Show t 1 I LIVESTOCK FOREIGN I By U V S 5 Department oft of 8 t CHICAGO July S Hogs Ite l Hogs Re Receipts strong to 5 cents higher on good Rood kind little doing Ion on oth others bulk good and chole to pound 50 averages R 7 1 50 1160 7 6 top t 70 bulk good an and I chive to pound butchers Dutcher packing eons BOWS mostly 5 good strong pigs 7 00 packers ackers dons dong lit lit- little lit little tle heavyweight heavy hogs bogs 6 medium 7 70 light 7 70 light 67 6 sos smooth 20 sows sos rough 5 killing pigs 6 Cattle Receipts 11 bettor bolter grades most mot killing classes corn com com ely scarce fairly active t at toady steady tead lo to strong stron prices mostly spoLS higher lower grades very ery slow une Cn U ne en barely steady relative feso fe matured steers to sell above 11 00 bulk beet beef steers and yearlings 8 early tOP 11 45 few tew good to choice long 1085 plain i bulk n 1 eighty native grassers down down- downard down downward ward bard ard from from 00 light grassy year year- year year- yearlings lings 6 i 0 O and below about 23 loads North Dakota Gras gras sers sold late 9 esterday 6 6 7 75 5 weight ht average 1152 1162 and 1144 pounds respectively some 1201 1 1200 pound 7 30 50 O bulls Un- Un un uneven Uneven even weak neak to lowet lowe v Noler eaters largely SOC higher stock stock- stock feeders more active actie e Receipts Sheep Receipts fairly tat fat lambs steady to strong culls and sheep strong to higher spots more earl early western estern lambs Iambs to city butchers butcher and shippers 11 75 somo held hIgher mostly 12 00 sort sort- sortIng Ing mod moderate crate culls eulls generally I Ii 6 9 00 few good yearlings 25 choice year two tip Uv- up-ivard up I ard to 9 00 odd bunches good goo I I light ht es cv heavies 50 4 50 KAS KU SAS S CITY fITY Mo 1 July 31 31 I Receipts Cattle i calves 4 COO 4 tOO better beller grades rades be best t steers and yearlings strong to lo lOc higher other killing steers steady stady lop op eight bee beeves es 1115 l 1 best 10 25 better belleI grades cows s and can canners ners steady bet In In grades dull weak weah to iSe lower bulls Steady bulk 4 1 75 Ives cl steady to weak few choice light 9 00 practical top 8 50 HogH Hog H Receipts 12 active to lo shippers strong to tOe lOc higher top 7 2 hulk bulk of ot ales 6 6 90 20 packers pacher holding back bulk desira desira- desirable desirable desirable ble to pound a 7 20 packing sons SOI steady bulk 5 00 stock pigs s I 5 to higher bulk 6 40 Sheep Sheep Receipts 9 lamb steady to lower mostly steady top and Colorado 12 35 other tango lambs 12 12 25 early top nati es ts t's 11 50 sheep steady stady to 2 c higher Old Mexico 8 8 Op Colorado ones ewes 6 5 ST JOSEPH Mo July 31 31 HOls- HOls HOBS Receipts 9 steady to hOc higher most of advance IId on light hogs packer and shipper top 7 20 choice to pound lOO-pound 7 10 to 7 20 packing sows zos steady 60 mulk of sales 6 7 20 Receipts Cattle Cattle Receipts 4 best na- na natives natives na natives tives and jJ stel sted lY with ml and s selling 10 l lower desirable beet steers 9 with one load hell c abo 11 til 00 desirable 8 25 desirable bee beef cows 5 00 6 75 bu U fully stead no reeders sold looks loohs weak to lower ver good and choice light weight yen veal 1 dives steady teady to top lop 9 9 00 Sheep Sheep-Recel Receipts ts n lambs and natives selling at steady prices five rIve loads I 12 35 31 1 15 S per cent sort native HI 11 50 SO culls best light ht ewes G 6 00 06 Receipts 31 tAHA O Neb July 31 Hogs ts 14 fairly ell active butcher grades mostly 10 j generally higher other classes slow general general- generalI ly Iy stead bulk to pound butch r 6 6 35 top 7 40 I bulk mixed ml loads carrying packing os and lights 6 60 pack pack- I III lag ing packing sows Sons lars largely largel 5 00 I Cattle Receipts all classes generally stead bulk fed I steers 8 S 0 25 four load lots matured steers pound 1500 a aser- aser lotsI er- er I ag age aver ago 11 10 grass steers mostly 6 00 bulk grass rass cows S and I betters 4 2506 50 30 dry lot cows and heifers scarce canners andI and I cutters mostly 2 2503 50 seals eals I I steady practical top 9 00 bulk stockers and feeders 5 2507 75 choice Texas calves ts t's 8 00 Sheep Receipts ts all 1111 western cla ela ses tullY fully steady bulk bull fat tat i west west- westI west I em ern lambs 1200 12 00 top 1210 best native natives 11 2 best hest fed clipped lambs 11 25 light es e UI up to 6 50 medium rane range yearlings 9 30 50 O pound 64 western feeding lambs lamb 1200 12 us 00 oo J |