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Show .7 T r 1 Uinl in j Whet rNMMUt prfoee far Jewelry ara H aat eeeswlt af Our ede ara th you fiaaat ehteiaehl at any prm, an4 it) i iv w I PRESIDENT 170 SALT LAKE TREES BECAUSE WOULD SHOW BABY STANDARDS METHODS -ARE TORN TO PIECES THE BILL. 'I f t us n nil tu n t !! m I i a f Certain ( I nit'ssful to runh by on-tr- Me n indus-triailai- h gllr fr rpr y . u-1s- sa r fc An Ethical Mov?hk 'The opponents of the .natures we now champion single nut now another measure for eapeci hqand itack, and apeak aa If the movement ltwhlch we are engaged was purely ecolalc. It haa a large economic side, buth la fundamentally an ethical movermn It la not a mmement to be cnmpleM t On year, or tao yearn or three It Is a mm y rornt which muat bejrg rraerered In until the spirit whl. h Ilea bfttnd it sinks Into the heart and ta conscience or lh whole people it fcilways Important to choose the rlgt means to a. hleve our purpose, but It Is aven more Important to keep St purpose . ua la before Icarly and tht to secure national honesty Inpurpose buatneaa in and We do notnbarrlbe to pnlitl.a the finical belief that and unfair dealing are essentia4l8nety to business au. . . aa and are to be enndoad when th au.ieaa Is mod. rate and apjauded when the au. .ess Is great The nethods by whl.h the Standard rnl peop gnd those engaged In the other comtnatlons of ha-I whl h have spoken Uove be lus-- 1 gr.nl fortunes fled hi tlie ndioia. y cangly of system of mnrnllti whl.h would also Jatlfy every form of rlmlnalltv on th of a labor union and i erv form itpart violence, .orrupMon and fraud from siurder to brlh. ri and ballot hox stufflm In poH-t- l. a We are trung to a.sme equality of onp, rtunlti for all and th- struggle, for tnn.sti Is the sime wh,hor It Is mail.- on h. half of on. t of men or of In t!another Interest of she small .ttl-- r and t.n.lown.rs and gralnst the .1 einl.Uti-r- . opposition of wegiry owners of liege wand-rintlo. ks of or of . d.s ihn to rob sleep, orporatlon he people of .oat and tin tier wo strUeaq put an end lo Hie th. ft of pd In the wes When we do pih, tils apt protest nst non a. the ,it iga meq whether ,f In puldl. lie. op In prl Mite .life who either take part In or try to ship am hno- theft we ar- r allj engaged i In the poll. is wh.j gj endeavor . a t pt or atop to prevent the upgrowth of un nr d monopolies r rr rt Is s n r! to . of p.,3 prln-..p- h of o mm op tom sty gn(J edmmon s. use It would In.l.ed tie ..mhtrv ahnuJd Itnr.- he at v halt In bur 1 la-u- d.-e- e, mls-boL- h a, able manner by A Latin between taln i tnl oiiiln blgfejert, i.Hgri' of wiiich Hut n rH ued nt a fi the effort m-- i i Idfe uin inn Telit of Criticising Judgtt, i e . - Flea. T the prize-winnin- g Our opponents have recently t r irithising the two jucga fvf nwI t in trw aorompanvlng commurann9 fr mi tl Htandanl OH Company ArW ll hr Railroad for havint pwd sinta t rtns these two CorprfaQtf ty t theneonname Ito critics of J i !g h exhaunt themnelve la ir .c the most and faiittBB ronpectful n HHion of the ofM tal action of a m M It rnult in Immunity to UntTWtiti0-- h and powtfful wrongdoer. tt h iu.iun oh all to triat witt ufni'Ht rtpof the high offle of Jf and our ludgfl aa a whoU, trt fce and upright men for Repct for rnunt go hand in hand with the JudgiB and aa a wholt, now ah In the pnt that the Judges fd. In ihartiter and service abort men among their fellow-servafthe The judge who do (if full puhili 11 rind duty weii stands higher, and hetter service to the people, tmny other public servant: he Is tnfhirf grenter renfwi t and If he 1st ant of the people if he Is apr'5itBise and fearless he will unhesitating!? disregard een the wishes of tli g'pl If they conflict wtth the ettraHlp'n-- t Iples of right as against wrint He must serve