Show m DAY OBSERVED AT EVANSTON Home Players Win Over Ogden Elks By 6 To 14 Score I EVANSTON STON Wyo wO W o July 25 Most of ot the tho Evanston E business houses house closed at 1 I p m en Tuesday to In observance ot of Pioneer day A largo large and well we-II formed formed- parade formed parade start start- started started ed at tho the court house at 11 am a m after after addresses had been by President James Drown Brown and Judge John Jolin n Pt Arnold Selections II were also gl given to b by tho the Evanston I band In the tho afternoon a ball game was as held at the ball park tho Evanston e team outscoring the Ogden Elks Ells team by 6 to 14 At- At Atter Af After ter tho the ball game a horse race was as held In the tho same park paric root foot races imes games and other mu I amusements were tro Indulged byboth in atThe at The the he City park pari by both bolh young and oldIn oldIn old oldIn In the e evening g th the band gave a concert on on the court house square and afterwards a dance was waa US gl en en cn at tho the Orpheus dance hall On the executive e committee or of o the celebration were Percy G Mat Mat- Mat hw Cyril CHII C nl C 3 and William Starke I heison elbon O Osborne borne who Mho has been In Inthe n the tho employ of ot the tho Waldemar Valdemar hotel for the past year has resigned his position and gone to Green Rl or He lie Is Ss succeeded by Charles I Fourteen firemen o 0 Union Pacific who hn have hate e been In the son ser ser service vice too of that company for tor three I years ha hate o 0 cd notice to pre pre- prepare prepare pre prepare pare themselves es for the examina examination lion tion which will w be bo given ghen gh en before they will be promoted promoted to engineers This Thise e Is for the purpose or of having ha ready ready- a sufficient number of engineers for tor the rush ruh ot of busI- busI busIness business busi business ness which Is expected by the Union Pacific this fall I I 4 and 6 of Troop 1 of oC oCI the Evanston D an ton Girl Scouts left Wed Ved Wednesday I morning by motor for r Be Lake where they will spend a J five five- diy day outing returning homo home Sun Sun- Sunday Sunday Sunday day The rhe party will II be chaperoned by Miss Jane Gano Mrs Irs James West and Mrs J It R Austin Mr and Mrs E W Freeman of Salt Lake visited with Evanston friends tho first of oC o the tho wee week L E r Vaughn hn of ot Gateway Utah I spent l In Evanston 1 with Ith friends I Fred Guldner and grandson Wallace Stocker accompanied by Ben Atkinson left leCt Sunday by automobile for the tho upper area of oC Green Riser uner they spend a two weeks eek outing Mrs ernest Ernest Edwards returned home Tuesday from Crom Carter yo Wyo where she ha has been visiting for tor a afew afew few Cew days with friends Mr fr and Mrs Lents Lenis Muir ot of o Snit Salt Lake in Evanston anston Sunday and Monday fonday Heavy Beaty storms are aro reported up Bear river on Monday and Tuesday of this week i eek J T Harris ot of Bridger station was In E anston for a few days the first of ot tho the week eek Mr and Mrs E 1 J of Carter Wyo visited with Evan Etan- Evanston I slon ston friends Sunday Fire of ot unknown origin did slight damage to the tho A P Thompson home on Morse Leo Lee street strett shortly after aCter noon Tuesday |