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Show NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. Around the County in Seven Days. ' Tbe Hapfennlngsot the Past Week Told In Detail by Efficient Correspondents. iititiiroitT Uchkhikt, Utah, June 7, I81W. Kiiitok Tiumi Mr. H 0. Wataonol Park Cll), ti In Kocaporl, vlalllng with 0. II. Wlrtli. W. Ward Sluvena ol Oakley wae In town 011 Sunday Uit. Miarp Iroite on iilghl) of Clli ami Utli, did comlderable damage to tender plantr. Hlchard anil George Hlddoway made n trip to Salt Lake City, returning )e-Urdu). )e-Urdu). Mr. and Mre. Win. Sinker went to bill l.nko City on Monday laat. II. E.Seaiioiiannil 0. II. Wlrtli went to thu capital on Siiudny Init, and re-turnedyeilerday. re-turnedyeilerday. Mrr. II. E. Bcamoni and family who havo lucii Itlting In tbe city loriomo tvo week), ccompan-1 ccompan-1 k-d thcninn their return. Uulvcraityettidenl) Win Sinker Jr., J. E. and I). E. Peamona returned on the Otli Init. 3BBtaAStrWmAB'l'ff''"'i'M(rS Tool?Clty iliere tliehai been vlalllng with relativei and (riondi Mn ltobertSlddowoy la ou the ekk Hit. Thoio having charge ot Hie roiinly road between tin Inp i.l parlejaeummlt aiidlhrflorgoliaalallnii would dn well to Uka 11 trip llit wity. Tha road Id that section la In n bad rnndltlon, inlnct almnit linpaxnli Die wnlcr lull 1011 nllowol 10 run dawn the load (or aeieral hundred ynr.l. making very mil) mud holm, uhlili II looked niter n the proper tlmn enuld Imte been prevented pre-vented b) a I111II liouri !uW nl (11 e man. Thu roadahould bo llxu.1 aa toon ponlule, before: auino one tlpaoinhe bank, at it lualniott Impoitlble In net along without eliding lf and In keep out ol thu mud holm. H, (t'ark City lleiord ploaie topy.) |