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Show Hf ,s m!K Bold Step. mWWWi"' 5b overe n r th wen-gronnded tnd MmaW - t - it MHH -wands, Dr R. V I lerce, of Ilu(Tlo, N HH HJBtlltll J I H rt if" fn t- i- !-. r ir B v ih mtT 1 1 it-upmil iel r lo- HftH i ttic uso, u 1 K has put Milled broad BAHl tit and orsmly to the whole world a full IH tA coropfOe llit o( til iho Inirclltnu H -titerlp- InW'K'fOmtMtlon nf hl widely H cerebrated (wdlcftt. Thus he tin takta H lib nuntenrSi Microns atut patients jato H Un I illfcotUr nc Thud W h hai re- BHj aow Xiliftirdlclnn trom an tig secret BB nren f-jSitt lull K I rnrrlt nd made I then Irfirnv hi 4 u) hnoun I i trfton. H jt"i ""i. .. i 'iVrJHi ty l'te. t tEtng ! i v wriptwr of erer bo tie I J lr 1 rT.ll Urn M I it frn very I he lltn nidrlnr I t ik .1. ri h, pill liter rttth nmi I ill klirrbil tlbeae 1 Iiit r il r n i IL fn Cut nlu. ful I i mplete 1 t of il i. ilienu n It I ui a email nftfefarei ti k hi N nil I f rt r n mrniue Hfjpjpj m ad i i U r 1.11 il r diVrrmt Hbbbh erb. - r i iliirr potter- K-fMU en n . lun w inn I leaaint nre iim i f n I In" endiirslnf M tin H Mi w fei h end rt err imrr- rt , I In 1 r I I r medb-l m. me f u - i..kiill i nellrtl free Umr n I t ifljr.' (n u l el rirrf i r U.i r lrl" ii nf, liraUVv H utd rju nailesinie i n m thle little) EHH InVltx 1 1 I rt nl thit 1 r I ktrra ate) Heir c II ner 11" Bilnrril mm - r lbri- ui ur InJurbnM afente B aftd II at liter eru I from hitler, mrdlri tut riMiU of rrr-si ttluei ali tbil ewer of K9H tl I t Tlluille I n)le eoollllMMl UI BSflBaaBBBj lit I rrree Farorlte I rtieerlpllbfi fer welk rv u, urer nutkitt, rutift wn MrruMf fcfcfcfcW and del HIMirti e n rn, were emrdorrd. Htfli ((VMW r-aneini,lrthnl illiae f r llfnlUr lllm nle n aOte II Ihrlr m, k In Itt U uee uf Da an liewt riluel le raedtrli ll plinll entrrtnc IBIO tm U rotmjeit muf I r l'letT.ri.niePre- D -rlrtkin known In Ibe Indlane kV-V-B-ata Hjui nrpd" Irur kOilwlrlff if Urit trtet aB-Bg ffmrtafrw f otirmoet eituel Jr natlre nr die i i in i. . H nisi ft en tl I ki . afBaBVJ At mi Je up I r imttri red end eiirt teu- I rre.Uie I iTvrllo I tnx rlplkjll It Mull B-tt-tt-V-V efBrtrt reniriljr f r reculltlnr lit the wnar -B-VjaBB llilr f nliuir. r, trnllnir dkBlu-Titiri le. M B-B-BHan trtiliin , ant vrniun in i ret rvmtiei. ueer n nir I il ful rtnli, tontnr p Ibe bTbIH lmV anifbriui r alut irfert titlaol SSM beeJUi. tUd br all deejen la CltlKUiee. WAbB IXlrTjXF-" wobic off ci5 ffiafflgQOUQH H Mr Merchant we iiretl our Vh itis en You ncrxl ouri H iieneiiieieei"e in iienie iMPiiieMreiw H Chamberlain's Cough Remedy M Tim Clillclron'B Favorito H ouaw- B Gouffha, ColJd, Croup and 1 Whoopltiff Ooutfb. V TklireeiedFtl f f r lUetreeerle B Uireelt rth ad wtU Ileea H ilveft be drpriKled lilme. 