Show FARM LARDS LANDS CUT APPROVED Agents Will Will Reclassify Weber County Farms Next Year Sanction ha has hu been been 11 gl cn en by the state board of equalization to the Weber r et county hoar board of om mi s to the reduction recently mad made In Weber ol er county of ot 15 16 pet pel cent In valuation of nil all farm and Improved nd Il lands the tho reduction to take talo effect this tall when hen taxes are to be paid The action oil ot or the t I Weber was as ap- ap ap pro proved od by the state slate hoard board at n conference held Wednesday In Salt lit Lake An All Immediate plan plin to all nil term tarn and od d lands in Weber Webe eber count county on n a plane pline equal to that of oC thA other counties or of orthe the slate slata I Is to be bo begun on U AUR-U 3 5 when hon County Aee Assessor or Arthur Arlhur ArthurG G Berrett will Mill go to Salt L LAke ke Other sors lISe ase aa e sors will sill be present the plan lands In Weber count will next nc ear oar Ife pe o valued d according a to their the pro to market and their con con- condition Agents will begin on c August Au 15 16 In Weber county to In- In Inspect the tho land and nn place It In the tho arlous classes the The agents will have nothing to do with lIh the ac- ac actual a lull se to be placed upon the tho land this to 10 be later done by bythe the county ss I assessor and the tho Oun coun- county ty ty commissioners It Is belie belle cd cd that the new nom plan plon will be bo satisfactory to all land landowners 0 owners ners In that It will place piece the salvation aJ more fairly and Weber r county land will 11 only be assessed It at a n rate rata near nearl nearly equal to land In outside counties Those who ho attended the Salt Lake session from Ogden were John M Child C Cr CB r E B and Moroni Skeen sessor Berrett Derrett and Deputy As- As A Stanley RobbIns |