Show m UGE PROFIT JN IN CORN SALES SALESI I I Chicago Exchange ge Scene of Heavy Grain I II I Killings CHICAGO July 15 One One of 0 the th biggest killings killIng on the hll ird Clil o board rd of trade In peco sears ears IlS Gs I by banke bankers to hl had haia ten made today by Arthur W V Cutt n Chicago grain and end baud of trade trado operators operator who ho Bold bushels bushel of July corn to a 1 glucose coe concern at t a a 1 1 around 1110 1 1 10 His Hia HI profit since nince coin cot COI n toola took tooka a 1 jump ot of o 40 0 cent cents from recent Ilow low figures figure were estimated e by brokers broker at between god and 1 In addition to hi his heavy helVY deals del In cash cah corn Mr Hr Cutton Cutten who terms torms himself a a cash ca h grain nt merch and dirt farmer and end whose hae fn faim m near Chicago Is one of o the show showplaces places of ot Du Page county Is 15 also al credited with ha having made a 0 large i Rum eum on the recent wheat of af from 20 to 25 2 cents a ft bushel In I Chicago and Winnipeg markets OBI Ut CH nu cn His Hla heavy hevy profits broKers said tere ero due duo to hi his faith in tn his lila pro pre prediction diction made some time timo ago that corn would take a a lump tump Ho Ito fol followed fol- fol folIo Io lowed loused cd this judgment nt y In hi his trading tile his ht M aa a do- do de despite spite the fact tact that he ho was sq 01 com corn compelled compelled to take large Jargo argo 10 during May when hen ha ho was r reported ported to have been compelled to pay tor for 4 bushels of cash corn bought on contracts for tor or May delivery ery A month ago he predicted corn cern would reach rench a 11 dollar doUar a bushel buhel before the thc end nd of ot July and net et which has hold held the crop ba back mada mado hi his forecast come cone true even eten sooner I I felt relt nil all along that corn as worth more monehe monc mone he said Bald In discussing today spa deal rat and and that the Chicago stock which only a lit lit- littie lit little tie tle while hUe ego ago was 11 tho tto largest larget In lIe country would all be he wanted anted I have sold eold my grain into Inlo con consumptive consumptive lump lump- tive channels as S prices mO moved mosed ed up front 84 H cents the tha demand bo- bo becoming be becoming coming more morn active as 18 the tIe price ad As A I I too took In and have sold old that out too on a 11 steadily rIs- rIs rIsIng ris rising ing log market Lost LONG It It required patience for me to hold onto my corn but the pres ent market justified the COli ness ness fleas of my position I began bc an cumulating de-cumulating t tc dc- dc c- c cumulating corn fOI for delivery this month because I belle belle od ed It would he be hard to get Farmers have not sold their 0 owing In to the tho back back- backward ward spring receipts hat hae been small all 0 over mer er the country and con eon consumers sumers ha have haue e had to COI cone w to tn Chi Chi Chi- C go to get th their lr supplies UP pile I nave sold ROld about all my h co-h corn but the tho situation is II still stilt tight Re- Re ReI Receipt Re Receipts I from the are arc not likely cly to Ir crease greatly Uy to Cot foi some ome sometime time Mr Cutten Cutton ha taken the farmers ot of j the market naret r rod nd l conten-l corn was forth orth more money ev e n hen ft hen tho market Ws wo a t him bitt n Ho Ito nice o al o pI I a higher pl-e pl pi pile to for tor at and still holds that position has been one of ot thit th 1 hold ers rs of or In the tho mal mat inai- Let Iet o TO GOon GOOD James A A- A Patton Patten was I alto also p epol t t-ed t ed cd today to have made a 1 s erabia amount of ot gh the disposal recently of ot 2 00 bushels bushel of ot oat purchased In May foy when no one wanted oats t and wren uen t en enother other oIlier dealers were predicting a big Jose 1001 lo Ca Cah Cach h corn her here heN soil Boll for tor 1 l 13 today within a 11 cent coot of ot last year high point while thilo July CO COnS coin COlU was nS tOS quoted at fl 1 10 July Julyn heat n heat also alo reached readied the he highest mark of or the seaon seMon with I 1 23 In Chicago ga on end nd I 51 1 32 33 In U 1 a jump of six 01 oi 8 S a 2 cents over Chicago prices price 21 00 00 |