1 1 coelaUe til m epleia or ether hinnrel dn( ena teir be H elfeaiieopjlJaeuloebabr Mleiaadell M Prloa as ota) Largo Ulie, 00 eta Hi. leeewaweieeMejieweiieteiefieat ' I truat thla inity Im rt-Hil ly iii HiilTrr from MiIim Mml IiIhiIiIi r iriulilf vtrttPa Ml' Je KIllR nf UndUriii, Tex I aurTtriMl four ii r- anil conlil II n I finllilnn; to ulre firii tiiiHrarvr IUf OiirilruifK'el hi lat IihIucmI im n trr ymir an ilma trtiilliiHiit nf I'limlee fnr l W. Ihlaone) iHitlla hna mml Hiei nml rin m pntittl nut Ii i lliu valiitt It hut Iweiii to tut liuuranltwHl for ! by John Hojrdtn (tmi iPinesalveil tor aalo by John liojraon b Boa. Tin pi lino In prur -minx h'i .y IjViimn rlttnuli n nml I'i'i HtrtHlaw I Si I 11.1 vUll ire Im weetk ' A eiirprlxo pnrt) mum r,l pr Ir Tliuraday onlnn nt tin Ii m , Mr ntl Mm llruoka In honor W.i- Brooka blrllnlH I unoli w aarvatl rind Mn anjoyalile lima M had AmnriR thirw pnarnt won Mm Ahby urltltndcn Mr nml Mr Rntwh Itrowti Mr hiiiI Jim. Holier C.unn, Mr and Mr Win Orlllwi. ilnn and Mr and Mm Itlshnrt. l(rl. dfN I ha achnnla arc prpprtrlriK In Kit anmitertnlninriit In Ihu Ainualiinl Hull. HHltinUy night, Dee. SI l.vvrylKHly Intllexl Bold by Jotin Itoydan & Son What a worth ilolaf la worth doing welL If you with to b eurad nf HheumiUIern, ua Millard a Snow I lolment an 1 you will Im woll mired A poalllvo cure for Bpraloa, .NeuralKla limine Con traded Mutclva and all tno Ilia thai flaah la heir to V D M WIlllamY nrnaota laiaa wrllcei I have trawl Snow I Inlmant fcir pralned ankle and It gave Iho lnf of eatlafartlon I alwiye koof It In Iba hOHtt-Bold hOHtt-Bold by John Ibixilcn &. Son m y I I SuTlfrR CleROS i , liyS.JS, ML .C teAtUla, ftCtf viz (l If you want a good sevicable present, one worth tlie money spent and that will give per- Jjj H , fqd satisfaction t Call and see Us f v iN v II V T i $ Remember, we are Agents for x- II Victor and Edison H Phonographs f ! T w Tliere are none better One price the world over x II I . zj The Summit I! I ,5C0OD Furniture Co. "ams" I I laWT ' "" """ t" uiu mat uiuruiux T- mwiux v - . ,- . . and ho folt mora than oontent ai h &WE&3ffi& XlVWJir $& "' WAS anuatuxl D tl0 aim on thu back kltch CljZPjf Wf Jtijfifi'' rf ' m eoatan RudUnly In turnlpR hit hot 1 SLJE- -J?? fvl M In tho lfltt. ho aplcl a temptlnr. red sXSyT s0gffiWJ&&3TTlfiH llU ' m phjoct pooptns up from s nriat roun I -- - Jmffilffllti)MFfi ' n I m wblUah looking aurface "ho rmIIor A I V8Mlw JzkM A ' QtMr made a daih and aplathl bo went -J feZwMInf-'-'.' ' MM un,,r the .hlnlne whlto aurfaw lln V- tx5wWJ)n1l 4'Z ' HB had that red bit however and at ha t?M!jr " ' Mfk awallowed It ho Instlnrtlveh at urk T -e I WW out with btu l.ba What a dtllgbt'il ' -.o-y , m0 , an m c EflHHHHtkaVaaflaVBavH 1 ko 'Unit i r u n t -i J t, ii 1 ur salt i ij I ItlKOI'.ll A I.INDI.KY, 1 I)irrHinmoHa, Stilt lake City I it In rauth or old age, the) deserve all we can give them In love, oleatl-lence oleatl-lence ami kind remembrance "i on may lie ure that father and mother will not forget you, e to It that ytiu tlo not forajet them A little chilli, one of twlna, daughter daught-er of A W Mnrehrtnt, hn been ilangeroual) alek for Ihe print three or four week but I now mime heller hel-ler Die child mother Is dead nml It I Minrliikenmreof ,j Mr J A Mnrchiiut S M Walker hail a torero tick pll lnt wet k hut I much better rniH Mr Mar) lleetrofthna been quite ltk for the net feu da) The lad) I now reioierlng I'lnealie LarlHillietl atls like a IMiiiltlci), draw out InllAtnatlonaml ImiImiii Aiitliwi tic healing lor jliapl ed hamla llw cuta, burnt Sol 1 by John Uoden & Son. DeW'ltt'a aaruolliml Whl.h lintel I Selrepenetntteatheporen-thorongli- ly