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Show iiiiiiuiHiii(iNanuiiijwiuii"Hi, '' SIZZLING MESSAGE SENT TO CONGRESS PneSIDENT ROOICVELT SCORES DIQ COHPORATIONS DECAUSE OF THSIR ATTITUDE. STANDARD'S METHODS ARE TORN TO PIECES Tenieny of Oil Cenoern to "Over-Awe, "Over-Awe, Crush and Disdain Publlo," Preves Warm Theme In Chief's Cmmunlotln, Tnt niKveli'. slsslln m; ( la ronti asked th rnartmfnt i.f fair employi-rs' Hahllliy law more niwi-ni tut ilir tnlrrstel' crnnno-r-e -..mmi ii and leie ullv. .in . Blleil !. th.- llnlln of Ihe law inakTU his HirilMiian again.! Ihe .in.-. .in.-. I.ily prltllrar.l rlrh II. r.ln the tiil...r liii.il.ir .! r.rmllv ! rlarnl iinrnniy ulhiniil lir the supreme r.Mirl Ihe prrahlrnl Id As reganU Ihe niloyrr llaliilny law I ilvrH-l lla Immrdlate n eni t rimiI llmlllna Ha ".pe thai It aliall pily onlv u lh rl.m r I" wlil. h Ihe court Mlf" U ran ronalllu-lionally ronalllu-lionally apply bul irrnalhrnlna u i.r.ivialnna within ibla cnp.- InieraUie miiliiymeni helna Ihus mvered hy n dr. mala nallnnal law Ihe Held of In iraalale employment will b left lo Ihe a, linn of Ihe aryeral alalea With Ihla rlrar nmnillnn or rrapunsthllliy the atalf-a will iindoublnlly give lo Hie nrrlnrmanre of iheir duly within ihrir field ihe rnnaideralinn Ihe Importan, of Ihe auhjrit demanda I alan very urovnily adviae thai a rom preh, naive an be paeSod provl.llna for rnmprnaallon tiy lha gnvernmenl to alt employ, a Injured In Ihe iriivrrnm.nl aervli-e I niter Ihe preaenl law an in Jored workman In lha employment ot Ihe government Ima no remedy and Ihe enllre burden of the arrldent falla on Ihe helpleaa man hla wife, and hie young children Thla la an murage It la a mailer of humiliation In Ihe na lion that Ihero ah. mid not be on our alalule ttonke prnvlelon til meet and partially alone for iruel ralernrtune when It enmea linen a man through no fault of hla own while faithfully nerving nerv-ing the public, " Assails Injunction Abuse, Ahuae of the uae of Ihe Injunrllon In labor eaeea provided another theme (or Ihe eierullve lie deolare.1 there la aome neeit for nrllon regarding Ihe rtghia and wronga of latmr from hlack-Haling hlack-Haling In boyi oiling I'onllnulng he Aa reggrde Inlunrllnna t can dn little lit-tle Inn rep, at what I have aald In my laal meaaage In rnngreaa Kven though II were Imaelhle I ah. .ill. I eolialder II inoal iinwlae lo alinllah the uae of the priMeea or Injunction It la neieaaary In order lhal Ihe rouru may malnialu llnlr own dignity and In nr.t.r lhal ih,y may In ettedlve manner check lll.i.t.lrr and violence The judge who llaea II eaiilloualy and conaervatlvely toil who when Ihe need arlaea, utea It fearteaaly ronfera Ilia areateat service ser-vice upon nur iei)pl and hla preeminent preemi-nent naefulneaa aa a puliltr aervant Ifould tie heartily recognised Hut there a nn iioeellnn In my intnd that It Itaa aometlmea been need heedleaaty and iinjuatly and that aome of the In Jlinitlona tasued InOlet grave and ne- leaaiolly Irreparatda wrong upon 'lhal the Mania ftl rallrnait president bad guilty knowledge or rebating la an inrMISn ."'.'' ' .'.h' """tlve made Willi erterl In ,a meaaage lie In-rloae.1 In-rloae.1 ellers of eorreelmn.lenee, whlrh lalemenla. Ilia worda In this ..in-nerttnn ..in-nerttnn are III en, lo.e herewith n tatement la- . ailed by the olllet ot the bureau of cor p.irMii.ma in anawar lo rerlalu alata-merits alata-merits Iwtilrh I alan enche-e) nUde by ami on lieha r ir the agenta nf lha "'andard Oil t'nrimratlnn arVil a let" , "...,il.".""""'