the people, but lie rust serve his own eons lence first, Allhnor to such a judge and all hnaorte not be remlered him If It Is rendwei ally to his brethren who fall !nroauhly below the high Ideals fof vhM he stands Untruthful criticism fc wd at all times and whoever may bf tit ob-j- e int but it is a peculiarly lain iquity when a Judge Is th iM No man should lightly criticise ft i;g no man should even in his own Id con-n- t the demn a judge unless he is t fa ts If a Judge is assailed all aril Ing against popular folly, all for standing against mob y to honorable men should rally his support Nevertheless If, eflearly fails to do his duty by the Jc In dealing with lawbreakfna rt gtlona, Wt ex- lawbreaking men of wealth. weight o ft opln-inpect to feel the Ion. and this Is hut right, f rpt extreme cases this is ths oil ay In u which he ran be reached a vant of the people has Vxpect v .'i0 mt re. otmni n.la Jinn that railway tie to f.,rm c h HHor in t Ions frrpermitt.d tf In an J. W. W. S " In "Na- Writer Avicenna la V bUdintPH u in c iabliHbm it a h wWtfc i1 1 i flea girnbling if gambling bv t h polUc If f. . 111 dealt with h out es ry eofti ommon 'arrleitt pnf hwr b m h M ,i vly whh h np with a nt nipt whit h the t h no d ng an it permits and uth Ben0c.fr.3jP pMuipU n them wflb mg jdu iw i rid a t H mitt rv Hgainat Htopplnffi h umng wrongdoera wialthv in precisely P n to h out rv rUHifl a gal net teeri to ti s and dofnjr ia for ' anli fjy Wt rnniffit b hnmh foreooth, it Wifi t i ' bn Mi ti i tx f Mu ii p i t- H In a augM buNineM ii onf. rrlng about and s.-- - - . . f'ir-'th- e j - w theae axe found to coutain the plague bacilli In abundance In 1S9S si- mond expressed the view that In the majority of caaea the plague was conveyed from the rat to man through agency of the flea. Experiments , which he tried with Heas from rata dead of the plague showed how thl t Other experimenter possible have obtained almllar results, while others have been led to doubt Stroonda gen- erallxnUon. ri,'v" .an not ndu, villhi.ut whit la i'.V.Xg r, r. ..nm.icnt t, "t h. irti. , trloca ..p, re. l.i t.. ommiaaii.n " , '! op.., i m t h t r if. g fp upon whi h th, ffov-irnm- ir nrhiiHT tl oh . ?i U'1 j M.l , , i t I, r t'Min rt Mr u it n ' n luv ut O' MY aomethlngr t- r m V Is by-la- V ll r ' f r ir, , r !' ami I "- . il'"' m V m 't th fr, on n h .list m,"n XV;,rr'ni pitrf'hsj.) . f w ir'n spa jnVt ''fJ?Thrr,.7'"'n of fhe n w l' r. nrntativ,., rirrR thr P'Vha b'.hlT'1 II mo m . a mow-- M ThV e t I. -e-r-- U? 1, rt Wf at who th,.' most Hn' in "fromVh r!r"rTwaov!T"rr,;r;h: i h .. t 7a'"Lr?h: Xh.lhfoBj0ri7 nd through th pupptr wui! rMawVrCm'a'J, P"veni it ,Mnx ht. . Cvimhlliv1: i'r, dreadful u m he radicalism ' - "lirt in , r . In- - M t, -- ? ' - . , I. - in I , M. ), i t t, ,r th it, nr i w tie n the line h th. ,,f the ,17 ,rJ 1 I 1 ee Point to the Futur "The lava muat In the fut. mlniatefed a thav are now mlnlatefed. so th dep tpt it-,- att N ad.quat.- op t r.,1 of the er. a ti.,n h at - notl-hat and eff.ettv.- - hut tmu h of it n. th.r for w h, n the . ffr h the lnahmnpli.li what ran onlv he ar.Hiti.no nmoll action pf thr nation th.- - r, he diaappointn- - nt and In anth law will prnhahlv be atltutlonal So UVew aedrrlar arena we who h, lieve ininthth herein advocated are hamnl not aided the extremlau cate actionhy o vtol.nt that either he naeleaa nr w mere miAehler than It won! V. rorno airal.le rat tr and oortion It la not he line i kind 1. - ' ' r of t t i N r.a n f t 1 w It' m ' . . nn. ii - I ii qn.n-- r and tl . , ml 1, if tl . n , f .11 ttre , v , Ir h.k,,n..' h j i m th-et- Judir--fartor- i -- MM', !t - Limit to ftpead of Auto. The authoriUe of Shanghai, on. of fh bueieet town. In China, have passed a allowing motorists to maintain a .peed of not more than 30 me an hour while- - pacing through ' . th. city.