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Show COUNTY .NEWS. EVANS & EVANS ' IL&CI. Telephone " Lift t Sew Count Court Honse. Office Tl.oue So. 13 2 ring1.- - - - it Jane A. Robioeoe it visiting with Wilde. recovered enough George Bacbanan bat to be at work again. Mr. end Mr. Flank Pingree drove y. - ville. MISTAKEN HAY'. BE t. 1. Aug- - -- throngh the oanvoo Ut Wrone-daMr. Wait Lee and faait! have returned (rotu a mnnth retidence in Coal- ft. AMrwIrr YOU Grass Creek, Tim it VI Office iVsiitoncc Thone No. - EoiToa :r EVANS Z" FRANK - COALVILLE, UTAH. cun wsAse . ClTf. lod. No. 1; Bell 20S4K SALT The State Board of Health has issued the following:-- ; - ; - The season of increased prewith those already registered valence of typhoid fever is apfrom here , nearly a third of the proaching, and individuals and town having taken a chance. communities should be made to ' All the reapers are busy, and realize that many lives may be at least another .week of good saved from its ravages by the warm nights is needed to insure careful observance of simple prethe spring wheat. , caution: Attention is again cal led to theTact that it is caused The partical eclipse of the moon on the 14 th was observed solely by orjjarr'sm given off in the excreta of a person ' affected by many of the people here! with theUTseaserThfi5e organisms are exceedingly minute but potent and are liable to infect lodgment. - The usual channel by which they are taken into the ordered condition of the etumach aryY. , , . laet week. The majority of oor citizens made . Determine Title to Land, tripto Coalville lost Saturday evening, oa pleasure; tome re.uro-Vh- g and have access fcv fill public home the tame eveniog by moonlight H 10,Wa 19 .nd Liv.r Tablet. Other returning on Sunday. COS T of A8S1BACT f ut Sir. aud Mf. Joseph Jarbvr and dan Boydeti Jk Son, MONEY TO LOAN ON NEAL ESTATE ghter Josephine, of Coalville, were up KUCKVhh here last Sunday, visiting w'tb Mr. and - 'ne mine worked viz Jay Often one belie' e the Aitle to land is clear, but Is mistaken. , buleud h.'neely, p. VUiok reeidenrj, Coalville, Annint W.tcr;m.llc 1 CIWIIWOCD, Dentists. Absolutely Pure' HAS no SUBSTITUTE , State News - , of us always on hand. Dr. F.C. Osgood; DENTIST if noer permanently located la Coal- -, viUe prepared to do all claeeeenf dental work at reaonabte prioea. Will take I pleasure la examining your teeth free .( eharge. V. FREJICB, M- - D.. sal xrr , crr:j' at re :dencs a Ccalvi.le, , ctawrv thee hoar -- M Ail whoeaac.' . j 1 -- ed LADIES:.. - a jk,r u aras . . call and -- Coafshhd est , -- Prices as and as' . M. R. SALMON. 8 fflRER8 SALi jit, Harveyor or Street Suit - 7 ksirl f ::a 1 13 4 p. aa. CTc Tour III nn Story. lick lint at thie oa the r ; viei rScyelclan mid . A Mr. Bean, and son and a young ing destroyed instead of sown coenty has at length been rendered.1 core a cough or cold.At J no. Boyden & broadcast. is to have factories No.1, Sons, Drag 6;re 50c and f 1 00 gdaran-a- nd , ' a riling. J. man, all of Salt Lake are z Saaptite county it will be erected next year. Sevier j teed. Trial bottle free. Jn thfj, meantime all water Mr. Arebabald Bucbaaaa ia oo the in Mr.Siddoways field- - i ' jan l es used for dunking purposes should and son is also visiting r improve. The Gree Creek Coal Co. fa doing Mr. and Mrs. Siddow' ind be treated , as suspicious and work. should be boiled. Milk should development I family Z be carefully protected from flies, ; HiKina Mr. and Mrs. Gart' and if suspected as to its purity you want Winter Coat Hiairxa, Utan, Aug. 16, 19t6. Park City are visitir should sterilized be by boiling. Correa Time i Mrs. Caroline StetrlbridgeAXile examine my new sample booh Mr- Ioreazo Richins, wife and here Mr. Gardenejl is painting Fruit and other foods should from- - contract with from the Faultless Garment Makers . Latdaughter May, after a visit of two Mr 'Alfred Glembiidge house. be flies ;VZ the lattershould mouths in Heneferand Coafville Quite a jffew of our citizens Skirts. StytesTiri 'uded from houses. carefully'eK Gronse In left for their home have re tfrued from Provo where Low the Lowest. Call to those In addi Creek. Box Elder Co., last Mon- they haA e been registering for examine: reshould ' land om the Uintah reserve. day. I HAVE A FIXE LINE OF, COSMETICS. Mrs. Jane Richins after a brief Mr. Lthead and wife and family quire the d jection of "all some other ef visit left for home iu Grouse of Cl: ilk Creek was visiting her vaults by.lim ant and insist ficient disin