.':,"'"r", 'onlalnlng an answer to eerlaln alalemenla ala.i In ' mL".?,' T.'J'T. "'" l,'denl of the Hanla l Hallway tomimnv The Hlandarri oil l'ori,rllnn and f ri JfJLM'.'.Y ,,yK,hr '''una of criminal ii eondilrl hnih hate been aenteliceil I.. Iy heavy niwa, .,, ,,,, , , , and puldlalKd hroaileaat iheae alate-invnla alate-invnla aaaertlng their nnocenre and enounr ng aa Improper Ihe a, linn of nr ...ViV" "A'1 ,ur"." ,n -onvlrllng them of guilt These alalemenla are very elaborate are very liigeulvui nnd are The uiiiJe '.".I"!""',""1" Pjrtleulara ii.Z.J i.'. ."B:'. Inelnaure from Mr lleney aum.lelilly lllualrale the me III -Si".Yfi "! ''"'." "m "' "" Sail lhe"H'iLnrr.'.r".:!,',,"g"liV1l,".fly,'lv.,i;., out roun.latlon iiiy wnn- Would See Traffic Associations. I'nlforiully of railroad ralea , ,n- ?' fi Vn1.'!f . "". eecutlve'a Iheinea II L'. i'i? ".' '",..," '" general pub- II. ami I'realdant Inoaavall m,i.i...i ri!'. '!."'"m;' """lallona for the pur-poae pur-poae of rouferrlng on ralea in lhal eonnrjilnn he o.mllune.l ' r,.ll.,U a ' i.J .'L'".1"' .'." rl" my re.onnnenda-!ln,,,.h"' re.onnnenda-!ln,,,.h"' f'lwaya he Iwrmltled to form .,r",J"..?"'"""",l"" '"r be Plirpoa. nf liSli rJU.i.'ir"" "'"., r"ing upon ralea regiilatlona. and prait eea affeil- linillv fnleii.. , ":," '.""" r' 'OH- i I'tffttlo ";,,';;" ,r rw tv.e, nlmllvbli,.!. 1A, n He. "' ,'r riffir I ent ape, lea nf ir.mc llrdm.irlly raleV by l la' KUfVi'". ,"",,n")"l He Ihe wnie An applied lo prarllcal o.indlllnna Ihe railway nperallnna of Ihla enunlry I iinin"l "" 'nndui-led ai-rnnn. i.i rn"'".u.,iw'"" ' "lllent ii. einfS" .l.r whleh""IW"' T'" .'llcle. un- .!. ...i i ! " ,uh oelatlona operate ahoiihi i. a..r.n... i,y Ih. ...mmiSaion ?". !"r "P'rotlona ahmil.l b? open in Pi bile tnapetlinn and Ihe ralea re.,,. . lajiona am nraellrea upon whl. h ih"v r.7hh"ni,',;,e,"Pv...j.;r7.rui' an? ,'hh; ;," "X red an,.' .:. T ".' "Vh''"'r" i . ii." .'',' '"rlh famed ut lrgl r..l!". "" "'""' I" that regard ..iiin,r.,,.rJM,.Y!r"im"ll,,,eM w"'d we or i ;".', ",VJc,,r '."""I abiding ft? f i" "" -r 4Wh f" Police ih. ..,'i ;'' "'""'anlhy v.hl.h i iill ..iv. MJ " "" "r """ for Ih. h.m- rea .1 f'ir' i"" ,- "" heirtj ra. newapiifr .lt iait .if the move- !!!!! 'i!,"!,'.'..'! 'i;'""".1.'" ml lw n- ,. i Ai. " "" dlsh.mealy W, al . nAy enlrupl men nf wealth who quarrel la not with tfieae ... . j reprewntatlvea of Ihe her5S. Tne? rterhe their rhlef power Irom the aVea! ; nlai.r ; offenders whi aund bftd?. Ihem Thev or. hm Piippei. "ho inove as Ihe alrlnga are pulled It I. not I h. puppels. but the strong iumIm imS Kh,i-if,.!Si,"l!l 'orjSorklnSX ev" behind and through the puppeta. with whom we have id Seal i Sm to ion rol law-defying wealth In the hW i rdaSa to .prevent lla doing dire e"i" t" luSSiST nubile an. In lie- nexi plara tn aviTl Ih. vlndl.ti.e ..n.l dr.i,rSr,lJ,c;i;n ' el i h If t. ft ... 