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Show OSCAR LYONS IS DEAD Passes Away at His Home List Priday of Pneumonia. Tli" new Hint Oncnr Lyons liml dlml tit ln litn In l'eon lust 1'rlilnj , .Inn. ni. of in,-iitnonlfl, wan n-pelveil Willi profound sorrow by lii iiinn frlt-ntl In the entire county. Mr. I .join wns born December ill. IHtU. In Nhutjo. 11U. ('nine to t'lnli In IHHi. Soon utter liUnrrlvnt lie went to work Ht the iv-am-i Ni'Wn niid learned the printing trmle. 't'miglit school In IVwi In IMH, rihI tlii-ro forrneil tlie n'iiintiit-Hncc n'iiintiit-Hncc of lllnliop Mnrcliatit'a ilniigli-ter, ilniigli-ter, whom lie mnrrlml in ISC'i. He went to 1'roui In lb78, nml In eom-pnwy eom-pnwy with others stnrteil n pHier then-, llu rtilnr etl with b'a family to thla pininly. Hint litis reelileil lien-I'Xt-r allici). Tlio fnmimt wan one of the lnrrct exerwlt- sid nt Peon. Tli KtxHV;-era KtxHV;-era wire W. II. June imil llmii Almn I'.ltlreilge. He leave" H wife timl flilil I'lillilreti, live iIiuikImi r, mill llitet'iiiiin, who survive lilm. , Tin' Tlim extends most elnct'ii-yinuilli elnct'ii-yinuilli tn tlio wife nml I'lillilrrn of till- lb eeiiwiil. |