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Show ')KTJ men GOUGK AN ENTIHE KAMILY DROWNED IN yellows roNnnivEn Tmnxll.s Haiti tlrraily llren IteroirreV aotoili.rs (re Mlln-le. (i,ir. (ans.,1 lha ItlvsrlolliarRaw fllrndlve, Mont, April 11 An Ice gorge In the cllowstono rlrcr at this point caused the stream to orerllow, drowning four persons. Might mora are missing, three spans of tho steel bridge nre washed out causing a loss of 8.". 000, the No-then Pacific tracks are Inundated and Hisslbly washed uivny for some dtstnnce, und the loss to lite stock by drowning will Involve a large sum Die dead person are Mrs K W Snyder, wlfoof a rancher) MUs.Nclllo ieagsn, her niece, Miss Hose W ybrecht, visitor to tho Hnycler ranch) llugeno O Connor The missing nrei James illlvan, wife and six children The Ice began morlng at 7 30 o'clock i the evening, and continued to flow ntlt 0 30, when It formed a gorge, he Inyder party, noticing tho back ater, stsrted for the Northern Pa lie tracks hoping thus to escape 'drowning, but before! the) covered half the distance the water was waist deep and they took refuge In a tree O Connor Con-nor was the first to be washed from the tree, Mrs Hn)dcrtho second and (Miss Wybrrehl third A huge piece of 'ce struck the tree and broke It II two, carrying of Mlsa llcagan It Is thought that the family of James Hiillivan wife nmt six children, were swept neray by tho orerllow, as no troco of them can bo found |