'Mir II I It la , 0 . . . I l.i ... Big Corporations Are Hit II r,.j l-. II r a I nt da), rif 1 I . II rtlnli.t... I ir I, "3 I in .... an I ll n I. I old of, 3 i H i ..f tie ll vl ller syraV VJ I l a ma as long II ! rnilla aknf gl t. a. i wtlh Imp inlr It wagaJag h lnl and In ."in,- Hon with Iki I I an and I'll ax Allon ranjafS Mr llKi,..ll m. k ih, leavlMitliJi 1 , f wealthy ,nrp. rati, na whlrh Mai held in a.rnum l.v tin gnternrntatj w in. eang. i onllnn. d I The keynote nf all three alt ! e He erforl la aerurr honesty lnt,l,. and In pollll. a la well eipreaaai 7 a sen nrntesta agalnat any effntf fr mitral regenerallnn of the buelnfie ..gg nn the ground ll.ul It la iinnnfcrJ wnrranted and Injuriona and btiiap neaa panlr la ihe ne. evaary paailYlf airh effort to ae ore humne.. fcia The morality of an. I, a plra ll H&9f aa great aa If made ..n hehaTff m men , aught In a a imbllng -"!.) a when lhal gamhllng r.ml.llafca,!,, I raided by Ihe police If au. h QSMttia' anything Ihey mean thn ,ge; whoee aenllmenla Ihey redraat aland agafnal lha effort b fgW about a moral regenerall. n nf b-Isaa whlrh wilt prevent a r. p. illlon tf n, urame hanking and alnet raise)" randala In New 1 ,rk a reaan.ig Ihe I'hlragn Alton deal a TViiSat nf ihe lomhinailon la-iween cemTn as; Iraslonal pollll. lana .rrialn lajr-ajn latK.r tead.ra and ..Haln big laua1 from Ihe dlagra, nf whlrh rwsrripte ,o haa Jllat iK-en rea. lied atteS nf Ihe auireaafiil effort by th.;fVH oil pe .pie to ruah nut every eauipalig lo n.erawe the mmmnn rarrteii Jatt eaial.llah a monopoly wld h tfeiii inhli. with a .ontrmpt wbhh Ouf a dearf.ea Bo long aa II lnrmlb thai a i. h prln. Ipba and n endaieiia e atow and act on Ihem ltlai.SST Tie nul.ry agalnal atnnplnf I SuhaSIt prmll, ea among wmnadnera ahj, W n lo he wealthy la prerlast ," In the nut rv rnlaed Rgalnat every for .leanllnraa and de.,niy Ia.l(r0 , rnmenl Im-i auae foraoolh, It wijf wl hualnea. " Tells of Criticising Judgis. "Our opponent, have rerenttW teetW. terly rrlitil.ing Ihe two MdsjH reka lo In the arrnmpnnytng eopAMrvMs from the Ml andard OH T'oiniTay al Mmta Pe lutlroad for bavlec Iraw"1 l.ny Hnes nn Iheae two OHeoiaeW and et theae aame rflllca ( Iheatlvo I, nigra ethaual themeelves In drMe Ina Ihe mnal reapeetful aa4 taaW-' dla, oaalnn nf the nin. lnl anion of a MF" whl, I. reaiili. In Immunity lo sv and IMiw.rflll wrnngd.arra Itaer-rvraV1 Iv II liehiaivra na all lo Irttt win " ulmoel rea-n the high nmss of n.l nur Imlgea aa n whnls, tie ' and upright men lteawrt for llgaw nuint go hflhd In hand with reapelf.r Ihe lodges and aa a whole, ItJiiri" now a. In the .al lhat the pkUra "! In . haracter and eerlie alevet all f men among their fellow Bervsats a."1. piiblli The Judge who diaya pn '"" duly well atanda higher alal rfnaSl a better aervlre tn Ihe laniple, ihaltny mher public aervanl he la entiUf to greater reapei I and If he la a tre)r ant of the (a-ople If he la SfHlitlae and fearleaa he will nnlieetRtloSf'11" r.gard even Ihe wlahea of liar f plo If they ronfltrt wtlh Ihe eenoalP n ilplM nf right aa against eisrt lie muat aerve the people bat le Hut er.e hla own r.martence flrei ABI nor to ailih a ludge and nil tMjagce ml lei renderetl lilm If It la ren.tjrijl il v to Ida brethren who fall IfamftMfnnlv below the hlah Idea la fusj vhH he landa t'ntriilhful riliklam to suet nt all time, and whoever may ti ' '-leri '-leri but It 11 a imullarly Jjgiet in liiully when n ludge la the i fi No man ahould lightly rrlilrlae I uf nn man hoiild. even In hl ownji l n demn a Judge unleaa he la e tg It n rarta ir rt liiilaa la aaaalle.f rgatl I Ing ngalnat laipular folly Bid aire n for atnndlng agalnal mob vl r all honorable men ahould rally I tglv 