Show MECHANICS USE ANCIENT TOOLS WENDOVER England J July 1212 13 12 12 UPI 12 W Tucked away ay In the th woods near ner tho country I e nee ot of the th at It Court aio ao men mn m B nod mod modern mod orn ern em c tt with ith tools oIn to thoo those ul hundreds of ot ie ea eai ago oThe o The workshops built in wigwam at Ie beneath trees contain a o kind of ot lathe latho made or of branches of ot trees I re and nd bit bits bitt of I Irp the tho e mothe power po belne bein u by a 0 long lone and nd hanch fixed to a tree trl stump outside the th wor- wor work vork- vork shop hop Each n l ich lathe turns out as a many an Os n a gro groce s of ot choir cho legs choir Ir dall ot of Uie craftsmen art eldell and the th oldest not only takes his bis meals at hi his lathe but bullIs I II I is Mid iid to 10 It at night |