Show LOSE DUAL FEATURE Young I University Track Men Win Initial Tilt of 1923 Season Special Dl Dispatch PRO O April 28 Brigham 2 r loun university athletes defea- defea defea-cd defea ed d the tho Utah Acie here her today In the first tint Intercollegiate tra track k meet met of or the season 71 to 65 The entire program lm ot of centa was closely clely contested throughput throughout th tha thY Y Y holding a a slight advantage at atthe althe H the finish Byron WhItney displayed form formIn formIn formIn In the two mile run l winning handily He lie stepped the distance e eIn In 10 4 49 1 t Chick Hart the star middle ds d's tance ds tance man of th the Aggles won the mile and mile mlle runs run The Th Y T meets the Utah re agg-re- aggregation catlon gatlon gation at Salt S g lt Lake Wednesday N Neat t Saturday Utah will journey to Loran Logan for a dual meet with Ith the Aggles The state tate meet will be beheld beheld held at Salt Lake May 12 The summarY TR TR CK EVE ard ard dash Anderson dash Ander on Ar- Ar cies At-cies won Sanderson T Y Y second Miller Y T third Time 10 L 2 yard Pearce dish Pearce T r yn won on Miller T Y second and An- An And derson An-derson d A A third Time yard HO-yard dash Kirk dash Kirk A de won Bentley Y second Ober- Ober Ober hansley hanI AW third Time ard SOrd SO- SO rd run Hart run Hart S on Wakefield Y T second eph ont Joseph Y T third Time 2 05 OS tile 11 run Hart run Hart won WakefIeld VoPal Y Y second Wood Aggles third Time 42 4 4 42 4 Two Two Two-m Whitney run run Whitney A g e MOO on Allen Alien Aspics A second Bent Bent- Bent ley Icy ley Y I third Time Tim 10 42 2 IlO ard Young relay relay Young sUy sity won Team composed of ot San San- Sanderson San San-d derson Gunn Pearce and Miller Time I 1 34 2 One On mile relay relay-Aggles relay work on Team composed rompo pd of oC o Layton Sel Seig- Seig Seigfried fried Sel-fried fried Kirk and Time 3 37 3 yard low hurdles Morten hurdles son Morten-son eon A ts t's won Morrell Y second Walker T Y Y third TIme Tima 17 1 I ard 1 ard 10 low hurdles hurdles A JIO won on on s second ond and Peters Y Y third Time 27 3 rIL nuT nuT-D T D D Broad jump Webster lump Art leawon won w West Vest Aggles A Ies second Gunn GunnY Y I third Distance 20 fet feet tO 10 Inches Shot put Shot put iY Y T Won Howard Y second and Mor- Mor Mor Y third 3 37 feet teet 11 Inches Caeser Discus T Y 1 won Part Part- Partridge Partridge Part ridge I Y second Howard Hoard YO Y third Distance ll feet tat B fj Ugh High Young Jump jump Y Y won Madsen Y Y 1 and Lund Agle tied for tor second Height 5 S feet 1 lf t Inches Poll vault Webster Tault Webster AggleS won woo Young Y second an anT DIxon Y 1 and Neilson Nellson T Y tIed tl for tor third Height 11 fret 2 Inches Ja elin Y Y won Christensen Y 1 sll second ond an Gardner A A third Distance teet feet teet 7 Inches 8 e |