'o Ilia auppnrt Nevertheleea Ifl fl" nrly falls lo do hla duty by tliaj . In dealing with lawhreaklna; r) altlnna, lawbreaklng men of wealth, I net e pact In feel the weight of I I opinion opin-ion nnd Ibla la but right, f" e-td In eilreme caaea Ihla la the o lay In whli h he ran ! rea. lied atv " "' r-vanl r-vanl nf the people Ima 'ataBJL 'f vim I -, M-ftefre4. .M J fTjlMklain. "An Ethical MoveRy? The npiwinents of thn analures we rhatnplnn single nut n. w and now another measure for eatM-rlalUark. ami peak aa If the movement Htwhleh we are engaied waa purely eesislr It has a large rronomh aide butti la fundamentally funda-mentally an etldial mnveuil It la not a movement tn Ini rnmpletHa one year. nr two years nr three ynj It fa a movement whlrh muat heksaerered In unlll the spirit whl. h lleenSnd It alnks deep Into the heart a ltd MM OObaa-ience or ihe whole i-ople lilrilways lm-tairlant lm-tairlant In tho..ae ihe rfa means lo a bleva nur tutrptae. but g Is even more Important tn keen Mi purpoae , learly Wfore ua and ltd pun"-" I" tn aecure national hnnealylji buslnees nnd In idlti,a It, dn nMisbarrtne m Ihe onlral belief lhat dustiest y and unfnlr dealing are eaaentatto buelneea aui.taa and are In la- inndosi when the ui.eaa la moderate ami aptjuded when Ihe ein.eaa la great The pel hod a by whlrh ihe Hiandard OH so anil Ihoee engaged in ihe other ccaSnallona of whlrh I ha'e aHihen gave have ii. hleved great fort unea laaaily tie Justified Jus-tified t.v the Hdv.n ai y nt l ay.tem nt morality whl. h eoitl.l alan ktlfy every form of irlmlnnlliv nn the nail of n latmr union and e.ery fnrraii violence, iiirrupiiun and fraud fr.,m nurder Jo brtberv and ballot ho attitlii In politics poli-tics We are tnlng In seese niilallly nf opportunity for all and tfr struggle fur honesty Is the .nine wf.tlur It la made nn lK-half of on. et nf sien nr of another In ihe intereat of the amall aelllera and landowner, and amine! the emhttlnred nppoalllon of wealtiy uwnera of huge wandering tt,M ka nf tevp, nr of inrpnratlona dralrlng lo rnh he people or iiwl and timber airhaan put an end lo the Ih. rt of p il II, l,f ,1 In the weat When we d ihla aid protest against Ihe n lion of nil men whether In piihtli life or In prlt ale .life who either take part tn nr refuse ao try tn tup aurli Ihefi He nr. i-all) engaged In Ihe snme poll. na hn, wi andeavor lo iitit a atop in r.hatea or Si prevent Ihe uiuirowlli nf un. onlr ill.. I ijinupoltes Our effort la a'ninh tn rnl reel Hi. prln-ilplea prln-ilplea nf mmmnn hon.aiv lnJ rotnmnn sense II would Indeed ih f r the ruuntry ahnuld thvre be Hi,y halt In our work ' Stale Government Mult Aid, Kill., the si lie nr n.lUnal gov- ernmtnl muat undertake thrt reunita- llon, of which the l.naldelil .poke, and Ihe eterullve aaVen th. anminotl-weallha anminotl-weallha lo share the rear.onsrbltlty of curbing thnae i orporatlnna will h are ni'.'u.td nf evil doing nf eou.M In any eirnt both the nittlnn,i and alate go., in, .nta muai eaeh d its part ' aald I'realdent ltnoaeell a tniaaagv . nnd ench enn dn a crrl .in amount thai Ihe nlh.r innnut do while the only r. ally aill.farlnry l a lla IIIUNt be ublllned t.v Ihe r, nn II illiea nf Ihe ntllmtl ,.nd alate a. r.imenta working htnrlllv tog. Our l hm their r, l, tn. snh.rii, llul it ,. Ju.ltr ni, ut Ih. trough gnlng nnd n. -.ftelory tontrol nn In tin rndo.li i lain. . I