- 1 -- sold niy wife a young mao In th parlor "Well," rejoined the fair maid OB the far end of the ofa, "why don t you I , r n ! -- - 1 - M . IH-- miiNf i . rnl M nt , I - I nitlon i . I w.n inr k rs K ciirtl nlt, r,u, tu ,iriiuJ,s,,t .. (' T . ar In tat orp.w ttiof'H whh h (I tut nf couft tl ttr Ptih tt. Us part." UooHojts l n rt un mafre amount nn,.t tvhile t he ! t must i, ti.rv i ht r. nr. of itor , il ,n I at 1, t intent no Iipemlv - ' t Mti n I,. Jacket for 30fl. aad which was found to be rabbit bide worth 529'" In th Language. Some one baa said that a kies Is the language of love," remarked the of mnt nthot n th it l et buU I' tt d I ork State Government Mutt Aid. th Htitf or n tl nl m i l rmi'-- t ruk th rgulft-no- n of tht pr Hiri nt HpAk. and hih t' kd th comrnon- nth to nhir t h' r. '.poimihUlty th -l Sure. "After all," declared the wise guy. there I no nature fakef more dangerous to the community than the Feeier that hr . n i , mt ultl-feder- nl aei-ur- e , orpora- - wise been made the state I by the can only end the d uncon- national meaaure red? wnd ho ad volt would ild cauae remedy i n a a i re be ad--elnt of to-da- y , 1 o.n, ing-dow- Laugh and Grow Fat; No. There is nothing In the maxim s "laugh and grow fat or else the fail to grow mirthful over their Instances of eccentricity on the part of those building and furnishing own merrymaking houses are ermmon enough In every ' Great humorists seldom are fat. F. The following instances P Dunne is the heaviest, weighing community of freaklshness In that regard may be about 160 pounds The weight of cited in Illustration of certain phases others living is' Mark Twain, 150 A Russian gentleman has erected at pounds; George Ade, 147; Jerome K. a cost of 8,000 rubles on his country Jerome, 143, and W. W. Jacobs, 132. estate at Savlnowka, In Podolia, a 16 O Henry Is really a great htynorlst, room house made entirely of paper but he is In the class. This house, which was constructed in Home Magazine. New York, Is calculated by Its archiFoolish Limerick. tect to last longer than would a stone once was a foolish young spits building The whole of the furniture, ' There Who chased a blnck at and her kttx. too. Is made from the same material Ills mistress ex. lalmed In County Westmeath, Ireland, a Well, now I'll be blamed. house has been built whereof all the I'll apank that darned dog where he sit windows are made to resemble tn outline the backs of of eas chairs being thus constructed bvjts eccentric own eer to match the backs of a set of chairs In the dining loom In Connecticut a certain land owner, thinking that the view from his house lacked a church, proceeded to supply Its place by erecting a row of cottages so designed as to resemble, from his Nay (vo permanentty cwcvcomcty proper side, the edifice required Approached personal efforts witKtKc assistance from the other direction however, the tf the onj Iruty Ijencjicial laxative sham Is at once manifest remedy, Syrup oj lig and Muir ef Scene, Some vears ago a man of srfcntlfte attainments as well as of considerable means, elected to live in a tree in a lure may oe gradually aibpcnscqwuq suburb of Washington that is he on vWn no longer needed a$tKe liestof tn leisure his moments the joyed when required, are to assist remedies, of branches the tree itself, where he had caused to he built a platform nature and not to supplant the natur. huge enough to accommodate easy td functions, which must depend ulti chairs and such other furniture as he nourishment, desired to make use of during the day ' mutely upon proper Itvmb generally. t the base of the tree, hnweyer, proper cfforts.awdngM henecial tts Toget and surrounding It was built a strucejects, stvtoyS ture of brick and stone Inclosing the bay the genuine sleeping