Show MEXICAN GENERAL GETS APPOINTMENT I IEL EL CL PASO Texas July 24 4 Gen Arnulfo Arnulto Gomez fOI morly asso- asso I elated with Ith the secretary of ot isar ar In lii Mexico during the tho recent I lion has been appointed chief of c the military zone In Chihua- Chihua Chihuahua hua and will take tale charge of o his h I post pose thi this week It became known In Juares Wednesday Eight battalions of Infantry from n In eico CIt City will still al- al aI e aill I he heI I with aith Ith the general and will be In that Gen Roman Lopez formerly commandant of the tho Juam rl- rl bon bOO and who has bas been g chief of the Fifth zone will his offices ItIs In Juare next Honda It Is ls saidI said eald I 0 |