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Show H lunkixtiariona two now im4aywlat H the ceniaa burrau In Washington mn H tin number will robabljr not bo in H crtanl until the return from nnuiucrn Hf tora boglu to come in Kilblv n onr H lience At that time, licncu'r, ti- H warda olJOOOclcrka will lw tnuJuM anil H wlllbakvptat work for ni ml J ' H until lbs work la tlulahvd. . raaull IH otexagaiatcd ucnapancr rctorla to Hi WB ctrcct that 60.000 appolntim-nla wro to h3K to mail forthwith, WnaliliiKton la HH literally thronged with olo anktni: HA eiuloymiMit in tho lunatia burmu H Tbraa mutt all bo dliapollitl aa lb H appointment will not bo Mindu for H aocral montba, and tlmn not illrpotlv, H but thrpugh aonaton and nprotentit H thea from tho varioua ttatoa |