Show OGDEN LIVE STOCK 1 Untied United l State BI t Department t of AgrIculture Market Markee News Nes S r S r- r vice nC J State Stilt Board Do r l of o Agriculture Co 00 UtI I Federal dral F Fd FE d dr r l MarkCI lf Is 1 bervice Jill July 25 23 1024 t flogs noea 2147 27 C attIc 60 to toM O M Sheep p f I Receipts Hogs IIo s Receipts 2447 10 for market 32 direct to packers to 10 Swanston Calif 1015 to Los Les Angeles antI and lo to SAlt alt Lake Market b 1 No culy carly sales packers bid 9 00 or 15 IS to hIgher on light ers Quo Quo- QuoI Quotations I Medium Medium weight butchers to pounds pound medium to I choIce 8 7 78 75 to 9 Ui 1 Jl ht weight el butchers to pounds com corn common cornmon common mon to choice holce 8 3 50 5 5 to 9 15 packIng hogs bogs up tip 7 n 50 COto to 8 15 feeder reeder and stocker pigs blank Cattle Receipts Cattle Receipts 40 all for market Market No early sales nominally steady Quotations Quotations- Slaughter steers Good none com corn comI comIng cornIng coming I ing In medium 00 to common 4 U 00 to 6 C 00 H Heifer Good U 4 40 80 50 to 6 COO 00 common common and medium 3 2 00 to 4 50 Cows I Good 3 75 7 to 4 75 common and anI medium 3 00 to 37 3 7 canner and cutter 1 I 50 CO to 3 1 0 Dulls Bulls j Good 3 25 to 3 8 75 bologna U 2 25 to 3 25 Calves CalveD 1 O pounds do down n medium to choice 6 5 50 50 to toI I 7 25 HO to pounds medium to choice holce 4 42 25 to lo 7 I 00 pounds up 4 00 to 6 50 CO Feeder I I and stocker steers steer pounds up III common to choice G 00 to 6 50 pounds pound down don c common to choice 4 00 to 6 CO 50 Feeder and stocker cows an and J heifers heifer heli rs com corn common common mon anon to choice 2 50 to tl 4 00 She Sheep Receipts Sheep p Receipt IncludIng 2939 for tor market marlet 20 2099 9 tor for K n- n sao sae City market and 1732 for online range ranKe Market dull no demand nominally tudy steady Quo Quo- Quotations Lambs Lambs Light and handy weight medium to prim prime primo 10 50 to 12 1200 00 all weights eight cull and common 8 CO 50 to 10 Bewes Common to choice 32 2 76 75 to 10 4 75 |