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Show ' i iwountU v. ii EcIJ Etep, UY xvt d .Tiie pipe line ly. fr lint t is ii t uliul.to siTT.je.-- tii here on Dee. 2Ut. Babe receive a right royal wt Iconic RIEGER home, ,, -- ,w Main n 11 . Mill- - .on.ll leorge E. Wilkin, vtlTo recently nrned from Uintah county, eak8 ry highly of that part or Utah;! fact the gentleman was w highly laed with conditions there that secured a farm and w ill eventual- make hi home in the iuat progressing l.yiiwi Crittenden and Kelt? Igtk visitors t S r ; vy " K n i-- wet k. j day. "Mr, 'iirprie A C j wh-mjur- L-t- , a ( i i , I ettinon. union mad den. & BINDLEY, Salt Lake City I)iTRiBCTOK8, J in youth or old age, they deserve I)eWitt Carbolized Which Hazel Salve . penetrates t tie all we can give them in love, obed-- 1 pj,.,,,, j, beal.ng and iettce and kind remembrance. You soothing, (iood for the pils Sou. dold by John Boyden may be sure that fa'lmr and mother will not forget you ; see to It that Advertise your goods iu THE you do not forget them. u pores-tlioroug- h- 1 j TIMES. little child, one of twin, daught-Ansti- n er 0f A. y. Mnreliant, ha been dangerously sick for the past three or folir is now some bet- ter. The child s mother isdead and n is being taken care of by Mr. J. A. Marchant. S. M. Walker had a severe sick spell last weet but is much better A j k i timer-leadi- rf Baltimore .1 firry was gtvert Tlairtl;i e filing at the hfrne tlliam M 'iniih who ourtty. in honor whthjjwc rk.ng at the Ga Mr. and Mrs. Brooks W. Marchant of Emmett, is home wuii Mu. Brook birthday. Lunch wt Works in Suit wr ha been in Peoa on a visit time t'aho, an veil and mjoyaiile liis parents, Mr.'.ai ij.Mi. W. A. set and friend for the 'th wen relative bad. Among tlme present S'ntfii.' ttnnl li ' a ri mum Mr. pant month or more Mi. A Itbj i'ritti mitn, fr. and Mrs. work tiguin. Knot h Brown Mr. and Mr. Jleber j) archant was horn and raised in Mr. WiHiaiii Ul.ikf of Viiicyaitlj Marcli-n- t ,unti Mr.atrdMr. Win. Critten P oa, and is the son J. A. Mr ( utiiriti' is visiting ins sisit Richard of town. Red this Mis. and Mr. den and ,n L2 sTruiinit. I itvfFipper of ever, bo tie , only di nf Ur. Piriw UoMen MtxlU a) fHwvery. th tTKniirlne put tiou&th. wtak fof fttwMU and ail t atarrbal liter or biliousne 1 it. lm r frWre n aied, printmi uuci ail nynA, a fuli and ruoipJete a vtraali Ue tnsrnUinU coOTiJUGntf it, but uplltu vt and a ni imti.i al work's of .11 lb1 differfiit artmt W of praVto, uoata.rlntf verr n cam extract from the writings of mrdtclne. endonuritf tn ths nrrutuxiert mfrru.yft p9ilU tsrm ea h ami fct r fnffre-4lutdkrtiiwa. (xxiuuit'd in tr. trrrr-Oam of thuau Lttta biykavllj )je DiniJ free laanf one anuirif iddrtnaon iyiial rtrd oc toy tHUr, to Ur. It. V. Here, Buffalo, N Y. f'nun Ihla littla med that Hr Plerca'a Bird no tleohoU nanotli a Dilmrai ktnrs Contain or oilier poinoiioua or mjurioua air m la Mnu, nd that lliey ara ciaUe Iruni na'lre. im Uli'l-ai Talua: alr liiat aoian of ruota of raluable inirrxltenia contained In Uir i Ur. irrcaa avorlt PrearrlpiUjo for weaS orrtoua derruu wirioi ked. deliil Hated nnirn, were employed. Ion ream by the Indiana for aim liar ail tin nta aSerUn tln lr at,nawa In fat t, oae of liie aunt ealnalile roedirloal pi an la rate rfn Into SBerrmipuaitlou of Ir. 1lerca t aroma Preas nrttrtlon an known to the Indiana quaw-Wtvd. Uur knuwledire of .the uaea of not a few of oar moat valuable n.tla was pained from the lidiai . pluita