Show START PLANS FOR LIVESTOCK SHOW Officers Officer for tor the Ogden Lisa LI Stock show to servo Serve during 19 will III bo be named n at a special moOt meat m moOting t-ln Ing of of officers ricer anti and directors director which will bo ho called within the th next 10 days daya Barton President Charles H Bar Bar- Bar ton announced today Committeemen fo ton foi the th 1926 1925 Hon s cc r L son wilt will also bu bo by tho th new Vram lerom I om tire tir interest r st that has hili been In nil all parts of th the west President ov over r the tho Ogden show Pres Pree Ident Barton believes that tinO January ent will III surpass a a II I Iother others other from every phase phae Inquiries are ar already being reo re- r cd ceh ed by Jesse Juru s 5 Richards lec- lec sec sec-r tari to the next show how The Th meeting when lIed 1 wi I Ibe be held at the Weber club Pre I President dent Barton |