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Show IKIVTHVII.t-K IIor)lu.K, Utah, JuneH, I81W. Entton 'liuicai Miea Kinina llobatm tomee home today, to-day, from Halt Lima City wheru alia baa been attending echool. Mra. Thouiaa Weal and lamlly ol Morgan, were up on a villi thla week, thegueitaol 0, II. Wait, Mra. M. Ilarrlaol Ualio, who baa been down nil wittier lor ber bealtb and n villi, returned bomu b'uturday. A vory nice program wae rendereJ hereon iuemorlalday.br the aunday ichool and olberi. much to lb credit ol those who bad tha aame in charge. Tlio drill niarcb waa grand. Tbe oration inniterly, and aierj body appreciated thu program, Mr. John Edgel la undergoing an operation o( the kneo at the Ogdeu hospital. Our friend, Mr. Carl Iaiwaon la hero j tailing liia (rlende and relative), alter a eojourn of 7 yean at Brlghain City where be baa been quite proeperoue. We are all plenied tn meet Carl. llyruni Smith le back from hie l'rovo echool i be baa enjoyed hie atudlea, and greatly appreciate) tho opportunity afforded lilra. C. U. W. |