Show KANSAS CITY MAY START CAMPAIGN Local 15 So S KAsS S drY CirY Mo 10 July 15 Local ch elite chic Ic and political al leader Monda started a boom to male make Kansas the scene of the open open- opening Ing presidential lf ot the tIle Democratic pr campaign Xum Numerous rous telegrams nere tere dIe dla- pt hed to John lohn W DaMs ls a the Democratic presidential nominee and his running mate Go Charles W tV V Dr Brian an of Nebraska a urging them to hold the ceremonies cere- cere ceremonies monies monlee Incident to their formal notIfication allon of ot In con con con- hall hail here i Suggestion that the notification atlon ceremonies take tale pla place e In Kansas Ka I City was a made several days ago go goby by bv a Louisville newspaper no Th The I idea nas as eagerly seized upon here p I arid and telegraph wires to New ew York YorkI and Lincoln eb eb were kept hot I ith imitations |