Creek, on Monday. parer here last Sunday. iL icreafter. .he that they .si Win, Clark amb wife of Mr 'I W. L. Hansen. MKVrost, a sanitary con- if maintained is visiting Mr. iCalderwood, Miss Welsh Diamondville, Wyo., I relatives here. Mr. Clatk has and bliss Rhead of Coalville ditiou. v Total de a of all kinds rea nice Polyphone with him, and were visiting Rockport Sunday county, 10; has greatly delighted the young SchooAconference. ported for Sf , . in fact and districts re fted, 4; localities tolks while iiere, Mr. (jdaudius Williams and ; ; COAlaVilaLEtND ECHO . free from c iageous diseases,!; . many of the older ones, wife ot wanship was visiting fever, 4; pneumW; 4; typhoid A large delegation weat down her motheriefe Sunday last. fever meases, ases, i se?' 1; 20; to excursion with the ! mea-ffice- rs . . Z ciple. 1 T O. Peter Barron, each of whom paid tribute I to the sterling character and aawaver- -i ing fidelity of tbe deceased. Incidents i of hs pioneer davs were mentioned to. show his industry per-sho- OFFICE next to the Jewelry gyOne M7BEE3 -- : John E. Pettit Store. 8tewart remains of the late Willi who died on Wednesday. Ae a Mark at reepect to tba Memory of the deceaeed tbe regular Sundav services were ad' Jouroedand tbe time wii devoted toad- dreteing commemorative of the virteee of the deceased delivered by John R. Barnes, James H. Linford, Charlsa Cot- trell, William Blood, Je-a- e M. Smith, J. II. Grant, lleber J. Sheffield and Bisbon. son-in-law lHntlel D ts. Iisict Impreivfunerxl aervicea were held Krville, Bauday afternoon ovsr tbe st other micooted food, may is the aaving from death, ot the baby also contain them as a reAilt of Zlrl of Geo. A. Eyler, Cumberland, Mdv E. 8. Carroll, ihn oe insirnctor'-d- f the contact of contaminated flies. , The law provides for tbe disin- printing in the State Industrial oVvl, He writes: At tn age of 11 months. W)5 Kocxroef, Uteh. Aug. 15. fection of excreta frpra typhoid aesumed bis dntie Monday morning.Mr. oar little girl was ia declining health, Mr. Jebn D. Barbr, and Mr. and Mr tSmrou Tn: Carroll i a tborongb newspaper man with tcriou Throat Trouble, and twx Utah. John E. Pettit. they alro attended our Mr. Reed and wife, and Mr, cases, and health officers should and printer and the school i to be con- physician gave ber up. We were alL. D. 8. meeting, end returned home W, A. Smiths Mr. strictly enforce ibis most importmost in despair, when we resolved to gratulated upon bla (election. lb tame evening when it waa pleaeant Reeds, brother, who are visiting ant measure. If It were contry Dr. King New Discovery for Con- -. drjvie. returned from Provo scientiously observed m all cases, The Tong awaited decision of the eng- - sumption, Conghe and Colds. The first in Rockport Mrs. Tboma Lee and Mr. Albert Lee city last week where they went the disease would soon be com- ar people in Balt Lake city a to whether bottle gave relie'; after taking four made a trip to Coalville and back Sunto regter for land on the Uintah pletely ' exterminated by this the first factory in southern Utah bettlesshe was cured, and ie now in evening. day means alone, the seeds thus beNever failsto relieve and be built in Sanpete or Sevier feet health. reserve. The yeongeet daughter of Mr. and Mr. I a ' f. ?r OfiU-- t A UXTTER OFHEALTH mi By Our Special Corresptndtnts. , AUorej-l-L- ruunty will have a eager plant of her ova the venr following if various condition agreed on art lived up to. Bulletin Issued by Health Board . IH,. .A.. CT01T3I2S. 'Orsduate of the IntemaHonal Corree pooUeuoe School, Scran ion. fa. , , , frombere Z-thsf- HENEFER, Urdlcltia B. CLARK, MARY ANN (at the Shoemaker's.) la tli Agent for Summit eonstipation.etc. Bey dsn At Sons drug store, pri r 23c. BARBER SHOP D.C.Farley an Ogden saloonkMper.died about uoon a the results ot a Sunday . tunntyfor administered by .himSmooth and doe Clean of morphine Quick ; self Saturday night presumably with laMassage and Shampooing a tent to commit .suicide. Farley was A the ladies proprietor of the Riverside Resort, saloon specialty. We catet to as well as tbe men. ' and has been Is rather deep trouble tor - Bend me your orders I can 611 the past few months. Saturday night them tor you. saloon ks took Ifully three-quart- er - V tah. -Fourth door north of Telephone while at his oalvllle, of an ounce of morphine. At office. , . t any rat in ounce bottle Ithree-quarte' OpUrlan rLoniaT empty was fonud in his pocket, Mr, Farley was 39 year of age aud had lived in OPTICAL ALEXANDER