As made up by Improved and eiart promt. the k avwrlut Prescription I, i moat tSclent remedy for reculatlnc all the worn ads fanetkma. correctln dlaplacenn-nta- , u ntevrrakjo and retorveraioo. the tnarrumlna painful period tonlnc up ana brlnpln about a prrfect state of bold hr all dealers la ctsUclfle, Jul in smok cigar. For aie eyerywnere. ive Our Special Correspondents. ; ' . Ilug lira, one the teach id the district mhool,' eontem-it- e cpeodlng the holidays with dive and friend In Mention, he Coanty. The jroupg.lady will t ROCKPORT 0 ia Anna COUNTY NEWS and vweoms lh wxsonable objection of tbs more Intab Uffeot to lh use of Secret, medleluxl coo mends. Dr. B. V. Plere, of Buffalo, V. , toms Umo ttffo, decided to make s bold s pnrturo from the usual course pursued By 'tif the makers of put-u- p medicine for do, 4 W. .acsUc use, a"i w ha published broad as st and ortTTSTy to the whole world, a full and compfOe list of all the ingredient his widely saterlng celebrated tpdiote.' Thu be ba taken his numerous summi and patients Into Us full fan,ftnce. Thus too he has from among secret BoeWport I)f doubtful merits, and made TlTf-yro- l themwftcmofu oj itnoun to mpotiuon. L nttin hiuI Mi I Kv thW b'A ?Vn !f PIltec. ha - Wn were our holt V L""."1 M ay tXi Uk t SV 4U - ' There i something about Kennedy's Laxattv o Cough Syrup that makes it d.iferent from other, a- - it cause a free yet gentle action of the through winch the cold i forced tint of the system. At the same tint it heaD irritation and allay inflammation of the throaand lung. It is pleasant to take. Children like it. Contain no opiates nor narcotics. . Mr. Maria F. Lyons, MissGIady arc preparing to glx Lyons, Master Emory Mile and now. of Tark Cit is tsii log bar an entei tainmeiit m tlic Amusement 'prohably Mrs.'Anna Marchant will Mr. Mary Beecroft has been quite Sold by John Boyden & Son . A. Sinitii. n.t Mr. and Dec. 21. go to Salt Lake to. spend the holi- sick for the night, Hall, balurday pttht few days. The lady Several of out ciiijmis are Your return card printed on invited. and relative i with friend. body now recovering. Ever) aa day silk at this'writin. ioo euvelopes for 7 cents at Most, if not all, the pupil from iiold by Jolm Boyden A Son. THE Mrs. David K. mpiiioiis of Park TIMES office. Pinesalve Carboltzed a like asts here who are attending the I,. I). S. What nft-draw out mflamatlon and For poultice, City return'd i. no- briday Eezera, Tetter and Salt Rheum. worth doing i worth doing well If Iniverslty in Salt Lake, will arrive poibon. Antiseptic, healing. For The intense itching characteristic visiting Mr. and Mi. 11. Seatnoits you wish to be cured of Rheumatism, koine on Dec. 21t to spend the y of these aliments is almost instantly chapped hands, lip, cuts, burns. a few day. use Iialiard Snow LIptment and you Sold by John boyden & Son. allayed by Chamberlains Salve Many season. A positive cure severe cases have been cured by it. 3 will be well cured taoliut of snow ha fall recent The For sale by John Boyden & Son. heavy i ad n Con many I trust tliis may by for Sprains, Neuralgia, Bruises, now it Kee out all Uracted the brought thai and ills Muscle bladder sutlerers from kidn vIhikI For real etate bargain, see E. a tiling of the A. G. M. William, look like wheeling fitsh is heir to trouble writes Mis Joe King ,,i avasota, RheatL H' , Texas, writes John And- Wanship, Dec. for sometime up thi way. past I red uffi f,,ur up bowkj T. Wt I odlaml, have used Snow