Show I ELOQUENT TRIBUTE PAID PAW TO AGED PIONEERS AT HERMITAGE I Entry of Pioneers Into Utah as One HOne of Dramatic Dramatic Dram- Dram Dramatic and Tragic Moments of American r F History Declares Prof Levil Levi l I E Young I Big In purpose was the march ot of the tho Mormon pioneers to Utah and It wa wax Wall one of ot the th dramatic and tragic mo movements of ot our American history declared Professor Levi Edgar Young Toung Tuesday afternoon before no pioneers of at Ogden and Weber county who aho ho were guests ot of the Daughters of at the Pioneers at ata ata ata a program and luncheon held at atThe atThe atThe The Hermitage hotel In Ogden can ean- eanon canon can on on Professor Protessor Young was the principal speaker and paid tribute to the guests as the world worlds world's lead lead- leading leadIng lead ins ing pioneers and colonists The movement mo of ot the Mormons to Utah has resulted In the build build- buildIng building ing tug of ot a commonwealth that takes tas Its place Industrially and mon among the tho foremost states elates o of ot the union Professor Young gIn gave gae e his address a delightful luncheon in inthe Inthe the cool coot dining dining- rooms of The Her Her- HermitAge Hermitage er- er ermitage hotel as a 1 portion of ot a pro pro- program program pro program gram of music talks s and other oilier en- en en entertainment Each Ech event a as 89 thoroughly enjoyed by the pioneers During the program ram an intense rainstorm fell In the canyon add add- addIng adding adding ing to the coolness and making the return trip to the city pleasant for tor forthe the old folks Judge H II H presided at atthe atthe the tI luncheon and Introduced Mayor Frank Francis who ho ho gave the ad- ad address address ad address dress of ot welcome Professor Young as then presented ROSE Mr Young too took for his text the from Arise shine shiner for forthe forthe the light Is come and the glory ot of the Lord Is risen upon thee The thee and solitary place shall be glad for them and the desert shall rejoice and as the oso OBO It Is a glorious thing to come como on this occasion he lie e saI said Bald and and re review lew the work worn or oc t tue e plo PO of this state It Is v orthy ot of ua us to do honor to you ou who came camo and cleared the land and made It po for the Institutions of ot Am- Am Am American American civilization ch to bo be planted here in thi this far tar western land There Thero are many remarkable things that characterize iou ou as a II great people and as the worlds world's leading pioneers and colonists You come como to this far western land with the const constitution tullon of ot the United thoroughly kno known knon n In your hearts and with a a sublime faith In Al- Al Almighty Al Almighty mighty God You were brave bra and not given to turn back It if you be- be became became be became came discouraged You came as colonizers you took up the tho lan land and planted here thet Ive he funda funda- fundamental fundamental mental Institutions of ot American civilization These Institutions are arc The arc The rhe Home the Church the State the Public School and Industry on agriculture Not only did didou Institutions but ou stand for these thesa souls to ou gas ga gave o 0 sour our heart and the Ideals you held and to the work fOU knew new bad had been entrusted to IOU JOu by our God So I say Big Dig In ITt purpose was the he march of ot the Mormon pioneers to Utah anit and an It is one of ot the dra- dra dramatic dramatic dra dramatic matic and tragic movements mo of ot our American histon But the move move- movement movement movement ment has resulted In the building takes its of a a commonwealth that place Industrially and among the foremost states of ot the tho Union The history of ot Utah Is tho story stor of good homes where here ere par par- parents parents par parents ha have base e been just temperate and kind and where the children have been taught to create creato a healthy moral noral outlook on life Ufa Religion to ou pioneers has been bem a con con- con constructive force and It affiliated It- It itself It Itself self with all your undertakings The religious ls work and Ideals held you together In bonds of ot fellos fello s lp and you developed the tho highest and mo mot t comprehensive e feelings ot of charity and will good OGDEN S E DAYS PAYS Professor Young related th the story of the tha sounding founding of Ogden City by James Brown Bro and his followers and IJames told how Mr Bro Brown Bron n carried nine nino bu buhls ls of ot wheat from California on pack animals across the deserts of Nevada e 1 eada ado to the tho shores of the Great Salt Lake This wheat as as planted on the banks of Weber ober