collected there In the night and stimulate stimu-late the digestive glands to give forth their secretions and prepare tor that I Important act digestion |