hv lb, in Hon of Hi. nn .,veru in nt for altnnal nil th. . i uona of norm wraith It .it I ,,,rt.. rillona whlrh It la . -. atrablt lo .'titr.il-are ,nu I in i rat.t .'nmimrir and dirlM ll.ir i .r anl Ih. Ir In .rl -no not f. n th i.nrll ll or their hualmaa wl Ii I. i.lil. I. II from lie Hit r t i I i. , , itlau ,1 riavalwiivalnd ill. .11 .1 1 h Hue ot demirrallnn hrt . . lha , km u of bualnraa fulla II .ime .tillll nint.lv be ilriun h ii,, fr.l r it rourta Mmh of Ih ir.it a,., ire ndriiuate ennlrol of th, nr irt.oru tlona hv atat. nrtlon hi. M i and elTeetlve but mil h ,f iB is In n iirun.r for wh.n Ih. .rrirfl m id. to acinmpllah by tin n 11 .,1 ,,fl Ule at iV what can nnly lie ae. mi i lilfll i b Hi. arllnn nf the nation 11, r ,' , 'only be dlaanpulnlminl and in tW . n,l the law will prohahlv h. d 1 i .!" tltutlonal Mo lltti.w a. in l!H niTllnniil arena, we who hillev. 11, u',.D ."...Yir. a herein advocated nr. I ,uilH red and not aided by the .ii,,,,im,,1 , j"" oale action sn violent tint Wit would either be useless nr I.. ." Hii.i V Viii. more lillarhlrf than It ,H fani.dt Points lo the FuturA "The taa muat in the f ufflr, be a I m rilaler.il a. n,,, ,1P, M H ,., ", inlntst.r.d so lhat 1 he .1 T iH ,',1,11 of Ju.'lre may eentlnue to I., what II nnrf ! la in .try fart th, Hep , rtme'11 of Ilia- ' tlr. where en fnr ra our ability pet- I rnlta , J.i.tl,, I. met.. I nut with an even bird t 1 great and amill rlrh and poo, . w .k and air one M.r.over in. re aho.idb. nn delay Tnsuppi.m.niingth. I iv. a now on the etxt.it I oka h) 11 ini.i-url nf further ea.,,uii . niillln.d In the m.aanKe 1 .rt t ,, ...ngre.a ,.n It. a.embllng I nlertl etlatlng Inwa mui h .r. m,i, h h.a b.en n. Inn 1 1, a. ompllal,.,! dorloa th, past all year, and It haa I, r ,!,,. by arlual esperl.nee thai th. v , in I, enfor. ed agalnal the w.alll.lial , r porallon and Ihe rich, at and moat 1 erful manager or manipulator .f lli.l "rporatlnn as rlgorouatv and fenrloe I. agalnat Ihe humblest off. n.t. r Above all ihey have been enfor. d agalnat the very wrongdoers ah I agenta of wrongdoers who have for en many yeara gone mut-free and flouted the law. with ImpunlD agalnat great law-defying r.irpnra , tlona nf Immenae wealth whl. b until within the last halt dnaen years Itav. I treuled themselves and have eipetted olhera In treat them a. being beyond and ibve all possible 1 herk from law II la e. penally nereaaary tn aerure to Ihe repreeenlallvee nf the national gnv-eminent gnv-eminent full power tn dial wllh Ihe great rnrporatinna engaged in inter-atale inter-atale rnmerie and above all with the great tnteratate rnmmnn earrlera Our people ahnuld rlearly rrengnlse that while there are dlmrultlea In any iniirae of rnndurt tn lie followed In dealing wllh these great rnrporatinna theae dlmrultlea muat be faced and nne of three inuraea followed The Itral course la to abandon all effort tn over-ee over-ee and ointrol their arttnna In the In tere.t nf the general publlr and tn permit per-mit 11 return tn the utter lark nf mn trjl which would obtain If they were Irfl to the rominon law I dn nnt for one moment believe lhat our people would tolerate Ihla poalllon The e-tranrdlnary e-tranrdlnary growth of modern indue-Iriallam indue-Iriallam has rendered the cnmmnn law, whli h grew up under and waa adapted adapt-ed tn deal will, totally different rondl-llnna rondl-llnna