Show I S I II JI I I TRA JEl SLOW V Construction work ork orle on the tho Warm n I s highway is b be- be beling bi ling Ing hastened reports M Si D VII Wy- Hams senior highway ay engineer of the U S bureau of or public roid I Iwho who has returned from In an n In p 0 c- c of a number D of road projects in W Wonting and Idaho The grad grad- gradIng gradIng gra Ing on this project has been com com- completed completed d and the gravel el surfacing will willbe ill be finished by AugustO August 10 This Is work pork will sill eliminate all detours on the Yellowstone stone Yellow stono highway ay and pro pro- provIde provide vIde a first class roadway from ni Ashton to the Montana line Hear West Vest Yellowstone Yellow tone I 1 J W V V Ball Dall of the regional of office rice e at San Francisco accompanied Mr M Williams on the trip lie He has re- re returned returned turned to San I I The They Inspected the Warm arm River Rivel slone Atton Montpelier Salt Smoot Creek Hoback Canyon Canyon- Can on- on Wind Rh cr extension and the Du- Du II bols Monday projects Sixteen miles of the north and south road through Dubois Dubols is un- un under under un 1 der construction 12 miles having been In finished Ish ed according to Mr r Williams This TIlls road will III be bo fUlly completed by September 1 I Roads Roads In general are rough I said Mr Williams The Tho recent reavy rains In Idaho and Wyom- Wyom I log Ing have tended to make mahe tra trad d slow Blow Ho However ever none of the roads ling is Impassable I nn 00 |