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Show HKMKfKll. Ilinirin, Utah. Au. 18, ll"6. KniroaTiuaai Mr Lorenzo Ricliins. wire ami daughter Mtty.nftcrn vWt of two moiitlii in Hciiclcrand Coafvlllc left for their home in Grouse Creek. Hox Elder Co., lost Monday. Mon-day. ' Mr. Jane Uichitu after a brief visit left for hgmc in Grouse Creek, on Monday. "Win, Clark nnd wife of Uinmondvillc, Wyo., is visiting relatives here. Mr. Clark has a nice l'olyphone with him, and has greatly delighted the young tolks while here, and in fact many of the older ones. A large delegation went down from' here with the excursion to Lagoon on the iCth. Mrs. L U. Brewer, has been visiting relative in Morgan for a week. Savtuteau weul from here to register at l'rovo, last Friday, with those already Registered from here , nearly a third of the totvn having taken a chance All the reaper are busy, and at least another week of good warm nights is ntedtxjfto Inture the iprittg wheat. .ipi , " The parttcal eclinc of the moon on the 14 th was obsen-cd by msn of the people here . Mr. John Hand, an old t jii. I dent ol Henefer, but nov ' of lllackfoot, Idaho, U visiting 1 crc. |