Show PROTECTING WATER USER USERS Asserting that the water users s In Salt take Lake Utah Wasatch i Tooele and southern Davis coup coun- counties i- i ties have the right to disert dhert divert 0 feet of o Hater ateI ater from the headwaters head s or of the Weber river A H Christen l pen Fen of the Utah Construction com com- company r pany who as been selected as s spokesman for the five counties i In i has bas made a public statement which he makes the following claims Dr EI Mead commissioner of the United States Slates bureau of o reo ree- re on In in this Is visit to Salt SI Lake e pome Iome time lime ago advised ad the Utah i water aler storage commission and rep i I of ot Salt Lake Utah i Tooele V counties together r er with representatives of ot Weber eber r that hat the government was s willing to make maJe an appropriation i for a project In the Great Salt lake i basin pro provided prodded the people of ot Utah i would agree on and recommend a i feasible project project or unit Since that t visit there has as been organized the th i five fise ch e counties organization consist consisting ing of o Davis Dads Salt Lake Utah Tooele and Wasatch counties There Ther also has bas been formed an or or- or organization on the Weber river rive r II consisting of o Summit Morgan Mors-an Weber and Davis Davia counties It seems to be narrowed nan owed down now to a question of o the Weber Provo r unit as against some other reser v 10 low loo er down on the Weber e r pre what hat Is known as aa the th Echo site or of or both h The five coui coun coun- coun ies t es Oes organization Is recommending the construction of the Bates res rei 1 which would Impound pound Acre tre re feet Ceet of ot water waler some ot or which nIght come from rom floodwaters ol or the upper Weber diver Iver drainage Then Mr Christensen presents statistics to support hie ble statement that the water cater used on the Weber rt riser er can lose acre feet reet of I cater ater by diversion from the Weber to the t Provo Pro 0 and not suffer Butter His figures are as follows The average yearly runoff run oft ocr or of cater ateI ater a at at Devil II a Slide Is approximately approximate acre feet This would mould leave about 9 silo O aCle feet available for tor eber count county to store should it adopt the th reservoir site on Lost creek near the cement plant This amount would lea leave lease e well 0 over oter er acre acre- feel available e for tor storage purposes the Weber river users usera adopt the resen reservoir site alte above Echo I The The difference I ot of the available 1 water cater aler bet between een the Ecio Ec o and the Lost Loat creek site would bl be bethe the runoff of ot water from Echo creek and Lost creek besides on account account of o the large amount mount of ot water that flows floes s Into Weber river from Crom Cottonwood Strawberry lra East EaU canyon can on and all other othel side streams bet between een Devil Devir Slide lIde and Devils Devil's Gate also the runoff run- run run oft ol off from Ogden river there would be sufficient water ater for tor all Irrigation lion tion during the months ot or May Mav Ma anda and anda a part ot of o June so that practically the entire flow low of o water at Devil s 6 Slide would could be stored up to the of o Jung June Jun JungI I I These comparisons are made Ith an idea of ot showing that all the water pt at t Oak Oakley Oakley Oakley ley acre acre feet feet- could be di to Provo river without InJurIng Injuring Ing the water later users on the Weber river drainage In any way and lea lease leae e them sufficient w te for storage to give them ample for all the lands laud laDd that could be brought un un- under under under der Irrigation lit lit- Weber and Davis Ml Mi figures as to runoff 1 un are not accepted by H J Craven the wHo represent represents represents sent the chamber of commerce committee of ot which A A A- AP P BIgelow Is chairman which has baa been beep named to look after arter the Interests of or the farmers In this district Mr II Craven Craten states that the run of shows once in three years yearn ther therell la is a shortage and once in seven years eara a drought pi ev e alls ails This Is la a tremendously Issue imbue Involving Ing the tho welfare of the entire farming and life lIe the watershed shed of ot the Weber titer Mr Bigelow and his hie corn com corn are giving clone cloae study to 10 the entire matter mailer and are allowing al allowing allowing lowing no move to escape their notice which might deprive the war wa waters ten users sera along the Weber river pt any ny of 01 their rights right I |