river and was the first grain rais- rais raised raised rala-ed rala ed by tho the pioneers In the city Mr Young also told about the tho life and work of Browning and how taught the tho first school In Og- Og Ogden Ogden Og Ogden den which was as maintained by tax tax- taxation tax taxation atlon You have had a remark remark- remarkable remarkable remarkable able growth as aa a municipal corn com commons mon mons faith and I am glad that you are preserving Ing the the Ideals of the founders by having basing such a II man as Mayor Francis at nt tho the head held of ot the ellYs ellY's go government toda He Is a afine atine fine character and an enterprising 0 The culture of ot the was described and Mr Young told how they not only maintained schools but how the they came to build the first theatre In the west and the first university wet west of ot the Missouri rh rIer er It It was a hard mission to perform but you did It well sell and and the chil- chil children chil children God will II reward you dren of today will sili 11 reap tho the fruits ot of your noble and patient work Mil Mai or Francis and Judge also paid tribute to the pioneers in ineloquent ineloquent Ineloquent eloquent words EARLIEST ARRIVALS LS Perry A Bingham 81 si ears ears cars or orage orage I age who ho llo is said to be bo the oldest the living Jiving pioneer of ot Ogden from B standpoint of arrival here was In- In Introduced introduced In Introduced He came to Ogden In 1847 Martha lartha A A rerrin 89 years ot of otage age who isho also came to Ogden In 1847 1841 the oldest woman oman from ot of residence here was all also present present- presented ed Unique were used at atthe atthe the for forthe the pioneers For those who came in handcart groups tiny Uny cardboard handcarts welo beside their plates For those who came In wagons there th ere ero tiny Uny cardboard covered wagons the coers made of white hita cloth The ors ta were made mado by officers and teachers of ot the Weber County Primary Primary Primary mary association Community of ot old songs which nero vere sang on the plains due dur- durIng dueing dur during ing the journeys wc westward was the leading activity while tho the pioneers In Inthe inthe Inthe call for lor luncheon 11 ailed the the hotel The Elks band fur fur- furnished fur furnished music also Musical numbers were ere given dur- dur durIng during dur during Ing ing the luncheon b by the saxophone sextet and the brass rass quartet of ot the Lammers Lammer military band and school and anda anda I a quartet composed of ot Gerald Joseph Klomp William Pickett Madsen and William Purdy Solos were sung by Miss Mildred Ware and William S Wright right and and piano selections wel wele e pIa ed by Mary and Fisher During the evening a ball ban vas as given at Lorin rare Farr park by the D of ot the Pioneers The Ogden Ladles band furnished music at the park IN CHARGE The committees who ho had charge of at the das davs activities were ere ere Gen Gen- General Gen Gen- General eral erat chairman Fred Ered G Taylor in- in invitation In Invitation committee Mrs Irs E B I Rich Mrs J P Corry Jesse S Richards decoration committee Major Mator Francis Commissioners Arthur F Larson and 0 O B Madson hans hans- committee A P Merrill John Child Moroni Skeen and C I B banquet committee Mrs Irs David Eccles and Mrs Chris Flygare program committee Sam Sam- Samuel Samut Samuel uel ut G 0 Dye Mrs Elijah Blush badges Mrs Clarence Packer dec dec- decorations decorations dec decorations orations at Hermitage 0 O B Mad Mad- Madson son Mad son Mrs Samuel G Dye Mrs Irs James H Douglas ere a era distributed by Mrs Willard Kay Automobiles to carry the plo plo- pioneers pio pioneers to and from the U Hermitage were furnished by members of at luncheon and civic clubs of ot the city LETS TS 1 IN COUNTY Celebrations of ot Pioneer day acre ere Iso also held In many Weber county communities Programs were gh- gh ghen given en at Huntsville North Ogden Plain City Hooper and West Vest We- We Wo bee ber The West Weber program fOI- fOI f fol follows 01 lows loa 10 s Congregational singing Oh Ye Mountains High Invocation In Alex Hogge Male Malo quartet Come Come Ye Saints Address of ot Welcome Address of welcome elcome David Han Han- Hancock Hancock Han cock cock Piano solo Lelia Leila Heslop Recitation Ellen IlIen Oration The Judge George S Barker of the district court Instrumental selection Milton and Blame Blaine Vocal solo Harry Dance Report by sports commIttee Vocal solo Utah We Ve ye Lo Lov e a Thee Susie McFarland Benediction Ernest Adjournment tor for luncheon Sports Races Races and other athletic contests at 2 p m Many pioneers of ot West cst est Weber settlement occupied places upon the stand |