Liniment fo WOBf Ott A OLD ha again returned to Wan- LaXHtivp roUfh Sprup for wnatuoiuauiAi. years and could Im! nothing to 'give sprained ankle and it gave the best Bishop Maxwell is home from t lie ron LAXATTVB (looping ship ami intend- - to i.main here all coughs, cold, croup and f satMai non always keep it in saw mill, the gentleman f It having loaiT ao r bit even temporal y diuggist the house 'cough grow in favor daily with MAX inter. young and old. Mothers should keep ernne down on Saturday and will Sold by John Boyden & Son. at last induced in to trv your It on hand for children. It is prompt Mr. and Geo. Peterson Mr. were the until after remain holiday. relief to croup. It is gently laxative, days treatment of Ptnules for fl.uo. in Coalville Tuesday. the poison and phlegm from lc ha ...mi me and driving one was bo., season Tins ball ef the first The need Mf. Merchant we your the It is a simple remsystem. Hut M , rs. I'oulu inoiiMV Wilson and Miss Clara Peternf hall on the evening Bates in that immediate relief, edy need gives You ouri. given t)US.r.S. has bleu to me. (uaranteed. O son were in Hoytsvjlle Tuesday. guaranted. attended who of Dec, 10th. Those 17.-& Son. tovmia Dec. peoa, Hv!en For sale Ly John again by John Boyden A Son. Mr. Hixson and Mr. Williams a had as enjoyvery to having much report the de measles free from KM were school visitors Monday. HOYTSVIULE iiglit of oue and all. During the able time. To the Farmers d Saturday, Auxiliary meeting was past six weeks thero'diav been g? The members of the Twenty-secono1 ft our of ca.se of invasion iit all; !W families Summit County Hojtsvilic, Dec. IT. Quorum of Seventies who held here. The Stake Presidency N, tow n people al ihImI jin v tu y at huv iug hud it. Sciiool wag elo Reside in Oakley, Peoa. Uockport were present, and all the organisaAVti n in Coalville make last November .Saturday. for two week in Wanship owing snd Wanship are now holding regu- tion were represented. your headquarters at the Miss Vera Pendleton went to j George Hobson ha n turned from t the fact that a great many of the lar class meetings every Sunday a business trip (o llock prmgt. pupils had bet n taken with the morning at the residence of O, F. Coalville Monday. . ase. I disease was the Yifortunately The Wanship Dramatic Co., preWm. Wilkinson mid .laughter Lyons, in Peoa. These meetings are El Swainston, Propr. before re-it 1 spread among the pupil of great benefit to the members of the sented Mao, of Idaho are lit re visiting Imogene to a full house reported to the proper officer!. quorum and the interest taken in here Saturday night, and to a full Wagners Beer on Draft Sunny-broo- k lative here. Pure Food Whisky McMichael,' ft, r parent to understand them la most marked. U Dwell It is the house In Peoa, Monday. V H West ffobt. liable to prosecution If desire of the class leaders that all Mi Annie McMlcheal of Hoyts-vill- e Wllll.nl Hobson and son Andrew, that they are Pabst and Lempa to he all do not a make it lintitetliafely report members point has been visiting with Mrs. E. they on business. in arc Balt Lake Bottled Beer dleae tlvat may brealh prompt in attending the class so It. Young during the past week. Thu Children FeTorite Bujit. Boyden visited our schools contagious out in their families; and If the? that all may receive the same Bro. Staples from East Coalville, last week. Oonghs, ColdJ. Otoup and would do this, mean could be takep benefits- addressed the Saints Sunday. Dyspepsia