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Show I MIDSUMMER I SHOES H The kind you need I for this hot weather. I HIGH GUTS TANS ,loOW 6UTS WHITE (3ANVAS BLUSHERS PATENT LEATHER ALob KINDS VieiKID.ETC. H Our assortment is immense. Come in H and see some of the new patterns just re- I ceived from Peters'Shoe Co.'s Big Bactories H Just the styles you want a,t the prices you want to pay. I COALVILLE CO-OP H Warranty doedaaml Iron clad noleican Ixi had at this olllre. When In nrvd of olther rail and tee ill. Price, rliht. P?iii'-nn-riiiii.,iii. miiiMiinii miii 111111 mini 1111 111 mini 11111 nun iiiiniu in 1 1 ininsaaiif i iSfcffl BAKGAM STORE, Coalville, Utah. I PIelj decorated" I CREAM and WATER PITCHERS-Big values at ,' I these srices 30c, 50c, and 60c each. I Handsome Glass Water Pitchers, good size; extra qual-j qual-j lty. You will say they are cheap wheir you see them f 2 SIZES-45 AND 60 CENTS EAH New shape semi-porcelain water pitchers; nowhere else so cheap, .aoc and 25c each Itrown ware tea pots; holds 1 quart; a snap while they lnt 1 Jc each Urown glazed ware; large-sized vegctablfdishesj great bargains 20c each Same goods in chambers, only Joe each . Semi-porcelain white decorated scalloped edged vegiUble dishes; unusually . cheap nice table sizes 15c 2oc, 25c ! Same goods in. dinner plates only 60 cents tor 6 Same in tea cups and saucers; per set ...65c ' Pine china tea and dinner plates; new decorations tea size 65; dinner size 85c flAAH D Jl HT AflTC' Decorated tea trays 15c each. llUlJJ 1 1T.Lf JjUuIVIJ Long handled mixing spoons 10c each. Will last for years, that would cost you a quarter in Tin pic platcsG for 25c 1' most hardware stores, for 15c Fine silver metal sugar shaker 10c each. : Ilronzed coat and hat hooks per doz. Pioneer brand butter paper d.oc lb. j only 15c Dread mixers, n great labor saver I Handy assorted screw packages works perfectly $1 go each. lib 'SPB All copper tea kettles, a low price 'j Surely the way to buy them when for so good an article $t. 10 each. I you get them so cheap. Twilled furniture print; choice I Ti Ti j ' patten; usually sell at ioc yd, our It Rare Bargains ,., i III FOrkS A finf jn VirinmA I S 5 tiued manmc forks 60 each. ll' A" 1 lgUI 0U r 4 tined long handled hay forks Coc each JUVii-fn f teAn All n I 3 tined long handled bundle toss- YV 111L6 llOOUS 1)11" 'f ing forks 40c each ""1,w VUVWM v w.. IBB .;. r'."E!"f";::.M,;;":t,, Profit Sacrificed. ' 1 It New hatchet and hammers bargains just S M I "' 25c quality now , 22c , Good steel Head claw Hammer . . 30c.- 20c '7c fj , A fine quality of Hatchets.. 50c. ,15c I2jic 1 Heavy rinse pans; largesize. .45cach. . Boys knee pants good quality 50c Mi , I Vegetables grater....1 ioceach. and 60c pair. nj .. . f iiiaal 1 1. l ninii.a!!.'.! .in .minni in. ..iiiimn.. Miiwiiimii 111 111 1 111 fcrfa.iwa,.iiti'., .ii.ilLt.i.l . lami.. iii m ijrfiiiaa Ol rOash Bargain Store, Coalville! I |