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Show I ) J Sorter v th mrunri f'irntt0Kl lIttP TfrC .sorphiiHp jaurtwWard. on Tbe fMnnUv COALmILLP J reiving VaSds- - - : - tithrtnl oilering t,"J!''-- t E ho. ll1" r mi lor tin week. lie emm'l gv The Iimk vue fabft'11'1 u Ry Rrimof iMiwk COMP AMY. TIMES rUBUSHIMS COAAVILLS, UTAH, APR. 14, ! euu h ti-- TTuckHmiT VTiutl. tVt iif';'1 id ittlfU H0 ,.Miiii MHWt prr ro wWfr4at Wf. to Io . ABUT Of 111 iuiTil tie. MM)A.m lJ wp m x, w ,, HIP Bart I HUM t. so i.rr(Hbv 10 s t A Suwoc- -E wnr Sunday at Geo. Heard, 8upC 8amt a. Saisamist WaaD ery MtTi-Ev- cfleitue - Even the meet vigorou-apeople Lave at tunc a fi neee and luaeitnde. To di-j- g EIUab.th Lusty, Every Thursday at PaaCTtci I. W. himiater, Chorister1 nr .i I Ubou 70 p. 11 i U.l1' I. by liiaiProinptly 1 - i'1 I'.ut) NEldlE RHOADES : n - ,. Prut son School Shoes.. . tvpuH-vigo- Vi cu,. jVfe HKHOUHC EfaHT. n The stoics about tow n hiv i it new nppeaittiite in tlic tic' o I. orhers il LadkS Misses nBuI duel!, grimy, factnrv yesterday, Mr. Baury Wild tanmer bouse. ' a new Is erecting tirandma Hoffman was a Coalville fisiter this week. Tie Tinas bat several new ads in tliie week. Look them up. j a1 ej Alien and family this week. Ixit gratifying, indeed, that JSt-- that jou get the De-tist- . srk nU t lwuwrlHH! o. no other ItifMs bTVii At Hs,latrwtc Sale 5 jC my Vib 2, copy 2, St. George Branch of rrwnnifai amt Abttnlitffil; j5 'huv 8 lrtactl nung lapr Pattern. g Klmptp, T7pt4v i . , cents' per package bv all dremgesta, .GeilJiali ftn,, lludyan at 60 -- Tbe Itek Ileus lot te being ut in a eeaditiun wbith is pleasing to look upon. . . Pale, tatiated, thin, vents. Budvsncurea. Mcentt. i fnmyor f 1 ! i ? l V A the pleased to note that lr. oamera children are eu tbe improve. weak turn and All diufjists, (NiSfilneAUowiiit Pitterm.) fKMte ttiher Only m Gn4 n. 5 A k lf kite (ft jj $o)4 in Mdrljf im city 8 Un, or by fttati from if THB McCALL CO., ; , na-W.lt tth SI., Nw Ytrk. JZyW,WAWV.,.l,.M.AWMWVM.w ' 2 went to Wanthip Be bid to take his Insiru- -' yssterday. euti with him to find tbe berg. beadaches, bleary eyes, vrttkneta, Boise in bead. UudyaD cm res. Ail druggeats,&0 cents. nrttw t t u,A I.ut ; S'-- " 1 an 1 Nvith stivt il)n d teevtmi t i .. - i ' no u iMj, I'. 0'I I tl" i it i to llit Hkc. b , jL 1 uv r.ri; Kim JVL1VC A. "iCXalJTElID&E, MiVlsrjb. fXsL1 UNION in ' I ii ' - ina I t ui-- noje(j for its rich, , body 'in i t! i l tl, 1h .in iii 'all I Hi ' oji!trul in 1'. ce (The Quesn of Fashion! FOR 1899. I'AOK BKUJTIFlH COI.ORK1) ILATljb lmne than Soo exquisite, srtibtic ami strutlv iasliion designs a latgf nr.iiiier of short itorios and illustrations fancy , work, handsome hints on dress making and 6Ugge- -, tious for the home. Vtl contain over 20 yon te goods at i . ONLY 1- 200 caps. You can get these t'Otlgli lif, show r jti ti p( a i w mag.vzixe nw BiwLiHai3B5gjc,gasxr7, tea, is yvinc-ltl- ol ei , .Hour in i a l I .t a '! i . ,,1 ' 50C. - lgB3aB3e"JJ--JJ.i!i- g ' A" YEAk: ' g impgs. Aud each subsen her rettixes a free Pattern of her own "stlectiou a pattern .sold by uioit houses at 25c. or 30c. the world gives such big valuefor so No magazine in W. J Wrights. little money. IAtlHC I FAST TIKE . I ndia . n C3-EI- LJL,m McCALLS makes them popular. These Royal Gems of the Kingdom of Tea