Show MINE OFfiCER SHOT FLEEING R WITH Friend of Fugitive Cash Cash- Cashier Cash Cashier ier Fires Bullet Which Causes Death WAS MAKING CACHE Clyde N Fisher Carried Off Gunn Quealy Payroll ROCK SPRINGS Wio WO July It H Clido N Fisher isher r r of ot the I Qu Gunn alv Coal company here who disappeared yesterday esterday at the tho same sarno time th that t the semi semi- semimonthly semimonthly semimonthly monthly payroll of ot the company was shot and fatally wound wounded d early today by S J Walker mine foreman and friend of I Isher's w was making I Ia a cache of food tood water ater and blan blan- blanket blan- blan blankets ket het in the mountains two t 0 mIles from a coal camp where he had previously when he ho was as shot He died a few hours later In a local hospital T Two 0 airplanes which esterday joined in the search for tor Fisher tollo following Ing his disappearance re- re re returned turned tU lIed Ja last Jal t night without any trace of hImA himA him himA A search of the vicinity re- re real resealed re revealed sealed al d a cache of food tood water ater and and ilso the entire pay payroll payroll payroll roll of the tile co or OP ROCK SPRINGS Wio WO Jill July 16 I An An intensive o 0 min mm hunt huntIS as IS a as stul stall stalled t- t ted ed fd here bore foil follow 0 ln hI f the tha reo re- reported re reported ported disappearance o ot t Clyde N Fisher r cashier ot of the ilia Coal company who LC ac- according ac according cording to poll police e anI and company of tIed fled led from toe Ir t X- X bank here with lIh th the com toni compan company pan pany payroll of 6 6 v thirty s s m frem Ih the hatime tune Fisher Is salil sall to have hai 1111 e a fled from the bank two airplanes had been brought Into use UsO and posses ot of cowboys were enlisted to search se the mountain fastnesses tor for the cashier The planes left tiers rero about 11 o'clock in the tho morning of ot the coal coat company being In one and a I Y deputy In the other Pilots Pilot Irom a fI In circus manned the pianos SEEK SEIK PLANE NI Rock Springs authorities tele- tele telegraphed telegraphed tele telegraphed graphed to division headquarters of the airmail service at Omaha Omah asking permission to obtain an- an another another an another other plane from tho the air mall mail field at Cheyenne to search for tor Fisher Fisher Fleher Is armed v Ith a rifle and ammunition according to of the coal company AUTO DISCOVERED DISCO Tho The two airplane airplanes that had set est setout setout out In search tor for returned shortly before dark auto auto- automobile automobile mobile I 4 was reported had not been sighted Soon afterward how how- however however however ever a 0 garbage hauler reported to the authorities that the missIng car ear had been toun found near an abandoned mini mine four lour mileS from town Deputy sheriffs and others who ho had joined In the search tor for her ri-her n placed d I guard near Lh tha th cir Clr with Ith t the he expectation It was said ald that risher would return under cover of darkness All highways from Rock Springs SprIng were closely gual ded |