Show Stock Sale Fraud Frau Brings Minister I Into Custody ROCHESTER N Y July 5 Albert 25 Albert E May president of the Babcock Coal company compani prominent prominent nent In Rochester church circles surrendered himself to te o the sher sher- sherIff Sheriff Iff s office lite Thursday and was formally arraigned on two too Indict Indict- Indictments indictments ments tor for alleged fraud In the tin sale aale ale of o stock of ot the ChemIcal Oil and Gas company ot of PlUs PlUs- Pa HI His Bite nife Ife furnished ball ballor bal of or 2500 The Rev Frederica J Tower former minister of or Memorial Pros Pros- I church this thia city and am George E Burgess Burges Ro- Ro Rochester Ro Chester evangelist e ore lire rt out In 7 00 ball each under similar indictment In- In Indictments In connection with stock selling activities tor for the Pitts- Pitts Pittsburg Pittsburg burg concern I 0 |