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Show FORTY ALASKAN MINERS KILLCD Terrific Exploilon Makea Many Widow Wid-ow and Orphans. Yolsnde. Alaska Aa the remit of an oxploelon In Mine No 1 of tho I Yolando Coal Coke Co. forty men aro dead, ami poaslbly twenty more death may result In fore tho roll I , completed According to Superintendent T. C. Hucknhee, the explosion wa undoubtedly undoubt-edly dun to "windy" hot Mr. Huck-abto Huck-abto had Juat nude n tour of Inspection Inspec-tion nnd congratulated some of tho L men on the condition of their room. J A few minute nfter itmchlng tho top i ho noddled hi horse nnd wn ulKiut to go for n day' hunl when tho ex-ploalon ex-ploalon occurred Tho mine go down wimi thing like 1,500 feet There wn u terrific explosion, ex-plosion, the force of which wa seen outside, dint nnd timber being blown out In greul quaullUna, detro)lng small building nearby and nlso landing land-ing on the Blntlon some dlslanrn uwny. There wn terrific heal Irnme- l dlntely alter tho explosion Official of tho company on tho scene Immediately took Ktcps to start n rescue party to get the men on the Inside Tho fan wcro ittnrtul, nnd other methods tnktn to ellmlnato the bad air Within an hour fourteen men had crawled out of tho mine, nnd t their description nf tho Inslda wa I heartrending Hevvnil ot tlusu mm I wcro badly burned Two hour alter I tho explosion It wa still lmtioslble . 1 to venture uven near thu 'inntrtn" or""""""" jj' tho mine, so hot wns Hie air lhat wa I rushing out. I Tho Yolando mine nre but n tow miles from Vlrglnln City, whero a i similar oxploslon occurred about two , jears ago, 117 men being killed nl ii Hint time ! . i |