apartments of this eccentric Individual For many years this lunufxtarqi ky Ike unique residence was one of the of the national capital sights One of the oddest houses ever constructed was the fruit of a Frenchonly man's Inventive fancy This was the SOLD BY ALL LEADING DRUOCISTS oaeatre only, pm 501 mt "revolving house, a structure actually built upon casters, so to speak. In order that the occupant might by means of an Ingenious mechanism at ftftd wftrrftntd lo b nuahki. w nt for n)r' time roll it about, obtaining whatVMvCklalocnft ever light and air hie fancy dictated. AALIaoent Irintl. Eccentricity on the Part of Those Building and Furnishing House. joke-smith- d Habitual BUILT on BONOR You must wear MAYER HONORBILT SHOES, to appro-dat- e their superiority over other makes. They have the style and wearing qualities, and (eel right from the first: wear long and well, and look good to the last. Constipation SyrupKgsErmrtfSem -- California Flo Syrup Co. rr SEED , s law-deftn- a pla ItprJwV un bht . m if .f tin oriihm iNitinil p Mt f? i h 1 ' y r itir tin i 1 epred of plague , V i by r ruun thi uiiiui a thv $0 tiMf nt riint thdy riHi 4 the effort stinl ui Moit h milt! rgeru ration of bj nsi w S i h will prevent a rnpmion $g i h ran lriM r: banKlng and ari'ltln in Nw V tk a repti( of 4 i Aa fvjiQOSi Alton Val Hr iiUago w i ! f h rulity i n ifuin1ii t rf rr vi ii Plague and w grt m first-clas- ofr.-n.le- i I j pert played ( ff rt 'o In Hi . i y all these atttek irt honesty in ft h well iii express! j dka nnt an effort f. i n r pr r n c nerattoo of the btiflintas Hr- r r iUini t! It it is unnatorit t w trr mt snd th and it jurlo'i tile n pantf ptu. ' -of O'l Concern to Over The baby In an Eaat Tendency and Disdain Public,' Aw. Crush End family wa ahowlnc lta keen at dlnnrth other evening Proves Warm Theme in Chief's over the factTher wee no more milk Communication. on the table The milk aupply had run out unexpectedly, and the baby Triifd nt f wanted etill another drink of milk t in nt f nrff BiK in The fond and doting parents tried of ii f tir M ii n a r to pacify It with a drink of wafer but t) nrrirr n ills f kt rut i fh t 1W ' n that didn't go It wanted some more t,ii mI i t Ii t Vi k ini tin milk. That was what It wanted And rinkiM It n ii f. i n i iv .u I i a the child expreeeed Hiw.lt In a - r f rrTrrfrtrrp-rtt .1 tv t in Jil Id r d un that left no doubt about Its attitude In i on 'lid rt t lit ri the premise t y t til Ah rKriJi tn There was a guest present and the Uw irnm lid r udvoiatf h ttnlyrr" ; ho V t 11 nu nt limiting i t dinner party seemed not unlikely to UJ, kfi v uni if if 1HH of lo U U rin end up In a riot. It was that already wl i' Ii t hi rourl nitil i its but mug sir Hpplv If noise counts for anything tioniily iHioni vs thin thi h oj Then the baby's older brother got a prov limi uiplovnitnt bring liw th niflonii happy Inspiration, for the little one nd'iiatf in nt vs!!! b trintatf was making Itself heard with an aban g l,ofl fyf rmplov t tti I ht i it nr d hrntion of r don that was getting on brother a mi Mint h will nerve as well as those of the others l r f r m iru of t hri r du t y within t h r bfid tilt i nriHblprat ion tm Import in t present i Dm fl'lH TU tell you what you do. pop," he Uf t uhrhoHlli'Jr ft rg ntiv ndv ih tlifti a nm him milk v b that Just nnl p isHd prov ling f r ait suggested, give pr lit b tin fixation goNtrnimnt to ail bill you got the other day You know ifmpr in th injurtd rrriio.HI mb r t ti e prn nt g'vrnrnnt ltv an m you were kicking about milk going up b rvii th mployment if In price, and mabbe when be the Jnrfd workman In bun no th rermfiy and Kovtrimnt hill he'll quit hollerin for more tin ntlre burb n of th a id nt faild on t lit hlplHH man idn wife and bin Cleveland Ptalndealer an out mg ihlidrtn TIiIh otjfi II ih a niattr of humiliation to the nt b on our not MADE HIS LISTENERS SMILE. tin th it tfire ahmibl atitut hooka provinion to m t and trul minfortuna partially nton flsmarks of Rsvsrsnd Gsntlsman Alto w ii fj it ifnrt upon a man through m own hia whlit faoit of faithfully airv gsthsr Too Apropos. lug ti public' Assjilt Injunction Abuse. Of all places, the most difficult In AbuM of tlic miD of the lnjun Mon which to preserve one's gravity, when In ibor rancn provided another theme Me d hired thre for the cxMiutlve an absurd Incident happens, Is church. 