Show ESTATE I TRANSFERS TRAN I I The follo ng real estate trans trans- transfers transfers J fers w ere re r reported reported today by Mae Mac UI I I I Bramwell county recorder Thomas G Spencer and wife wile toi to toMary I Mary Ilary all of or lot 11 in block blockI I 1 Riverside addition to Ogden Osden City 1 blockI I Moroni Roes Rees to R n A Saunders a part of northeast quarter one-quarter of section 19 13 township 6 north range 1 west nest sl 10 I Lillie P r C Preston to Murl Muri Ure a 0 part or of o northwest quarter one-quarter or of section 22 township C Ii north range orI I 2 west nest Salt Lake meridian Mary Humphrey a to George n It Humphreys a II part of southeast quarter Quarter one of section 24 2 township 7 north I lange ange 2 west nest cst Salt Lake LakeI I mel 1 Henry G Upton to Edith Hannah Upton a 0 part of oC lots 3 4 and 6 B bloc block 12 plat pLU A Ogden City su survey vey 1 Arlington Heights Realty com com- company com com- comI company company pany to nid D-nid Id Mattson lots 17 and 18 block 4 1 Arlington Heights I addition to Ogden City 10 W V J Blackburn and Jane Jano Black Black- Blackburn Blackburn burn to Cyrus II Brown Drown and Mrs rem Brown Drown all ail ot or lot 14 in block 35 Nob hill Hili Annex addition Bertha Miller r to Mary Mar Mar Humph Humph- Humphreys Humphreys reys a 0 part of southwest one one- quarter one quarter ot or section 19 to township 7 1 north lange 1 west 1 diaries Charles s L and wife to I John A Heslop an undivided one one- one halt halt hair Interest in a part of section 3 I town township 5 north range 2 west est Robert Bee Dee and wife Ire Hannah too to Di Investment company all allot of lots loh 9 end and 10 In block 4 t Her Her- Herriman's Herriman's alii riman's addition to Ogden City In Investment company to John Empe Impe all of lots 9 and 10 addition to In block 4 Herrimans Herriman's Ogden CIt City nn |