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Show no Q U BFOHT CHEE3X Totl'"a llcllracr llai IWaa Kaann lura I'llnj'a Tim.. Bt J-oiHs Olobe-Demoerat: Iloqus-fort Iloqus-fort cl i w l of very ancient lineage, Md I'lnijr mention It In hi writings. wv i plrure who linger over tho bltj aor of this solidified mixture "t gojt and sheep milk know the num. kfr'of ilHall which havo to be ob. lVeJ beforo tho toothsome morsel , Veidy for tho table. Tho care nee-nr)r nee-nr)r throughout every stage li ah even In tho milking of the sip and goat. This is done In tin ev(ic after their return from pas-tur pas-tur Hut In order that tho animals shrnot be In the least heated or ex-dttthey ex-dttthey aro allowed to ret an hour ber the milking Is begun. After bel heated almost to boiling point tho'cnlng' milk Is set nslde. In the rnlng It Is skimmed, heated to 98 rce and mixed with the morn-Ing'iillk morn-Ing'iillk for coagulation. Tho curd la ik kneaded with tho hands and prod In laycra Into molds with per-ford per-ford bottoms. A thin layer of l-Jy bread la put between each layer 'curd. Thi bread, which hastens no "ripening" of tbo cliccne by sup-lying sup-lying the germ of the characteris tic green mold, Is mado beforo the preceding pre-ceding Christmas of about equal part of summer and winter barley, with Plenty of sour dough and aome vinegar. vine-gar. When moldy enough It Is ground and sifted, moistened with water and kept from the air until used In making mak-ing tho cheese Tho curd remains In Iho ahsplng receptacles for throe or four daya. and la then taken lo the market In Itoquefort, whero It I eold lo the different makers of Itoquefort "ise. It 1 they who undertake tho f-nl "ripening" of tho cheese.whlch Mptaced In tho very damp cave Hundlng tho precipitous wall ot tho faestone hills which surround the tillage. During the month or mora that tho cheese nre left In tho cave they aro rubbed with salt and brine and aro pricked frequently with long necdlca lo allow tho aalt to penetrate Into them, and also to accclerato tho nroceas of maturing. When this ha i Itlied a certain stage tho cheese Is ' ret for shipment. |