Tablets Whooping Cough. to prevent the spreading-- ! any cog'y Duncan W. Marchant was called to tfl for Ha ama aw Tl rBdr RELIEVE INDIGESTION AND icttCktl fwld ! of th i tttfia hHSvpvbUvA disease. , TROUBLES STOMACH spaa. II owalw M taglou vlvtt orn iHSvr lunnl Ptttltict. last Salt Lake owing News Saturday City on Page 4. w County Sold by John Boyden A Son, Inj u piua Best Fuoi fivva M vonkjMtU tev.bakr m to m tdail A. Marchant went to Salt Lake to the sickness of his wife and two Frloe 86 eta; Lerge SU. 60 -JljSalTtv f0f ie by Job. Boydea A Boa. last week on business and pleasure! of. bU children who are visiting Both 'Phone 910. friends there. Tefore anithir Issue of The Times, Qhrlstmas will have passed, therefore I now wish the readers of your valuable paper a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year with all s that the term implies. W T e are He that giveth to the poor Prepared to Give Reliable Information on Dividend-Payin- g (S While we may Mining Stocks. Lord. time No during Wildcat Schemes. be having "a good t Correspondence solicited 24 East South Christmas tide, we should not forget Lake City, Utah. Salt Temple, the poor; it Is our duty to see that You If Desire to BUY or SELL, Pt one us at Our Expense. If you a good sevicable present, ihey are made comfortable and its will give perto happy during the coming week of rat aimmjinatMeaiMi,..- money children the festivities. See that 'IS fect satisfaction are not neglected and that the little s JS ones hearts are fcmade glad with It is AS what we can do for them. to than receive," AS to batter give AS heucfijye should look up the poor AS and contribute with a liberal hand AS to their wants and pleasure. Try it and see how much happiness you will for be and with what peace will le your are AS rest. Open your purse as well as your sympathy ; seek out the poor; they do not not always wear their AS poverty on their sleeve; and if you j contribute to the comfort aud Joy of S but one of Gods children you have AS done something toward making AS Ufe brighter and happier. FALL AND WINTER AS over a have you My young friend, price S grandpa and grandma? If so do AS not forget them on Christina day. Are Now on Qur Counters Ready for AS Do you know with what pleasure Your Inspection." They have. Quality AS 'they receive any little gift from you and Moderate Price to Taste, Novelty AS and with what delight they show Them. Recommend Investigate. - - AS their friends what John, Robert, 'IS Mary and Jane gave them? It mayA FEW ODDS AD ENDS IN AS be ever so little, bit be what it may, AS reii warms up the old hearts AS news old times long past and gone. AS Grandpa and Grandma will not be AS with us very much longer, therefore brighten up their declining days all ALMA ELDREDGE, Mgr. youan;and do not forget father and mother, the names most dear to Mr. ami Mr. li.!uiil Mion ai 'It. run-diin- ." s, graml-parent- v i 1'hf -- chotd NN vt-r.- I -b- r I itoli-dU- WANSHIP. thebob-sledsand- 1 m ltv.-- Mr. MOVE rS mi COUGH . vv j 1 vv : PEOA i Our Chamberlains - V W i I I j j dU-Mr- OAK SALOON s. I'' j Cough Remedy .... Rings George Q. Cannon Association GENERAL BROKER A w Represented on Change l lend-ethtoth- e K 'S want worth the one spent and that Santa Claus Headquarters Gall and see Us 8- & Remember, we i AT Agents BOYDENS Victor and Edison Phonographs There are none better One the world Underwear arid Outing Flannels -- . 'd Fall Clothing at Half Price The Peoples Mercantile Co ( r |