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Show Andrew Cirnc ' ru aJJiil tit mlllt n d l'.nrj lj i tit. n d 1 i i -lost u f d i ! vl I 1 In ' T l t till - i i i. r i aim i i- i i w t ii i ( l i I t.r rrlniti fitih In a lire that diatniid tho real dence of Cbarlea Utlbe In Watertown N V bis two chlldnn aged 4 and t years, wire burned to death The directors if the Western 1'nlon Telegraph eoniisny have declared a quarterly divldind of P, per cent payable In atoik of the company Mayor William Oreen has notified Clilef of P11 i Futon that nothing but ths nectaaltlis of tlfo shall be sold Id Topeka Kans, hi matter nn Sundays W It Thiimaa his been elected aet log president of Hid American 8ugt Hetlnlng etmipan to nil the vacancy cauteil by the death of II 0 Have merer At a meeting of Hie Ohio Ilrewer' association held at Cleveland, the campaign to reform tho saloon was begun be-gun No beer will be sold lu dl keepers. Hecause he and Ills wife of twe lixmtha quarreled over his desire te spend his evuilngs at his bowline ilub, Jacob lilor ot New ork City killed himself Ooo man Is dead another probabl) fatully wounded and a tblrri Is suDep Ing from serious Injuries, as the result re-sult of a suppostd black hand ' out. rage In I'lttsburg The election of the first two United Stales senators from the new state ol Oklahoma reaulted In Kobeit U 0eu ot Muakog.M und Thomas 1. tlore ol lwlon being chosen The Federal aasiinbly has elected Dr Krnest Urenmr, radical, to tx pri'sldinl ot tho Swiss republic lor lu Mr Ilronner Is vlcoproaldont of the 1-fdernl council Fanning aud Waahlngton Islands, ol tho 1 aiming Islanda group. In the Mouth 1'nclO.c, were aold by auction at Suva 11)1 nconll) to Father Dtuugli ler for the sum of IU5.0VU Tho romnilaslont r of Indian affair. In his annual rnKirt, says that the In dluns loe millions of dollars Liery j ear throitkh diad tlmlioi on tho reservations, res-ervations, oapeclall) In the southwest. C M Colbj, u Junltor 111 th Oxfunl flat building, Omaha, kilted bis wUo by nearly aeiirltig In r head from her liody with u ruror, and thin uttimpt-lug uttimpt-lug to kill lilmnolf Ilo cannot recoil re-coil r On Ing to tho financial conditions In tho United States, tho repatriation of Italian imlgrants Is assuming ast proportions About 60,000 havo returned re-turned to Italy slnco tho first of thu mouth Tho Amnlgnmatcd Window (Unas Workirs of America hao obtained u 12 p.r cent Increase In their wago scalo from the window glass manufao tunrs, as a result of a aeries of con formces Oeorgo 8 Ilest, tho actor whose mnrrlnca with Miss Cicllo Fleming ol Ixis Angeles was nnnullid recmtly pliadid guilty to n chntTBO of bigamy and was tcntcuccd to ten yoars' Im urltonmcnt. With but twenty four hours of his term to sirvc. Convict Folk Macki), In tho penitentiary nt Nashville, Tenn, committed sulcldo with a short knlfo. Ills mind, It Is usld, suddenly became unbulancid ltcprescntallvo Dalioll of Pennsylvania Pennsyl-vania has Introduced n bill making It n misdemeanor to publish an untrue, dirogstoty statement about a national bank and penalising such an act by flno or Imprisonment A bill designed to restrain tho United Unit-ed States circuit and district courts and Judgts from Issuing Hmpornry Injunctions In-junctions against tho operation of tho state laws has been Introduced In tho buitsu by Mr Clnton of Alabama The president has nomlniited Thorn as J Altklns of Missouri to bo assistant assist-ant truiurtr of thu United States at 8t IjduIs, and William II I'opo of New Mexico to bo assoclala Justlco of tho supremo court of tho territory ot New Mexico Two nllckid night rldirs, Will dray and IM Coolc, aro dead nt Mayllcld Ky, as the result of wounds realm! during thu lslt nf tho 600 night ililurs nt llnpkliisilllo Until nru oung nun and reside ou Muddy l-ork, 111 Trigg county, near Welloma An Infirnal machlno placid at tho costly tome of Samuel Haunt n re-tlnd re-tlnd farmir llilng In Danul'e Ills explodid and parllnlly wrecked tho house .Mr Ilnum nud family wire not seriously Injured Othct housos nearby wero damagid Dnssid In boys clothes Miss Cath crlnu Andrews callod ut tha Unltid Stalls receiving olllco In Hloux City, Iowa, to enlist In tho arm for sor-Urn sor-Urn In tho Philippines Bergcant Hall accuaid hir of being n girl and sho broke down and cried A member of the Canadian houso has BHkcd for all corn spondenco In ngiird to tho Japanese tnnty In doing do-ing so he an Id that Japanese would nut aaslmllttto wltlr Canadians and tho Miirnmint acted Imprudently In adhering to tho treatj Pulllo Ilriinuttti nut a horrlbto dinth while attempting to stoal wlro at Ilempsttad I I lio had climbed n i)lo ami cut a tulcphono wire, but while aitempilng to ptill II down It cimo in contact with a high power (Kctnrnt sirvlco wlro und ho was Instantly In-stantly killed The estimates for 1908 presented to the Canadian parliament do not con tain the subsidy for tho Australian stoamshlp lino from Vancouver to Aiiftrallu It amounted to I80,600 n in.!)' Thn subsidy will expire In Auicust i -t snd e-'.Jctitly It Is not to ropcwed- |