Show EACH EATS 56 LBS OF More Than 6 Billion Pounds Consumed InU In InU InU U S In Half Year During th the first sl six months of 1924 the American people con con- consumed con consumed 6 pounds ot of sugar according to figures com corn complied compiled piled plied b Facts About Sugar the trade journal ot of the sugar Indus indus- Industry industry try Thi This represents an average of approximately 56 ft pounds for tor every man woman and child In inthe inthe lot the tho country Including of course th the quantity consumed In manu manufactured products soc suc suc a as candy Ice cream soft drInk drinks and bakery products as well as that required for ordinary household use e This Is an a average rage ot of over two pounds pound per week per person for forthe forthe orthe the whole hole country For the six months period the amount used per capita Is about two pounds more than during durin the first half of 1923 and about two pounds less than In the first fIreS half halt of 1922 when consumption of ot sugar augar reached Its highest re ord While the distribution ot of sugar Is i regularly higher during the tho first half ot of the year than during th the second halt hal present indications In are that the total amount used during 1924 will amount to or an average a of ot pounds tor for eath resident of the countI countr Last sear ear It was ns about 95 pounds Apparently the e ex explanation of the larger consumption consumption tion lion this year Is to be bc found In Inthe the tho fact tact that the retail price has hIlS been from one to t two 0 cents a 0 pound less than last ear ear This i 3 ear car s a crop of beet sugar In Inthe inthe the central and western estern states state and of cane sugar In Cuba Porto PortoRico PortoRico PortoRico Rico and anti Hawaii all o of which en enjoy en- en enjoy enjoy joy a tariff preference In the Unit Unit- United United United ed States markets are than last Int year s and the increased sup sup- supply supply sup supply ply ha has brought down the tho price paid by consumers n- n |