arc: r, an Eng- The stimulatlish Breakfast tea, ing and invigorating. niY. The Orjotf, a Eormosa rcmatkahlc for its Qol deIidous lilac flavor and lifc.giving power, .Ccj-lo- , should pittliiuie THE ly Mercantile Company; Peoim.es The 0rangc pekoe, a .v -- her ...j ti ut if ih Cities ol tiiu 'MISSOURI RIVER OR EAST HaekiDg i1 We also carry a full assortment of fine quality Kid Shoes, with Cloth top or with out, for Mens and Ladies Wear. Ona paaad makes ovsr Jlnion JJadfic dratinrd . ..ATT u i h .udt.nhnt,i Tm.sc v ' Comfortable. pruiiiiiit-ii- t M it b. FaSasrrgt-- r Ail . . , Thoroughly . Bhead j Koh-i-noo- fi e art e 1 Chase & Sanborns Package Teas UANAMAKITot -- is now eold - ImU guest ef her brother, W. H. Biauch. boIu o Pennine I.lttl SamMark I. Aamped eu The Littlo Samn school shoes ars made by the triettmjii Bros Mme Co , of St Loots, on of the irgest shoe hon.es in the World psur that leaves their They stand hWitoci Can Sett them tw factory. Thai 's the re. yon you with aa exceptionally strong guarantee. Little Stmton We carry a full line of school shoes fa all size at popular prions. Lh. Women experience the keenest enjoyment from a perfect cup of tea. The delightful flavor of - lor- A"jat frhr itrmt, hcavl Relntkl, n-- ; ; lafwwt Tbe choir under the direction of J. W. Simlater is doing flratclass woik. Miss th Coaiillc. Ulahr TraiU- f J WR iHT W. MAGAZINE. wanted .:S The aiwvi son. HAvli NO EXlRL.s YOU ClIAROHS TO PAY. eolorw IsMtttni j drrsamsktng eromuwe Udy diphtheria, aa yet, appear. eeaea of K LACIES ei solid wear in per yatd, ANT) RhMl to everJr Mb- - S; a cents a year. So A Miss Bigler of Jiephl la visiting kfayor The Little Samson has more good it than any other school shoe made. m:k' r ccr MAGAZINE jS tough but softanJ pliable leather, especially selected; has sole leather t'p and double strengthened bade. It is built upon principles of comfort, strength and good looks, a combination hard to beat 1 a-- r,i CALLS A grand ball la to be given at Kama eu tbs evening of April 2lt. 1 lr. W. VISICK Jhjtl't fail to see our new spring at vie to sell b) the yard in any in mens and womens fine elioe, tl.cv are tie product of exclusive IxMctn and desisu and at -ptitts that msnulai tun and me can trutlifuliv mv will et astonish you Yon that 1 licy stand alone in tt e world of !( broad Com pelirion as to vrncs,. these yoods at New Yolk Re and It ng wearing qualities, tail prices y. hich mean a sa:n l'lOJLES MEU. COMPANY MfiYiYiAYiYiYmYfYaYiYtYiYnYiVtYCrVtK to yon of front so to 30 cci ts i it A FREE PATTERN MM K Meary Williams of Peoe was seen in Vwalvllle on Ihurstlay. I i t ; i , The Little Samson is the Ideal sdiuoi shoe for boys and girls who are hard on ordinary shoe leather. It Is made from ,, and beautiful lin'c.ot cloths to Rell bv tbt srrd, alo si'ks TYLES (rear kenber. Oal Clark Cti.'iK ilo " HOE. cho was in .town Mrs. Brouiley of fN ork than w A F? Lo E S cMSa. Tuui, )aper-- H 'Jail tit ) lllOfe KltlS- - mtn. PR ING . hanger or painter y call at Tut .. RIGHT; no A . A School Shoe .1 70 ill kinds of Job work, This'veekwe desire to call your attention to our line of Little Samp- filled. hael For y anujxmiue. Orders ed to call loot Lei wni'M hai mg been shoved bat L it.iuH Mine ' Childrens .;rtment. - of toe rooms and a lean new dirpl.n Miktiudspring ChsuiBAk PaiawHOon Ward. Third ttanday of each month at put m their place. Hie thangc To the UJKSufiwljnHe Bishop. if. first Sunday received fjun Mirrmo Every VaciuiU, v atSp. t. Liabop. Many people sutler nnto'd loctuit a fa.' luieui samples il tvles Every Mond y at from pi'.t , IncmifC of the j opul n PmnuJiT Miktikg ll at they ca not o iiik'I 4:30p. m In Academy Building, ioi the spring ami 'ftnuer, Maggie Salmon, Pres. TABLiKh f.L(KLi PlIhOlM-ME.