Show NAME MOUNTAIN FOR R PRES WILSON GENEVA July With A 6 5 CW crowned sno Mount Plans Plan's look look- lookIn looking look look-in ing In Inon on from afar Geneva Genese sties ne er more glorious With the simplest t ceremony the til nJ halt half ot of the famous Quai Mont MontBlanc MontBlanc Blanc teas nas ns renamed Quai Wil- Wil Wilson son Wll-son 11 son eon On the garden wall Walt o of th the league ot of nations nation palace 01 Like Leman had been placed a plain at stone one tablet 1 born bore the words To tho the m us mory ot of Woodrow Wilson president ot of the United States founder fit of t the League ot of Nations Nallon and below Tho The Tho City of ot Geneva Mai Mayor or Stoessel Stossel pal paid eloquent tribute to the former Cormer pr president saying that It if Mr Ir Wilson had to compromise In making the ho treaty tr of oC Versailles his Ideals triumphed In the he Immortal covenant of ot the League of ot Nations I and that b biti passing into another world ho ic e had thu thus planted the bann banner r of liu- liu hu humanity manity O |