cleanw anil la healing and aoothlng (IimhI for the pile Sold by John Royden Sou I Adertia jour gootts m THH I 'TI.MKS I There I aomethlng about Ken- I neih Ittatlo(ougli Srrnp that I make It different from other a It I eatiee a fret ) el gentle anion of the I b met through which the uold I I forcetl out of the eieletn t the M witne 'Im It heule irritation mil nl- la) Intlmnniutloti of the throat an I I lung It la plennaut to dike Child- I ren like It Contain no opiate nor I nnrciiilce H Hold by John noydan & Son I Your return card printed on I too cm elopes for 71 cents at I THi: TIMES oflicc. For Eciera, Tetter and Salt Rheum H The Inteiiae Itchlut, charaeterUllo H of these nllmcnta I nlmott Instantly H nllajetl by Chamberlain t Btlro Many HJ tevere eatet hnvo been turetl by It lor aalo ly John Hoyden & Son H l'or real eatule bargnlu ee K. H II Kin nil Ile laxatiie tough Sirup for H tough mid 1 riiii ami win ting cough grow In fniur dnlli with )oiiiiguudohl. Mothtrhiiiltlkii It on hmid forchlldren It I prompt relit f to croup It Ngeiitli laxatln, drh ing the poleun and phlt gm from the )tem It U a Kimple run- ed) that gm Iiiiiiicilluto relief, gimrantttl H l-ur tale ly John Hoyden & Son H To tho Farmers H Summit County H Wit tt In (mlt llli maki H )our hcniltiiarltr at thu mU OAK SALOON I I C Swainston, Prop'r. jm I Wngner lleeron Druft bunii)- MM j bro k I'ltri rood W hleky 1 bbbI Pnbst and Lcmp's H Bottled Beer .... 'Ring's DyspepsialaS I RELICVH INDICLSTION AND H .STOMACH TROUHLES Sold by John lloytlcu fc Bon H Both 'Phones 910. I George Q. Cannon Association I GENERAL BROKERS Represented on Change Weutti I'reinred to Oho Itellahlt! Itifornmtloii 011 DIltlond.I'n)liig Mining Stock No Wildcat Schemes. Coircspondcnce solicited H -I 1 nt South Toinj Ip, halt I nl o Clt) , Utah M &0 If 011 Dt lro to Ul-i , r m I I n on. u at Our I enee fLwM Santa Claus I I Headquarters j I AT I BOYDENS J I I'""' 'BaBeBBaBaaaaBaBBaBBaBaeraBaaBi i. , nrirarriB 1 FALL AND WINTER H Underwear and Outing Flannels 8 H Are Now on Our Counters Ready for Lm Your Inspection Tliey hae. Quality H jj Taite, Novelty and Modcrttc Price to H Recommend Them Investigate.. ... mW IA I'UV ODUb AM) I MIS IN LM Fall Clothing at Half Price The People's Mercantile Co I I AI.MA EUDRKDGi:, Mgr. I jl land and tho ttato filing on tho" tma data In order to tnko audi land an affidavit mutt bo mndo thowlng that tho land : not contain aluabta mineral. Tho att week marked tho ttirtlng of ore ahlpmtnta from the big por-ph)ry por-ph)ry dipotlt of tho Hoatnn Comwll u'atcd for tho treatment of which there baa been txptndoj no lets thon 2 O0 000 Uut a limited tonnage la ot log forwardcl to tho Oailklj concw irator, however .-- .--., vu , ,,. , om BtttWjBBa! age looking ont of tbe wlndowa of rBH hope la tbo awvet tenae of tho heart IHH and aoul that you have spread the kES flowera c- life about the rugged road HPWl of humanity Instead nf the aeltlea of tHsffjai contention naltlmoro American jH Revive Ammonia Victim H hen a person It overcome by tn bbbbbi monla fumes a good stiff drink ol H vinegar will help to counteract tho no. tlon of the ammonia, roilro tho un ajWaX coctclous and In many ca-ea tavs Ufa HsbbbbI |