in many re.pe. ta inadequate to deal with th. new condltlona The.e new rundltiona make it neieaaary to ahaekle , uttnlng aa In Ihe paat we have aharkte.l tnrvr The vaat Individual and.orporale fortune, the vaat torn-blnatlon. torn-blnatlon. of capital whlrh have marked Ihe development of our Industrial aye-tern aye-tern ireate new rendition, and ne. ea-Hate ea-Hate a change from thn old attitude of the elate end the nation toward the rillea regulating the r.iilaltln and lintrnmmeled bualneea UPe or properly prop-erly In order both that property may lie adequately protected and lhat at the eame time ihoee who hold It may lis prevented from wrottgdnlng Talks of Financial Stress, "We have Juit naaed through two months of arule tliian, tat atriea AI any au.b time II la a sad fart that entirely en-tirely Innocent people euffer from no fault ot their own, and every one muai feel Ihe keenest sympathy for the large body of honeat bualneea men of boneat Investors of honeat wagewnrk-rra wagewnrk-rra who suffer beeau.e Involved In n crash for which Ihey are In no way responsible M aucfi n time there Is a natural t.ndeney un the part nf many men to feel gloomy and frightened al Ihe outlook, l.ill then la mi jiisllnrit-ttnn jiisllnrit-ttnn fnr this fieling There la nn nation na-tion an nbanlulely eure nf iiltlmaln au. eaa us mlrs Of router we ehall sur-ceed sur-ceed Oure la a nation of masterful energy with n continent fnr lla domain, and It feels within Ita velna the thrill whlrh omen In thnae who know that they iHiaaeas the future We are not east down by the fear of failure r are upheld by the conndrni hope nf ultimate ul-timate triumph The wrongs that 1st are In lie corrected but they In n 1 way jilailfv ilnubt aa to the final ."limine ."li-mine doubt aa tn the great lna,rlil prosperity nf the future ur of the lofu aplrltual life whirl, Is In be built lloo thai prosperity na a foundation No mladreda done In the l.rearnt muai be permitted tn ahruud from our eyes the Itlnrloua future of Hie nation but b, -rauae nf Ihla very fact It behooves us never to aw. rve frnm our reaotute pur puae tn tut out wrnngdolng and uphold what la right I do not for a moimnt believe lhat the arllnna of thla administration admin-istration have brought nn bilatneaa dls-Irrsa dls-Irrsa sn fsr as thla la due lo local and not world-wide oauers. nnd tn the ac-Hona ac-Hona ot any particular Indliiduala it la dun tn the speculative (oily and flagrant fla-grant dlahunseiy of a rew men nr great wealth who aesk to shield. themselves from Ihe effect, of their own wrongdoing wrong-doing by ascribing Ita re.ults to the n lions of thnae who have sought In riut a slnp tn thn wrnngdolng Hut If I were true lhat tn rut out rnilennrea frnm Ihe Imdy politic meant a tnn-mrntary tnn-mrntary cheek to an unhealthy seeming prosperity, 1 ahould nut fnr one moment healtate In put the knife lo the corruption On behalf of all our people on behalf no leaa of the hnneat man of meane than nf the honeat hon-eat man who earns each dsy'a livelihood liveli-hood by Ihe day a awrat nt Ida brow II la lie. eaair lo Inslel upon honeat y In bualneea and In pollll. a alike In all walks nf life In big things and In III 1 1" tliluga upon J11.1 and fair dealing us between mm and man Thnae who demand Ihla are etrlilng for the right In the eplrli nf Mirnham Lincoln' said the prraid. nt In com Union |