1m Home need for ftition regarding the The worshipers In a certain chapel rtghtu and wrimga of labor from ilaik-l)Htn- g had tome trouble to keep their faces boycotting Continuing ha aid Straight a short time ago. "As regtrds Injunctions I can do Ht tie but rpat what I have said In my During the service some commotion last message to congress Kven though was caused by a gentleman who I should consul- r it It were possible wax box a of matches most unwise to Abolish the use of the Ignited u ' nrcca.ary 'nJ"n(,tlon in his pocket, snd was trying to put rd.-- r that thr court, may mainttln them out, while his alarmed neighbors ttnlr own 1lgnlty and In order that they may In effective manner check struggled equally hard to help him. The Judsre who dinorder anil violence The minister, being shortsighted, usee It cautlniiHly and conservatively the need arlnea, uaea It could not make out the reason of the hut who, when fearlennly, confers the greatest serdlatorbance, and thinking to dlplo vice upon our pecipU. and his preeminent usefulness as a public servant matlcally cover the incident he inat be heartily Hut recognised - .u. nlfould there Is no question In my mind that cently said: It haa been used sometimes heedlessly "Brethren, there Is e little noise go and unjustly, and that some of the Issued Inflict grave and king on. Until it is over, let us sing, g wrong upon Irreparable . . v tlutt c a S un- Fhat'tiie rianta Pa ra Fl road' Vr J"s ilte n't . e to sing bed rulity knowledge of rebating an h executive made 2,1?Krt,Sn ,wh,lrh hta mee.age he In- Nov I Msdlclne Chsst dloaed letter of correapnndence. which sickness occurs In th coua he declared point to the truth of hla .tatementa. Hla worda In thl conseans, unless medicines are In nection are' In eneloee herewith a atatement the houde, that n doctor muat be sent by the Chief of the bureau of cortor, and ik many cases It will be hours poration. In anawer to certain atnte-m.n- t. before he Van arrive. Every woman (which I also entlgaej na,le l,y f ,h' havk Of the " should e small medicine chest, Btandard Oil Corporation and a letter provided wlln nt leaet 10 to 25 cents of the attorney-generan containing alao worth of eacn. of the following medl-clne- anawer to certain atatement ,h Pfealdent of the which Often will relieve and Hallway The Oil ( orporatlonCompany and the rall- ' cure what might otherwise necessitate 2rn,5 .2",, found hVT r?Utvr0!,JP?r,r bo.,h doctors visit: 81rup of Ipecac, cascourta of criminal ,0 hv nd tor oil, Swset spirit of niter, arnica, aentenoed to y each haa wltchhasel, sweet (I1, olive oil, bicar- and published hroadcaat theae laaiied atate-menttheir Innocence asserting bonate of soda. llorlc compound, denouncing aa Improper the action and of camphor, vaseline, paregoric, mustard, the courta and Juries In conalctlng of guilt Theae atatement. Wry email roll of antiseptic cotton. '"gcnloua and are W'W'. 