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Show An Ohio man recently hanged hlmtell Irom tho top roun 1 of a ladder, and lliut are wo again reminded that on tho ladder f lucoeaathero la alwaya room at the top. SPECIAL riCKIJT I1ATC3 rrnra Ct.ti 1'nlala laanla re float.." June 8 and 7 Kantaa City, Kt. Joe.. Lear-tnworth Lear-tnworth or Atclilaon and return, 131. 00. Junetand 7 Hltouliand return, I3J.&0 June o and T Chlraco and return, III.W-June III.W-June 0 and 10 HulTalo and return, IM.M, Juno It and 17 HI Ioul and roturn, KfM July l.JandS Dotrolt and return, 151 00. July 8, II and 10-ltlchmoud, Va., and return, re-turn, IMI 7(1. l'or full turtlculara concerning abort ratet, rail on or adlrvte (A 1' Warren, renrral agent A ,T HP railroad, ill Uo-iljr block, Halt t-alio r'lly, I'Uh. Hamuel Johntom A wnman'a preaching la Ilka a dog walking on hla hind lege. It la not dona well, but you are aurprlied to find It dune at all. The Ilaltlmore ft Ohio Railroad haa taken up the matter of Newa Agepti - an the tralna wild the reault that an trior t li to be made to prevent pa-aengera pa-aengera from being unneceuarlly liothered by tha eeltrra of newapapera, etc. Under the new arrangement the ! agent ran only call thulr gooda four tlmea within nn hour In the regular (lay coachea, and not at all In the uleeplng, parlor, chair or dining can, . It li well underalood that an occupant oc-cupant of any ot thue care can ! wara get what he wanta by calling on the porter whose duty It la to look nttcr the wanta of piaiengera, l'ew grata nldowaareoTcrgreen enough to wear weals. , tHlnt Mall It now can-tod on the Overland IJmlttd f th Vnloa l'aolfla, beeaute "Uncle bam" knows that tha Old Kellable" clvs th ' lkt a rrlce and raaket the quietest time of any Una In the wett Ticket oKce,"01d Bland," 101 Main street. IMBTBRN EXCURSIONS la Ilia lrnl. ralarn Itallwar. Omabaand return 133.00, June (th, 7th Kantai City and return (31.00, June tlb.Tth, (it. 'aula an.) return-taO.M, Juna 0th, tlb. i Qhloago and return-t I LM, J une Ctb.Tth- )uffalaeud reura-tM.oO,Juaaeth,10tb, JV, Ixiult and return -MJ.to, June ICth, JTtU. Detroit and relura-til.00, July lit, 2d, It W- ' Ulclimond and retura-U7.77, July 6th, ' 4th, loth, , IndlaiiapolU and return lia.00,JulylClh, I 17th, Mb. ' The UU Grande Western railway andlti connection! ofTera two fast through tralni dally. Through Vullman pala.-a and or I dlnary sleeping rare, Perfect dining eat t aerrlce. Kree reclining cliilr cart. Cool I And comfortable ride. Magnificent tceaery , "What race do the llllplnoa belong to, aia,t' l'robahly, my aon, a foot race," i! NewDlnlagl'ar Rtrtlce. nfrectlra June lit, tha Itlo OranJo Wett. rn railway began operating Its new dining din-ing ca referring all mcalt on all Its through tralni, The arrangement Included No. 3 leaving Ogleu at 7 M a m and Bait Lakt City at S M a, m. , alto Na 4 leaving Og. den at 0'fS p. m and halt Ijike City at i 7'IOp.m The nest boundtbruujh trains, both morning and night, will also carry dlnera. Tho cuisine li at h rfoet as It U poitlble to mako It ServUe, a la oarto-ao oarto-ao that you ran havo your "coIToe and rolls" fur breakfast, or you can aelect from a menu as elaborate and complete at thi ml market of Utah tan supply H People who mako tpectacleaof themielrct H are geuerally cosy to aeo through. Wb SecUty iarfra H Are necessarily people or excellent Judo H i meet, taste and refinement. In travellne H I thrydomiand tho btst service obialnnUe and the liberality with whloh they iuv-H iuv-H I ronlsa the Union I'aelflo Is one of tho but proofs of that li ie a super.orlly Tlokot I oftlce, "Old bland, ' iol Mam stregt. I I w Wa Human tkfc "Didn't he