Show I TOI TO SPEAK MERE HERE Dry Law to Be Discussed d at l le Methodist e tho d i s t Church I Ways ays by which the tho AmerIcan in I people can pre erve their liberties I and thir Institutions will be dl dlo- dlo discussed cussed from many angles by three speakers who ho will bo be sent here by bytho bytho y tho Flying SQUadron foundation On n Sunday and Monday londay July 27 and 28 These Theo speakers come In re- re Ill s something after atter tho the lan ian ot of tho chautauQua the first speaker r being Dr fi D Leigh Colvin vho ho served as Sd a during tho the orld war Dr Colvin will speak on n The Present Prohibition Situa- Situa Situation i- i tion W Ste Stew art who Is president dent of ot the organization or and Miss NormA C Brown Bro n secretary n be e heard on the second night Mr KS S lart Is widely wide I n knoon tor for hi his and clarity of oC thought and has made a 0 record for tor manag- manag managing ing In Inthis this group of oC speakers In a atour atour tour which has covered every part of the tIme United States and has touch touch- touched touched ed nearly a thousand communities missing a 0 single series of t meetings Because o of her she Is only 24 MI MIo MIes S Brown was heralded is s s the girl girl by bythe bythe the New ork and nd Boston papers while she sho vas as In those cities last summer These speakers are re said s1 to o hao tra from Mexico to Canada end and from the thc Pacific Pac to the point on the Fay ray of FundY In Maine speaking from two t 0 to tour times each da day and appear appear- appearIng Ing before ne new nev audiences audience every H 24 HI I hours They hl hao 0 not been do- do doI d by floods landslides storms I deep snows snow or belated train sois- sois Ice Their meetings In Ogden will be beheld held iteld In the First Methodist Epis- Epis Episcopal copal church fourth T Twenty street at S 8 p I m and nd will bethe bo be In Inthe Inthe the nature of a 0 community rail to o admission charge will vill bo ho made mad 00 00 |