7 v",ryImportant letter anti inf'loMtir piirtlculnra from u. lmmne Silver Tray. a 1fntlc trey of' solid ellver. weighing more then 10.000 ouncea, her Jnet been made by a Arm In London tor an oriental potentate. The tray out foundation " la aeven feet la diameter, and 1 said Would Set Traffic Aaaoclatlon. to be th largeet ever executed, it Tnlformlt v of rallioad rat. a aaa , has been In th hands of th workmen tor over a year. Tk titVf a fr 1 the k i t i ' e Brothar Had Graat Schama to Qulat Crying Infant 1 l thv i is OF THEIR ATTITUDE. Aau WauiU . Rapid Rite. "Pa," said Mrs. Hardapple, as she A Fearfully Long Siege of Dally Pain opened the letter, "the man who ran over our old crippled covr with hi and Miaery. automobile wants to know how much Charles Von Soehnen of 210 A St . she was wor'h." Colfax, Wash , say "For at least "Tell him about six dollars," thirty years I euf drawled Hiram Hardapple. "Let me fered with kidney aee, it was that poor village doctor, troubles, and the at wasn't it" tacks laid me up for ".No, Hiram, It was a city feller." Well, by heck, tell him Was, eh dajs at a time with pain In the back and she was a critter and worth rheumatism When every cent of 50 I was up and around And come to think of it, Hiram, sharp twinges caught his automobile was almost aa long. as flouted he laws with me, and for fifteen years the frequent a steamboat, with glass windows, six impunity g against grat an1 secretions f passages of kidnev and a horn that you could hear ln immense wealth whi corpora h until within the last half dozen years haw noyed me. But Doan's Kidney Pills lights " five miles treated themselves and hae expected have given me almost entire freedom others to treat tiem as being beyond Then write and tell him What ana gbove all possible lie k from law from this trouble and I cannot apeak the cow he killed was a genuine lm It is especially necessary to secure to too highly in their praise th representative of 4he national gov. Holstein and ported ernment full power to dal with the 50 cent Sold by all dealers a worth 1500, and if he doesnt settle up great corporations engaged In inter box. Foster-MIIbuCo, Buffalo, N. Y. every cent in cash I'll put the law on state comerce and above Till with the great Interstate common carriers Our him. should clearlv recognise that Pppl OPENS GRAVE FOR A PICTURE. while there are difficulties in any course of conduct to be followed in First Postoffice Scheme. dealing with these great corporations The first postoffice scheme was these difficulties must be fatt-- and .wjc Borrowing Widow Had to Have Picuf three courses followed ture by Which to Remember Hubby. first private enterprise and wag Inaugucourse Is to abandon all effortThe to over-te- e rated about 14U4 and control their actions In the Interest of the general public and to perTo be exhumed after he had been mit a return to the utter Is. k of i kfd rv a to ie hats. which would obtain If they were burled for 20 days and told to ait up PAZOrn.KH K iuaiTnei U ettm ft rtf e left to the common law was the tough of lu hiMlnil 1MHNF I do not for and look pleasant Hiind lllfts Blooding or Proirodm one moment believe that our people luck that befell a Mk.. to U diijnor money rtfiulod Wood-lawi out at corpse would tolerate this position The excemetery, New York, the other traordinary growth of modern Some finished orators don't Beem to has rendered the common, day. lltiury Broun. & train dispatcher 'Itnow which grew up under and was ad law, ipt-e- d " Wfida td qtlJt on the One Hundred and Twenty-nintto deal with totally different conditions, In many respects inadequate to street elevated road, died Dedeal with the new conditions new condition make It necessaryThese to cember 6 of rheumatic gout and was shackle tunning aa In the past we haye buried decently and in order. Some shackled force The vast Individual two weeks after the funeral it ocand corporate fortlines the ast capital which hav e marked curred to Mrs. Brown that she would the of our Indusfrltl system development create new .ondltions, and ne.es-eltat- e like a photograph of her husband, a change from the old attitude having