Show I GRAiN I CHICAGO July 25 based largely on reports ot of black rut rust in the Canadian north and on strength In the corn market hero here ltd led to higher In the 1 wheat heat market today after on earl early decline The close was nas as firm at 1 l 4 to 1 19 net advance with September 98 z to SS 98 c and December 1 01 4 to 1 01 New Xe downturns In wheat values took place today during the first part of or the board of ot trade session A fr fresh sh decline at Liverpool fur tur- further fur further ther weakness In the New York stock market and soiling selling here to bedge edge ne newly Iy han harvested ested wheat heat were ere notable bearish factors Reports ot of crop damage by rust and heat In the north northwest est attracted but lit Ut- littie tie attention The opening which aried from unchanged figures to toe toc e c lower 10 er with September 96 to o and December to 1 00 was sas followed b bv by a moderate general setback and andl then by a slight rally Subs Subsequently crop damage ye- ye reports re report ports port from ironi the Canadian north north- northwest west nest est discounting nUng recent glowing ad Ices had decided bullish effect and with nith 1 Ith corn strength here turned th- th market upgrade especially In Inthe Inthe the last hour Dry hot weather eather In Kansas and Oklahoma gave strength to the corn market After Arter opening Un- Un Unchanged unchanged un unchanged changed to lic e off September 75 to prices scored fall fair air general gains Later the market continued to Influenced by reports that In 10 Iowa a n co-n was nas curling from lack of ot moisture The close was as as tin un- celled un-celled Ic le to lc 1 c net September higher Sep Sep- Sep 77 tc c Oats were vere Influenced bs bv corn strength starting starling gl fJ to 10 4 c ort off September 34 c but ut quickly qUIck re- re covering re-covering- to about the same as yes yesterday's es- es s 's finish Lower Io quotations on hogs hos weak weak- weaken weakened ened en d the pro pros market CHICAGO July 25 Wheat Wheat Wheat No o 2 red 1 1 00 No Xo 2 hard SS 11 1 Corn No Xo 2 mixed 88 88 c f fo 0 o o 2 1110 c cOats 42 Oats No Xo 2 white 42 XO No 3 3 white 40 Rye Eye No 2 65 c c Harle Barley 62 Timothy seed IS 15 00 Iii 17 00 Pork nominal Lard 1065 10 65 5 Ribs 8 U 2509 00 MINNEAPOLIS Minn l July 25 Flour Flour unchanged at 6 OO 6 50 Bran unchanged 20 KANSAS CITY July 26 25 Wheat No 0 2 hard 93 C 1 2 red re 92 1 02 July S tC split bid December D 95 asked Corn No 3 white 82 c Xo No o 2 sc elloW w No 3 lellow 85 U 86 No 2 mixed July Juli U s Julis c September split spit bId December 60 60 bid KANSAS KASAS CITY Mo July 25 25 ia a weak ea k mixed light Closer Or 00 Other grades un- un changed unchanged OMAHA Nh July Wheat 25 25 wheat o 2 hard 91 No 3 hard 90 Corn No 2 white Si 81 81 c No Xo 2 yellow ellow 81 Oats Oate no sales |