Show neap rumi There aro several nnd plant In the world wlioso berries julco or bark I are lIa goal to wash with ne real soap In tho Ueit India Island nnd In SOUL America erontn treowhovjfrultmakr nn excellent lather and Is l used to wash I clothe The bark of tho tree which crows In Peru and of another which grows In Malay Islands yields a line I soap The common soapwort which Indigenous I ta England and la found nearly everywhere In Iurorw Is so full I I of saponlno that simply rubbing tho leaves together In tcr produces a soapy lather Ii t Mothers Anxiously watch declining health of their ilausliten So many an cut off by comumpllon In early years that hero li real canto for anxiety In the early stage when not beyond the reach of medicine bloods Samoa parllla will rwloro the quality and quantity 1 of the blood and thus give rood health ItcaiHImfollowInglclter It Is but Jail la write about my daughter Cora aged 10 Bbe ws completely com-pletely ran down declining had that tired Idling and friends call she would not live over bees months Bhe bad a bad Cug and nothing seemed to do her any good I happened to read about Hoods Samps rllla sod had her giro It a trial from the very first dote ho begin to gel better After taking a fen lollies she seta com Ittely cured aud her health has been tha hot ever since MRS AODtn 1ECff 12 lUllrond Place Amsterdam K Y I will any that my mother has not tined my case lu as strong words a < I would have done Hood I Barssrnrlll r baa truly cured mound I am now well Con Irciti Anntcrdam N Y 1 lie sure to get Hoods becauM Hoods oJ Sarsaparilla f lithe One True Purifier AllilrulcKH It frejarc only by C I Hoo1 I S Co li < II Mass i It r are purrly naltblere > + llOOtl PlllS millsMlienrncUL a Remember I You are wasting money when you buy cheap ncling instead of the test Remember there is no just as good when the merchant urges something else for 1 Se 1 r I vses I Bias Velveteen Skirl Blndlnt Look fcr S II see M on tin Lett r and take no other 11 your dealer will not supply you I wo will J Ssnlforrm IsrhavlnrhMh l l lU mitlili f1 BIHS II AH CaPOt it9 H wYoikCliy UlfEHAVE 1 N0 AGENTS Iuu > tat N1 dire le tk < tea IWE I shiner atbol Is prks tisane ken fernln 1 J slWn trn tae Lry lathe rmnl4lesark AmtbOrIP etC A I et-C or wrNrrnwaro 1 lunn 011101 a has t area alO cu ltaaasT w 0 run aver r0 l 40O 1 1 s A taA B A ST I tl tarn IT WONT RUB OFF 517 1 vrt Mnll lnnrr Is rnnnnllnrj UAI HIDIINH IH I TKJiroltAUV 1IOTN JtlllS OT1 AMI MUAIIN f I I 7 J A I ADAOTIMC U a puiA pemtantnt aut rll > tla j wUli We sat twit uR rntjofor ALABAbflNE wsxXya > I rwIa 5 I b1 llllllolfln cOld oller I 1 Ior Nile bj Taint Healern ierywliere 1 < r L DW aerate yr a FREE A TIt CArd rteIng 19 dIlblo hats loa AUUitln f t a r awn yrny lrW axlrnlr ltnekenl tear to aarnnsmot chin IhLMMr < IwarnorlMH lr UVllH IlUNTIiI lr irandRap dsalieh r fc 10 k JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL I a jr e I c A very smooth articles o a P E L j C H Donft compare Battle Ax 1 g with low grade tobaccos compare 1 Battle Ax with the best on I the market and you will find you 1 = get for 5 cents almost as much I ry Battle Ax as you do of other I 1 high grade brands for JO cents illlllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllUHIIHIIHiml 4 |