none that did him Justice, imof the state and the nation toward the rules regulating the acquisition and mediately she petitioned the Bronx untrammeled business use of prophealth department for permission to erty, In order both that property mav be adequately protected an.l that at exhume Henry and snapshot him. the same time those who hold It may The health department was somebe prevented from wrongdoing what dazed, but granted the request, Talk of Financial Streaa. and so, with a photographer and an We have just paacd through two Mrs Brown went to undertaker, months of acute tinan. lal atr. as At any such time It Is a sail fact that en- Woodlawn and had the three weeks' Innotent people auffag from no tirely fault of their own, and every one must corpse dug up. Brown was taken feel the keenest sympathy for the both profile and full face. of honest business men of body large honeat Investors of honest wageworkers. who suffer because Involved In a IT SEEMED INCURABLE crash for which they are In no wav At auch a time there Is responsible. a natural tendency on the part of many Body Raw with Eczema Discharged men to feel gloomy and frightcn.-.- l at from Hospitals as Hopeless Cutl-cur- a the outlook, but there Is no Justlflci-tlo- n More proof that Lydia E. Pink-bar- ns for this f. fling There Is no n Remedies Cured Him. V eg e table so absolutely sure of ultimate sti. Compound saves cess aa ours Of course we shall sucwoman from surgical operations. ceed Ours Is a nitlon of masterful From the age of three months until Mrs. S. A. Williams, of Gardiner, energy, with a contln nt for its domain and It feels within Its veins the thrill fifteen ears old, my son Owens life Maine, writes : which come to those who know thvt was made intolerable by ecz&ma In its 1 was a great sufferer from femals We are not worst form In they possess the future spite of treatments the troubles, and Lydia E. Pinkh&ma Vege. east down by the fesr of failure We are upheld by the confid. nt hope of ul disease gradually spread until nearly table Compound restored me to health t tlmate triumph The wrongs that are to lie corrected hut they In no every part of his body was quite raw in three months, after my physician He used to tear himself dreadfully In declared that an operation waa absoway Justify doubt as to the final outcome. doubt as to the great mat. ri tl his sleep and the agony he went lutely necessary." prosperity of the future or of the loftv Mrs. Alvina Sperling of 154 Qey-boulife which Is to he built upon through Is quite beyond words. The spiritual No that prosperity Ave- - Chicago, ILL, writes : foundation doctor case the regimental pronounced misdeeds done In the present mut b suffered from female troubles, a I to had We from him our shroud the in hopeless. eyes permitted hospitals tumor and much inflammation. Two glorious future of the nation hut because of this very fact It behooves us four times and he was pronounced one of the best doctor in Chicago decided never to swerve from our resolute pur of the worst cases ever admitted that an operation was necessary to save pose to cut out wrongdoing and uphold From each he was discharged as inmy life. Lydia E. Pinkhama Vegetable what la right I do not for a moin.nt We kept curable. believe that the actions of this adminremedy Compound entirely cured me without istration have brought on business dis- after remedy, but hadtrying gotten almost an operation." so far as this Is due to local and tress,world-wide not causes, and to the ac- past hoping for a cure. Six months FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. tions of any particular Individuals it ago we purchased & set of Cuticura For thirty years Lydia E. Pink- Is due to the speculative folly and tla- result was truly mar- - hams Vegetable Compound, made Tt of a