- nI mcliulcs Tailor Vp Tocm Miss ajid Yocmo Laoisin ll I. a uni which will cure tin to oclock Mimsos, Tueedav at ami witli abeoliueMit.ee u .'niii hi Suits, wotiitn's waits, a omul Jusademy building. Frank Olson hdixa Barber Pteta. I 5. John vden A u. bottle, tubes Misst s jackets, jackets, Dtacoms Qtoat M Mikimo Stake oclock atS evening weme ns kitU, women's caj cs, House. O. Y, Bullock, Director. Those lnirrid tits of depression ine'an-chol- y, low spin's, and eudden lrrmthl-Ity- , ana miierkitts, Missts Uct 't ts, that sometimes sltiu-- t even g',d Children die sits ami Womens -v tempered people; is dne 10 thp blond woi with black idle Mackintoshes. tieing jiernu'atcd 8 local HER BINE will purify tin lilond, lesto e Thcse Ciarments are m tdc ol I m heatli and rimer (iilm t it Advents theliitost doth, and in the hit Plowing has cotntnenced in Coalville. For sale by John Boydt n ,y S,u "s. -- 1 invit- - I i u days. 15 ThtrPtiblie cordial ly 'k 11 Knt'iel !! p.m, Everr first Jtauap Socictx Miitiko Build-luIn Academy m., fhoradayata p. Prea. goods will ari'e every '' ir H. right, Pre. Sunday, at 2 p. in. KIitfioa ',,;Cbw'1"Adv.ivcftii,. gtktl? llff tsl(e""'ttMtftt.N Tnr "Monday at 7dW; Intwowdinf at 7.30 ami tituli'.v. trlday every .30 Primary grad, every Friday ,4 Jcdin Hoyden A Nn . VV i' a C 1'. ti UOKL'licif.ND SUUT ideal remedy. Price Ij m.d Non. John I'oidi n A r f 1,1 ' pi tin It Fmrtougbs and cold Clin iT. 'di" - i burnt hoii. Dlraotorv. Gburh trT' Mi-- brume quu klv lioalif y.u i ,a LAHD's SsSOWLIXfilTM eenl and 60 eviil. John l re rAv B o Thuily Cut, wound. -- T- w.t.w Ut, tttnl .m j I gos, the latest in every thing nnlheilliner line. 'f ,,1' i r' Monday left ; of milliner Srsb Jlotlon V There never was a Getter time to buy shoes inn Right Now. Weve got a bijg stock and you jill find our prices thelowist in this part or the coth-tr- her first consii;mnent recXfVed Has just rug-min- Ml SHOE VI1)ES 4 ',,r I' ' H R'H!AD,Eg' IN !B . LOWEST RATES J n, .s;nR, 3. D AM1..S l. t r I , The U year old, TouTeffiic ted. sonlil George Daniels, passed away Friday last at 4 oclock,' a. m. Feint1 Ftcrph gCaMi tint in trf ( t -- lliji. Fail ing Cars Free Keilming Chair Car Dining Cur, IDli tit Carte, Mr. P. Fanil and family of Almy, For time tabks, folders, Wyo., bavelaktn Bppersnatient resi- illustrated books, pamplets dedencoia Coalville. scriptive of the territory traversinwyor E. H. Rhead, yeeterdav laid ed, call on out a building for Mr. L, E. Eldredge. C. I. Wheadox, Lawrence can't deny it now. ' v Agent -- ,i ii 'Hint i t S Kt-'-.- i 1 '7 g, LjrT 1 i Oil cc l(. Br ft. i a : - !. ii i FooiiOmet j S?w cot i udM Tr. PTMTOriat Moorrf OPPOtiTt O.S u.leMUu1UliUK. r oW, w.U dcrip- - 'TdwaSrrr.y'rpalenlsbl or ost. dr,How tn OurlenotattyllpteMicurwt if m. i r.. e . i .r Tn 1 M Scaurr. . . w i (nnnla th teat tree. tear tf fotriblr. !. Cm re tsr 'lW U.8.o fureisnt t V |