Show EMPLOYMENT ON INCREASE I Industrial Situation In InU U S Takes Turn For Better CHICAGO July 24 4 ment nt In the tho th United States h has I passed the crier and the th next net few tew months may be bt expected to show how II a a mark marked d lessening In the number ot of Jobless In throughout the th country MIss Mies Grace E Smith ot of Boston tary cro-tary tary ot of the rational Employment board declared today at the board s convention here Miss Is Smith has hu charf ChArgo of ot the tho th studies made by the tho th board boud ot of Industrial conditions throughout the tho th coun coun- country coun- coun country country try Report Reports from our members every horo Indicate that during the tho last two weeks week or 10 days daya day the tho unemployment situation hoe has ha takona takena taken a turn tor for the th hotter bettor after one on ot of the most moat protracted mont mont periods period In history Miss SmIth declared |