few mn of reit Remedies rnt dishonesty . tkemublvea ) FftBftll lowh& elous and he perfectly oarwU -Usoax.rootA and herbs, has been, the from th effects of their own wrongaband&nl ternary "Terr fet&ale ills. doing by Shcribfng lta results to the Mrs. Lily Hedge, Camblhw.il actions of those who have sought to England, Jan. 12, 1907. and haa positively cured thousands of a to th Rut if stop wrongdoing put women who have been troubled with it were true that to cut out rottenness from the body politic meant a moMidshipmen and Marriage. inflammation, ulcera- displacements, an mentary check to Inter- - tion,"flhroid tumors, irregularities, unhealthy are and marriage Mldshlpmen seeming prosperity I should not for on moment hesitate to put the knife esting the navy department at pres- - periodio pains, backache, that bear-e- nt On behalf of all to the corruption n considerably. Jn the last three feeling, flatulency, indiges-yea- rs our people on behalf no less of the more than one midshipman has tion,dizdness,or nervous prostration, honest man of means than of the honest man who earns each day's livelifrom the service for Why dont you try it ? hood hv the (lay a sweat of his brow it been dismissed is necessary to Innint upon honesty in marrying before he has been graduated Mrs. Plnkhara Invites all sick business and in politkn alike in all for advice. walks of life In big things and In little from Annapolis. Also there have been women to write her things upon just and fair dealing as Increasingly numerous requests to the She has raided thousands to between man ant! man Those who health. Address, Lynn, Mass. middemand thin are aiming for the right navy department from passed In the spirit of Abrahnm Lincoln' said shipmen asking permission to marthe president in contlu'Hn ry. The department has been thus far Umlent with Cupid and has granted FEW FREAKS IN ARCHITECTURE. most of these requests. j - rati ns whir h inf tie gowrnmtQt 'rii- i.il uionttfp .rut v PLANTS. SEED MtosMrU lBlora'1 BrfrtfA t r MiAiug Num, Ulo . ,i BIG CORPORATIONS UN St CITY, UTAH. tuC lfn I'll It fller iynfth irr pr. eft iok down tp h tk untf Jtiptswhk rtA it pf'rnilt fc.r initN It whs fin non with tbt L A Mlon m frtife i h ii tfifi i Mr 8C0RES ROOSEVELT i i .it mi dfi to m rtruj p an uwith r u rr nrr ii I n of .(! rut. P THIRTY YEARS OF IT. -- 5, I guarantee. aheotutety Justice may ewntlnue to be what It now I, in very fact the lepartment of Justice where so far ta our ability pet mlta Justice Is meted out with an even hand to great and small rich and pout wck and strong Moreover th. re should be no delay m supplementing the laws now on the statute b ...Ha b enactment of further legislation the u outlined- - in the message I sent to the congrrss nn Its assembling Cnder the laws much er mu. h h.s existing been- actually the .luring Past six years accomplished and it haa lion shown by actual vxperi. ncs that th. y .an by, enforced agalnat the wealth!, xt corporation ami the rich, at ami most powerful manager or manipulator of that corporation as rigorously and fearl.sa-r " against the humblest H AvOV they have bvn enforced the against of very wrongdoers and agents have for wrongdoers who so many years gone scot-fre- e and K If left uncontrolled. It f " tu Ar Hit BigCorporation m lnt ph he Oil trouble of h MlaritJ.vl tun aip ttfi'l V n he told of k is hi HOW DO YOU KNOW ( ; - i H0N0RBIL? SHOES FOR MEN are made with great care, of th highest grade material, by skilled woYkmcn. They at bail through and tbroagh. You get tty la, quality and comlert in buying MAYER HONORBILT SHOES. Your dealer will supply you: il not, write to ua. Look foe Mayer Trade Mark on the sole. th' Te also make Leading Lady Martha Washington Comfort She, Special Merit School Shoe, She. F. Mayer Boot & RHVU'KEL Shoe Company itL |