Show oo- oo P OVES NO Of OE Ur AGES That romance Is no of persons or ages Is demonstrated d by Cytherea Goddess i or of o Love II a FIrst National picture which Is Isnow isnow Isnow now being boine shown at tho the Alhambra theatre today toda and tomorrow Based Bas Bas- Bas Based ed cd on Joseph s a fa- fa famous famous fa famous novel it w was produced and nd personally directed by George ori G orge mauric maurIce for tor Samuel Goldwyn The rhe victim ot of o romance in this case was as Lee Lc Randon t played by byLe Le Lents Is S Stone a married busi busi- business busi- busi business business ness mut m- whom hom none of ot his friends suspected as the th possessor of a spirit that stirred to the call all of spring and love lo lo loHI His HI wife Fanny ranny Irene Ireno Rich VIM more mor re- re responsive re to the call coIl of housekeep housekeep- housekeeping ine Ing The Th result was wa that when Lee met the Ideal of his hi dreams he found himself helpless In the grasp of romance With the th other v woman oman Sa- Sa SaIno lna Ino Grove Grov Alma Rubens Lee tied fled from the babbling tongues and they found seclusion In color color- colorful colorful ful tul Cuba Th Tit denouement of ot this th situation le Is one of the th most powerful that has oter e been ben seen on the tho screen The climax Is unexpected and ond gripping In its Intensity and ond the manner In which the th love tangle is solved sounds A ringing moral In addition to Mr Stone Miss bliss Rich and Miss Ruber the th cut cast Includes Norman Stormy Kny Constance Bennett Betty Bouton Douton Charles Chorles Wellesley and Lydia Yeamans Titus J Albert Erickson and ond his hi 13 piece symphony orchestra ore are ar a 0 decidedly strong added addel attraction at the th Alhambra Theatre Ad Adver Adver Ader Advertisement er- er |