Show WEBER TAXATION MEETING JULY 2 23 The board ot of o Weber county count rs J T M JoI V Child rr Mo- Mo Moroni Mo roni rout Skeen and C CE E together with Ith County Arthur G 0 Berrot will wilt meet Ith the state board of ot equalization und review on Wednesday 23 3 Notice 1 ot of o the tha meeting w-a w was Ii today by County Clerk Lawrence Van Dyke Dyko The meeting III all open In the state capital at 10 0 a m The purpose o ot of the tha meeting Isto Is Isto isto to valuations o of county with Ith other counties of ot the I state date and p lp I make mako necessary changes chanes I NOTICE Notice Is II hereby given that there will be a meeting of tI t e stock stockholders holder o ot of the Wilson n Co to be held beld at the meeting house bouse Wed evening at S 8 Sp Ip pm p m en to hear report on the te ti government proposition to build a reservoir reservoir at Echo T R JONES JO Pre Pros Pres CHAS GREEN Sec Keci W 11 J get yours now f mens men's suits I this is too good to last long and this is the quickest way to reach all allour our friends to let them all allwill know exactly what 1835 2335 will do for them right now in two piece suits styles fabrics tailoring of real quality of course are offered r gM ICE Always the Same Banner Danner Ic lc When you yon bu buy you get Iret a standardized product of 01 the th careful of the Ingredient Ingredients and the efficient workmen every everT batch I is made the same me Wb Why take a chance on OD other brands brand when hen Banner Danner cota coote coRt no more Drive rie with the crowds to our retail place at the Ogden rh river or bridge and lastS our ren flavor Then you ou will wl be convinced PI P one oneus oneus u us your order erder for tor a gallon gIlon or brick today Phone Phon III ll a I S Sj L I j j I II I I r I Announcement 3 I r S WE TATE have purchased the en- en entire cr- cr tire stock of 01 merchandise fixtures and lease of the o the S J Burt BurtI I Brosat 2429 Washington Ave In a very few days we shallan shall an an- announce announce announce a sale of extraordinary I interest to the public It If is our intention to move every vestige of S stock now on hand and we know what will do it prices it-prices-Prices prices Prices on high grade quality merchandise that will be surprising and ex- ex exceedingly ex ex- exceedingly exceedingly interesting It is further our intention to entirely remodel the interior of the building f re restock re- re restock stock it with wit new clean merchandise I and conduct c a progressive and aggressive aggressive sive department store i ss a aJ 1 f J J H F F Volker ler v Paul L Wright C E Wright I TO OUR PATRONS AND FRIENDS This is to announce to you that I b we have sold out our business to Volker and Wright They will continue their business at our old place of busi busi- business busi- busi business business ness 2429 Washington Avenue Ogden Utah and we wish them great success This is also to inform you that we retained the accounts receivable and we request those who had accounts with us u uto to make payment to us and may these accounts be settled promptly At the present time and until further notice these accounts may be settled at our old place of business We desire at this time to express our appreciation for the many courte courte- courtesies courtesies courtesies sies extended to us by the public of Ogden and vicinity S J BURT BROS BROSBy By Thomas G Burt |