Show ACCUSES SPOUSE OUSE OF GRAFT SCHEME I CHICAGO July William 25 25 Warsaw cafe owner Tuesday Institute instituted In- In I 1 suit for dh di orce accusing his wife 1011 Mn Mrs Hattie Hattle G 0 Warsaw of undue friendliness with L gan Loughborough president of oC a Los Angeles brokerage firm Mrs War STar Warsaw LosI I saw sow Is ts now In th the Lo Los Angeles county Jail where here she h has be been on held bold since Ince here her arrest with Lough- Lough Loughborough Loughborough borough Lough-borough borough h on charges of o attempting to td defraud Warsaw of worth orth orthof of gems and securities according to Warsaw's attorneys s According to the dh divorce orce bill I rs Warsaw met Loughborough LO last June Juno In Los Lo Angeles where here she ho had gone con to spend the summer Sh She and Loughborough who has ha a family In Chicago were charged with coming here and ond securing and gems gema from her ber hUs- hUs hUsband's husband's hus husband bands band's band safe sate deposit box and return return- Inc In to Los Angeles where they were arrested Attorneys Attorney said she sho preferred to stay In Jail rather than accompany her husband back here Loughborough was described as asa a a University of ot Nebraska football star star nn An |