Show Evans It If 01 on OU Slit final decIsion lol lolon on any anT bl b dispute write l Hilly Billy 1 lians tans aIlS M t V 1200 1 S Third l Sin Sin-ct d Ohio s 0 I I l I Batter Datter is l hit by pitched IJ b bAli and arid granted first hac h c by theIn the In un- un pire juire Calc he returns ball tn 1 pitcher the throw being wild alid lid on and l he bill bali rolling roIling near second coad I is Uc v red by that pa r who reo re- re 1 possession posse loa ot of It Pitcher i stands tand land close to rubber and ond runne r rn n first belle Ing he h has ha th ha Jail takes take a lead oft off first an ant 1 is II caught napping by a snap throw from the th second Umpire ruled runner out Did he make proper N N C H II 2 The Tb bases base bas s are ate full none nono non ou au oui S I The Th atlman bunts bunt ball toward towar fIrst ame same being fair by several cT I feet teet t The pitcher In fielding th bunt Vo aIth the th runner Runner is II I knocked out but pitcher pitch- pitch er Cr r cots cl to 10 I his hl feet teet end and throeS S ball to tint first baseman b m n umpire calling runner out In the th con con- con urnS runs run score core core urn urn- um-pir um S piro allow Team Tm In field I umpire erred rr d and od protested protected game rame What about bout It T it-T If 1 T J S IL ILA D A A i A bWl RS 1 l When Is ii lilt It by pitched ball plat pla Is I ImmediatelY suspended the ball becoming dud dead dudL I L- L Play nay cannot be resumed until gets on 00 tb lb rubber with S he ball bail in In his lits hi erred in calling runner out or on oath ow I OW h-OW front from cond baseman who hI hold had hidden the th bill bell play hal ha I never lever r been b en properly resumed andI and I L u act as 1 a wa illegal 2 Fielder has hk right night of ot wa wat w When runner collided VI with fielder ler lerI I he ass U w out ut because of ence cries ence No bases base can bo be b run on an interference play of ot the thi sort Runs scored cored er 1 acre r not legal th the runners re should bould have hal simply Imply simp reo ic turned to their baser orTe m In field tl lil hu hs ha grounds ground round ton tor protest Umpire erred err l in In his In In- In In of ot ruIn ruie Game Gam should be b played 0 oer o'er er |