CO., Ogden all hie life. He ieaveywidow Atlas lock, Z- - , Wishes to inform the public and eight small children. , : THE LODERN II. BARBERSHOP. Work. ; W. H. Robinson - ' n Mrs Sarah Richins 32 " tin cut On . onlv Lake or represeutn- - Arm is positively tb kind in Salt 000. ill which baa A tgden - -- mi live on the road., Mr. Alexander will I ; continue to make ' regular tripe to Coalville and adjoining owu a, about every four month. y . C that she is prepared to furnish floral designs of all kinds for parties, - funerals, etc. . Also kinds for ; potted plants of all Satsolicited.' trade. sale,your 1 attention. ( DO YOU WANT Z HATS OR SHOES in Boys Y ouths or' Mens Styles'? If so, .call and inspect Our Lino which has just arrived, and is full and complete. Wo make Tallor-Ind- o Clothing aa , and WILL Guarantee Specialty '- Fit CALL AND SBB SAMPLES. F;:;:rs r.:fc:;ti:3 COALVILLE UTAH. give the oldfaehioned castor oil, and see that It ie fresh, ae rancid oil nauseate and ha A tendency to gripe. If this does notjebeck the bowel give Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and then a doe at castor oil, and the disease may he checked ia it iaclpieaey aad all dasger avoided. 3 caster oil aad this remedy sbot ia procured at once and kept 1W7 for a toon as tbe first LTLa faetant tioa af aay bowel trouble appear. 71! is the meet successful treatment !- -. ' .t aad may be relied upon, with . 'l i . m jc . ALMA ELDREDGE, Mgr the 8tate the Sclents, Mines and the State Mornal The University of Utah include School of Arta and School of ' School. : SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIESCL8. The School of Arte aod Sciences offers courses in: 1 General Science. 2 Liberal Arts. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. Tbe Normal School offers ; 1 A four-yeNorma Coarse. 2 Advanced Normal Course. confidence even In infantum. For 4 Son. esse of sale by J do. c'---ra t-y-- t, I 7; FAMIloY TRADE r - SOLICITED 1 Fair and CogrteDus Treatment to AIL ar iu Kindergarten Training. THE SCHOOL OF MINES. 3 Course ia The School of Mines offers course ! Mining Engineering. A Warning l Bother. 2 Electrical Engineering, ' 3 Civil Engineering. with care be seed cannot Too much - 4 Mechanical small children during the hot yrealher Engineering. ot the summer rnouthr to. guard against 6 Chemical Engineering-- PREPARATORY SCHOOLZ1 bowel trouble. A a rule it is only School 1 maintaiaad ot A' rLild a Preparatory lose to tbe give necessary castor oil to correct aay dieord ot tbe which give preparation for the coarse ' bowel. - Do not use any substitute, but in General Science. Liberal .Arte, Send in isfaction guarnteed your orders early tp receive proper . - . ... Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ' , . - rm Cpr;cZ Nut try PuUtu gnA siiT Tlie Place to Meet Your Friends. W&HAVE A' FINE LINE OF 'Pecallftr DlMyysargice pneumonia, 1; Lagoon on the l6th. ' J. D, Runyan, of Bulrville, O. tuberculosis. 1 jdeaths form tuberMrs. L, E. Brewer, has been the peculiar disappearance of hie painculosis, 1. . . relatives in Morgan-fo- r ful symptom, of indlgestloo-- Z visiting "UTAH . a week. j oneness, to Dr, Kings New UrCIVERSITY OF UTAH r t Seventeen went from here to He says: Theyar it perluh rs -- edy, The Head of the Public School ' lache, for dizxinese, soar etomacb, register at Provo, last Friday, System of the State. .1 Jao. Guarantee COUNTY SURVEYOR 1 Engineering. Law, 'Medicine and - Businese. .re4oioo'rotOTHrdo)rOtsboteJasreotoOreoto)ioeoiOieoOiottew4 ' tn n u tt u tt tt. n c n 8: tr SWaaaA-a'tM- e a staVt ' -' La ot 00 o.oe.iutS1 oieot oiosiobiesieeiiJa 54 S' Sid'S' 11 C an aii doooee0'n4o,v i Graduates from tbe eight grades of t tb; public schools are admitted to tho Normal School; but a yser of high school work is necessary for adreiselao to tba Preparatory School Naw boiidiage, excelleat fscilitiee, . - - - i splendid equipnenU No taitioo is charged, hnl aa aanual rv;iratkn fee of ten dollars ie required. L'.atvatioo, September 15th and 16th. Instruction beg ini September 18th. o4 illustrated booklet Catalogue vest free upon request to nvEcsmf cf utah, Laks Salt aty, UUh. i. y f f y t . . r Has ifs greatest charms for those who fathom it, secrets. Every step is easy. To take SUCCESSFUL - Photographs now requires dark room required. Ho neither special skill nor training. K - w The Kodak Developing Machine Does the work. V ! f , 1 Kcdats. ti.C3to 535.00.' PROTO SUPPLIES - it rAsk DRYELOFIKfi UACHHE John Bojdea & for Catalogue. xi in SoiV |