ay ha ould never sneak to you atalnr "Ve Hut he itw I had a ecld. and he couldn't reetit tb temptation 1 1 tell me ot a sure enr."1 -Doston Journal " 1 i Cleanliness In the poultry yard and bouse Is the key to succeu; the lack 3f It Invito all kinds ot diseases. Keep the caw clean and comfortable. ; Whitewash tho stable twice a year. I An Excellent Combination. Tho pleasant method and beneficial effect of the well known remedy, Brnur or Finn, manufactured by the CALiroiuitA I'm Hyiiui' Co., Illustrate tha value of obtaining tho liquid laxative laxa-tive principles ot plant! known to be medicinally laxative and nreacntlnp; them In tho form moat rcf rcalilnp; to the toato and acceptable to tho aystem. It U tho ono perfect atrcngthcnlnr laxative, laxa-tive, eleanalntr tho avatem effectually, dispelling cold, headaches and fevers (rcntly yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per rnaneutly. It perfect freedom from every oujccttonablo quality and aub-atance, aub-atance, and Its acting on the kldncya, liver and bowel, without rtrakcnlng or Irritating them, mako It tho Ideal laxative. In tho proceu ot manufacturing fig aro used, aa they nro pleasant to tho toato, but tho medicinal qualltlcaof the remedy aro obtained from aenna and other aromatlo plant, by a method known to tho CAi.tron.ilA Flo Kritup Co. only. In order to get Ita beneficial effecta and to avoid Imitations, plcnao remember the full name of tho Company printed on tho front of ovcry package CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, ian rnANciaco. cal. ijDiavnxE. xt. new Tonir, w. T. For aale hy all Umjgtita. Price 0c. per bottle, OrKay's Lungjalm MM& anjKi CANDY CATHARTIC . IFTIIEsewersofadwelllngarcfaultyi or get clogged, ft soon Incomes so foul that hie Is not safe in It. That Is juit what happens to urn when the Liver or Kidncs fall In their work. The first little signs are backache, poor appetite, changes In urine and some-times some-times bowel trouble and dropsical swelling!. Do not neglect any of these; deadly disorders may follow STOP the mischief in time, use DnJ.H.Mc Lean's Over&KikyBulin which is sure to bring speedy relict and finally a permanent cure. At druggists, tlo per bottle. THCDR.J. H. McLICANMtOICINCCO. st. loum, mo. .WKtarniiBiAii" titTajts. ' T; , Ileal iWtmrrup. f aaue Oooi UaaK i In lime. Kirtil h drua ataia M y.T-MlJBIBISWwgji W. N. U Salt Lako-No. S3. 1800. When fUsvitrlnn Advertisements Klndlu Mention Tills IMptr. i, " " , Jtjfcappy TJJoihors Sratitucio liirrti to ant. riMBtti no. a&jlil "DeanMn. PiixiUM I havo many, many thanks toglvejou forwhatjour Vegetable Compound haa done for me. After drat confinement I waa atck for nlno yeara with prolapsus of the womb, had pain In left aide, In small of back, a great deal of headache! palpitation of heart and lcueorrhcca. I felt ao weak and tired that I could not do my work. I became pregnant again nnd took your Corapocnd all through, and now havo a aweet baby glrL I never before had such an easy time during labor, and I feel It waa duo to Lydla E. Plnkliam'a Vcgctablo Compound. I om now able to do my work and feel better than I havo for yeara. I cannot thank you enough." Mrs. Ed. Ku-luoeb, Ku-luoeb, Detixe, Tex. Wondarrally Hlrengthened. "I have been taking Lydla II. Pink-han Pink-han Vegetable Ciimiwund, Mood Purifier nnd Liver Pill and feel wonderfully won-derfully atrcngthenvd. Ilcforo ualng your rcmedlc I waa In a terrible atatel felt like fainting every llttlo while. I thought I mint surely die. Hut now, thank to your remedies, those feeling feel-ing are all gone." Mna. Krnua BcnxiiDEB, i:tl Heleh Ave, Davrnoir Mich. In the United Htltea moro than S,0T0,000 women aro