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Show Commissioners wF$ i Proceedings Wf-. "'. New Slcel Bridge al HciCttx Jst-''- and Pcot Completed. "" '' The Itoard of enmity commbilnn- JHcW' er hold their regular inonlhty meet. lft&'".,l Ing let Mnnilnj nnd (rnniaeUd Hie HEt following hutne: M CouiiiilMliiiiHr Smith reKirUd thnt BK the two new steel bridge onq at iB llenefer mid the other ill l'MM hd B been completed nnd that thy vriM H entirely nallsfaotory. The report li M accepteil nnd the dual pHytneMle IH ordered made. I The following feen w'er rtierttt H collected by the ollleemt Olirk, fie jH nnd lleeuse, I.W; IteeorUtr, (III,- W, Sherlll, Charles (IIIiIhiiis w1i npiiolllliil H riMid siipervliMir of ltnokport pr- H duct nml Win. II. Ilrown eomtnbto. H lllll to Iho muoutit of imM.70 H were allowed and onlireil pitlll, H IM) of thl amount being the filial pnymeiit on Iho new hrtdgw. H A petition wa mada by IHIDIO Of H uie rosldent of Krmiol lo rui n H new rim 1 1 In Hint ditttiut, i.nil ll,uao i H owning Inud on the propoMil rlgtit- of-wny deed to the county exocpt H two, unit they refused lo sell. Tin- iler these condition, the hoar I, ml- der recommendation of i H nttorney, concluded not f nny of the land at prcsc. B County Clerk Joue nppouii I M. C. 'fHylor deputy. The hhiii wan ooiiflrmed. |