Show IG G IO T PARIS July 16 K rl Vie Th congress Longress congre of oC o the th International l boc- boc ing federation after nominating offiCers Tuesday nl nIght It I fOI toi the Olympic bouts unanimously pi pio o against th Ih thi p ot of the P h in international In- In International international boxing association that Ihal amateurs should hould ISo Se D Ih the privilege of being indemnified for foith tho Iho lose Ion of salary Hilary they might suf- suf suffer suffer Lif Lifter fer ter through participation f in the tho th arlous arious games and the Ihl I lIh ith withdrawn v The Th congress also decided to 10 postpone pone the Iho th application ot of o the th German amateur boxing fedel a- a atlon tion for tor or membership foi fot further consideration A |