addicted to tlio mo of tobacco. All but a few, however, live lu tho Philippine' Philip-pine' ltamla. FREE. Kindly Inform your render! that for th next m days we will tend tnmple box ot our wonderful s Mioi'H rtalre free, which never fnlli Btav to curs Piles, Krtein nnd all LSST tkln illieaaea, alao old running 02103 nnd cbronlo iprn. It li a (KnUr1 awlflo for l'llea, and the UP only one la exlttenre which glvra Inttnnt relief nnd euro within a few day. Its effect li wonderful when applied to llnrni, rk-nlda, Hunlmrn, Holla, AtiarratM, tVrofu-loui tVrofu-loui Affection!, Koalp lluniora, Chafing Parte and Haw Surface. U rilo today for free lamnle of 5 HHOIIi Hair to tlm Hwanaou ltheiimntloCureCotmauy. ICO-lol V.. Lake SL, Chicago, 111. International Convention Baptist Young People's Unions of America. RICHMOND, VA. JULY 13-10, 1809. ...ONLY,,, One Fare Round Trip ....VIA.... "Big Four." Tlck.tawllllMinnaalJalrll,landl3. ItMurnlnt llekrla will l auo.lunlllJ.lr Slat, with a protlao fr rlt.naliin to l.aaa Itlchmond not later than Auauat IS, 1H0-, iiN.n UeiNMlt or ticket with Jultil Agent at lllrtimondon or b.r..r Jul as. aud liar-tu.ot liar-tu.ot ol re. of SO rrnta. ror full Information rcgsrdlnf tlcktu, rates and route and time ol tralna, call on agent "Utf Four Itoute," or addreaa tho umlenliatO. E. 0. UcCOItUICK. WtRREN . LYNCH, raM.aTraca, a.t, Om. rtM. a ni at CINCINNATI,!). AlAORD WITH WEAK MEN. fit rottiuffer from tor of ihi tafcDtm r dlv. 1 CAUMKl bf If IU ffOlltltff tfl.) llllbwr mtnllon of aiikthig "rurrsiu KOI WK WANT TO Piwlti.lt)) in Uteh d1 HQlrtiBff bul lr.l rbronltftDdpriTftUOl.. rat. WhkTBroifnour-kmiBOurlnKaUCIIIt07(ia 11 far publUblnc itunuantia of TOluDUr? tMllnionltaliof b(vm(xjwpl.clTDf Oktnaa.plciuf QdftdtlrMMt. V CAN T PUBLISH OUR CURES IN PRIVATE DISEAf i.aoM ll wotjld btra- ftoatKUnc, lliaw w bioiTottr.iUlluthloii of I row bit U tnoibf r way iti'i I our pliot Unltltrl you until cur? tlMlthoatftaklag you to )yrDtUDi.tyoar cured. Wtflmifaow oaourrtpuutlunlDcurlniCfaroal I h , tad to pro? wo a ear lf tml iruiibiMjutittMiii ) uka all lb bard a of profli.fl. to rou by curing on am, and thai in a raaftoaa Dla ft bun you aracurd. You eau dtrudupuaoairordt aar bank In Utah will ao-dorMl.i ao-dorMl.i tbouaandaof iiatUtm hat andortad ua NUW WIS WANT It) lUHIC VOU-wlU tba dla-llnei dla-llnei undaratandlni that w will Dot damaod a f? until w do aura you Wa eura Ioit klaabood. Ham. pal Waainaia t par ma lot r bo a Uobjrrbaa. Hjrpbllia and all waahoauaaor roan Waabaolaialy rura Varleucala In on weak or It hah i txm too a panny Oonaaluilou aa! ajrlca UKK, by Ulltl orlnparMin. Call or writ 10 DRS. SHORES. EXPERT SPECIALISTS. 34 K. hhiiuJ Huuih hi. (Harmon lllock.) Oppoula Cammarcltl Nil I Umk. tallUlt Cltv, U'aa YOUNG RfBEN! If ou hava mow to waata try all I ha eotW tm may know wr hwr ofi if yuu wUh to ran tba cbanri J rrUlnif a Mrtctiira I r tba tnj.itl.ina bkJi arw muJ i r.".1'.' ? to '" . I'" " u tnl a rtmtMr which la & tbirtTj"! iisr "rtow ' to,r oa uu k "PABST'S OKAY SPCCiriC" No cac known It haa ttr failed to Cure JxttMiy bk It, JOmUaaM.rt.Ub tha.ln.-u, dranrWo and ail bobaa orraahm to un it fan b ultra wftJluut iTnivtvarrtrinitanrniniuBlnr& Irtca,t3 00. for aaM by ail rtlLabla dnivrtttta, iir wnl bmaaid h jljb prs iJinjj wrappad. on tUwlpt of prU$Ty ' . PABST CHEMICAL CO. CtrcvUf uaUDd w raquart. llucwo, lu. vl CURE YOURSELF! OW? J'T '" " '" fatlat f.1 'Vi"- I 'Uaaaraaa, luSautualloaa, IXJI mm?2!Z? i t'rilallwiiB or ulcarallaat .flJi?'y!, f uacoua ui.oiIi.dm. 11- 7 ".la. i,,a, ,i M,,: VCItOlri,0.rJ Hold by Ilrnrrfata, V . '. .a. y. pf.ra.nt In rials wrarrar. Jv. w XOA I lv .trrraa, rr,..U. "jJ y Clrcalaj aaat oa tauaa. |